Title: DAgents: A MobileAgent
1DAgents A Mobile-Agent System
(URL http//agent.cs.dartmouth.edu/, Contact
Why mobile agents? Examine Phone-call monitoring
What is a mobile agent?
- Most general form of mobile code
- Process that migrates under its own control from
machine to machine
New phone calls
First name
Identity Database
Last name
Phone Call Database
3. Agent jumps to phone machine.
Search engine
2. Agent gets names.
Machine A
Machine B
Agent gets name list and starts the phone-call
query without interaction with analysts machine.
4. Agent gets calls with right time/ region and
uses name list to score them.
- DAgents
- Dartmouths mobile-agent system
- Multiple agent languages
- Tcl
- Java
- Scheme
- Protection against malicious agents
- Many support services (directory, nagivation,
debugging, etc.)
1. Agent jumps to identity machine with query.
5. Agent sends calls back to analyst.
Agent sends back only those phone calls with a
high score.
How efficient are mobile agents? Download
documents and filter locally (client/server) vs.
send mobile agent and filter on the database
machine (DAgents)
- Lessons Learned
- Multiple languages extremely useful
- Mobile code/agents can outperform client/server
in many applications - but significant system engineering is required.