Title: 1700: Chairs Introduction Roger Harrabin, Environment Analyst BBC
1700 Chairs IntroductionRoger Harrabin,
Environment Analyst BBC 1710 A summary of the
financial outlook the implications Martin
Brough, Director - Oxera 1720 The effect on
investment flows in to Clean Tech and new climate
friendly businessesMark Campanale, Director
London Bridge Capital 1730 Consumer
responses to a slow downChris Coulter VP
Globescan 1740 In-house efforts How
corporations will reactMaggie Brenneke,
Director, Skoll Social Enterprise Program -
SustainAbility 1750 How might policy be
affected at home and abroad?Tom Burke CBE,
Environmental Policy Rio Tinto 1800 Panel QA
2Green and global market instability financial
outlook and implications
- Prepared for Green Business Events
- Martin Brough, Director
March 5th 2008
3Staying green through global market turmoil?
- economics is lagging behind the science and the
politics of climate change - three things economics can do to keep green
policies on corporate agenda - Fix the disconnect between carbon prices and the
effort needed - UK FTSE 100 dropped 77 billion in one day on
January 21st 2008 - buying offsets for 60 of the UKs CO2 emissions
at current carbon prices would only cost around
5 billion pa or 0.5 of GDP - Make the medicine taste better
- painkillers are prescribed for global market
turmoil - why does green medicine taste so bad?
- the economics of marginal prices versus the
politics of redistribution - Give clearer investment signals
- normal supply and demand corrections give clear
price and investment signals - green policies give mixed messages
- Contact
- Martin Brough
- 44 (0) 1865 253 019
- martin.brough_at_oxera.com
1700 Chairs IntroductionRoger Harrabin,
Environment Analyst BBC 1710 A summary of the
financial outlook the implications Martin
Brough, Director - Oxera 1720 The effect on
investment flows in to Clean Tech and new climate
friendly businessesMark Campanale, Director
London Bridge Capital 1730 Consumer
responses to a slow downChris Coulter VP
Globescan 1740 In-house efforts How
corporations will reactMaggie Brenneke,
Director, Skoll Social Enterprise Program -
SustainAbility 1750 How might policy be
affected at home and abroad?Tom Burke CBE,
Environmental Policy Rio Tinto 1800 Panel QA
6Investment flows in to Clean Tech Mark
Campanale, mc_at_lbc.uk.net March 2008
London Bridge Capital is an FSA authorised
corporate finance boutique focused exclusively on
the clean tech and carbon markets
7London Bridge Capital
- LBC is an investment banking boutique
specialising in the provision of advice to small
and medium enterprises whose products are in the
clean technology space, with a particular focus
on the renewable energy industry.
8Global Carbon Emissions
Multiple technologies can contribute to
stabilising concentrations
Current trend
Stabilisation triangle
Global carbon emissions
Source R Socolow, R. Hotinski, J.B. Greenblatt
and S Pacala, Solving the Climate Problem
Technologies Available to Curb CO2 Emissions,
Environment, Volume 46, No.10, December 2004 Gtc
means billion of metric tons of carbon
9New Investment in Clean Energy
Globally 2004-2007
1 of global fixed asset investment
19 of global energy industry infrastructure
250 of commercial aircraft investment
Source New Energy Finance, IMF WEO Database, IEA
WEO 2007, Boeing 2006 Annual Report
Adjusted for reinvestment. Geared re-investment
assumes a 1 year lag between VC/PE/Public Markets
funds raised and re-investment in projects.
10New Investment by Sector, 2004 - 2007
Source New Energy Finance
VC/PE, Public Markets and Asset Finance only.
Excludes re-investment adjustment
11Clean Energy Investment, Region, 04-07
Source New Energy Finance
Adjusted for reinvestment. Geared re-investment
assumes a 1 year lag between VC/PE/Public Markets
funds raised and re-investment in projects.
12Clean Energy by Asset Class 2004 - 2007
Source New Energy Finance
Excludes re-investment adjustment
13NEX vs NASDAQ, SP 500 and AMEX Oil
2003-2008 YTD
30 Dec2005
30 Jun2006
30 Dec2006
30 Jun2007
30 Dec2007
30 Dec2002
30 Jun2003
30 Dec2003
30 Jun2004
30 Dec2004
30 Jun2005
Index Values rebased to 100 on 31 December 2002
Source New Energy Finance Bloomberg
14NEX Growth Scenarios
Shaded region represents corridor of safety with
annual growth ranging between 10 20
Source New Energy Finance Bloomberg
15Mark Campanale
Education York University BA (Hons) Politics
and Economic History Wye Agricultural College,
London University MSc Agricultural Economics
Career 1985 Environmental Consultant EC,
ERM, World Vision, Band Aid/Live
Aid 1989 Jupiter Asset Management Senior
Sustainability Investment Analyst 1994 NPI Asset
Management Ltd Senior Sustainability Investment
1999 Henderson Global Investors SRI Business
Development 2001-2007 Henderson Global
Investors Associate Director of SRI Business
Development 2007 London Bridge
Capital Investment Manager, Listed
Assets Directorships Director, Carbon Assets
Fund Carbon Capital Markets Director, UK
Social Investment Forum Director, The
Rainforest Foundation (UK) Co-Founder,
Contact mc_at_lbc.uk.net 07714 415262
16Data used in this presentation
New Energy Finance New Carbon
Finance www.newenergyfinance.com
www.newcarbonfinance.com tel 44 20 7092
8800 email benjamin.kafri_at_newenergyfinance.com
- News service
- Newsletters
- Deal investor databases
- Research
- Analysis
- Consulting
- Carbon price forecasting
- Advisory support
17London Bridge Capital
- London Bridge Capital Limited ("LBC") is an
investment banking boutique specialising in the
provision of advice to small and medium
enterprises whose products are in the clean
technology space, with a particular focus on the
renewable energy industry.LBC has a strong
management and executive team with many years of
experience gained in all areas of the Worlds
stock markets, across a number of differing
functions.London Bridge Capital Limited is
Authorised and Regulated by the Financial
Services Authority. - Contact Mark Campanale mc_at_lbc.uk.net
1700 Chairs IntroductionRoger Harrabin,
Environment Analyst BBC 1710 A summary of the
financial outlook the implications Martin
Brough, Director - Oxera 1720 The effect on
investment flows in to Clean Tech and new climate
friendly businessesMark Campanale, Director
London Bridge Capital 1730 Consumer
responses to a slow downChris Coulter VP
Globescan 1740 In-house efforts How
corporations will reactMaggie Brenneke,
Director, Skoll Social Enterprise Program -
SustainAbility 1750 How might policy be
affected at home and abroad?Tom Burke CBE,
Environmental Policy Rio Tinto 1800 Panel QA
19 20Agenda
1700 Chairs IntroductionRoger Harrabin,
Environment Analyst BBC 1710 A summary of the
financial outlook the implications Martin
Brough, Director - Oxera 1720 The effect on
investment flows in to Clean Tech and new climate
friendly businessesMark Campanale, Director
London Bridge Capital 1730 Consumer
responses to a slow downChris Coulter VP
Globescan 1740 In-house efforts How
corporations will reactMaggie Brenneke,
Director, Skoll Social Enterprise Program -
SustainAbility 1750 How might policy be
affected at home and abroad?Tom Burke CBE,
Environmental Policy Rio Tinto 1800 Panel QA
21(No Transcript)
22Opinions of the Recent Increase in Corporate
Communications about Sustainability and
Average Rating, 2008
Subsample Respondents who answered the question
On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means Strategic
and temporary and 5 means Authentic change.
23Groups Providing Most Important Sustainable
Development Leadership
Over Next Ten Years, in Your Country, 2008
24Agenda - Panel
Roger Harrabin, Environment Analyst BBC
(Chair)Tom Burke CBE, Environmental Policy Rio
Tinto Nick Coad, Head of Group Environment
Strategy - National Express Mark Campanale,
Director London Bridge CapitalChris Coulter
VP Globescan Martin Brough, Director
Oxera Maggie Brenneke, Director Skoll Social
Enterprise Program - SustainAbility