Title: Management 351
1Management 351 Class 4
- Chapters 7 and 8
- Shifting chapter 9 out one week (cascade)
- Announcements/Other Items
- Test recap
- Instructor mid-term evaluation
- Term papers/Matewan due
- Term papers may be late without explanation
- Late papers drop one (1) point per day
2Chapter 7 Appraising and Managing Performance
- Performance appraisal involves the
identification, measurement, and management of
human performance in organizations. - Identification knowing what behaviors lead to
performance (job and company related). - Measurement anchored tools to provide consistent
assessment of performance. - Management feedback and goal setting.
3- Uses of performance appraisal
- Look backward (recap the year)
- Is this of any value?
- Address performance concerns?
- Measurement of goal attainment
- Set new goals
- Discuss professional development objectives
4Identifying Performance Dimensions
- Speaks to what is measured that is, what do we
do that determines performance? - Typically shown through ratings
- 1, 2, 3, 4
- Poor, Good, Excellent, Exceptional
5Relative and Absolute Judgments
- Relative compares one employees performance to
that of other employees - How is Jack doing relative to Jill?
- Advantage forces comparisons and avoids
clustering of ratings - Disadvantages
- Mask the degree of the difference between
comparitors - Relative information is missing making judgments
of how good is good or how bad is bad
difficult - Forces distinctions where none may actually exist
6Absolute Judgments
- Absolute compares each employees performance to
an anchored scale - Advantages
- Drives consistency across managers and groups
- Avoid conflict among workers (is this an
advantage?) - Easier to defend than relative systems
- Disadvantages
- Everyone can receive the same rating thereby
saving a manager from confronting differences - Non-anchored ratings can vary manager-to-manager
7Trait Appraisal Instruments
- Some traits are consistent and enduring
- Decisivness
- Reliability
- Energy
- Loyalty
- Focuses on the person, not the performance (leads
to defensiveness) - Look for how these traits impact observable
8Behavioral Appraisal Instruments
- Indicates the relative frequency of a particular
type of behavior that is, what type of behavior
is most frequently exhibited - BARS Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (figure
7.7) - These tend to be very concrete/observable
- Higher face validity (better acceptance and
9Behavioral Appraisal Instruments
- Disadvantages
- Can be time consuming to develop
- They are, by definition, incomplete (we can not
define all behaviors at every level) - Organizational/job changes can make them obsolete
very quickly - Viewed as unnatural in many studies (people
prefer dealing with traits)
10Outcome Appraisal Instruments
- Focus on deliverables or outcomes
- Commonly referred to as Management by
objectives or MBO. - Eliminates bias and error (particularly when
outcomes are objectively measurable). - Problems
- Poorly defined outcomes can drive wrong behaviors
- Dead-body syndrome the ends justifies the means
11Summary of Appraisals
- See figure 7.8 on page 231!
- Whats missing???
- Organizational uses!
- This represents the worst of HR
- Includes developmental but places admin first and
risk management last
12Challenges to Performance Management
- Rater errors and bias
- Halo rating similarly across dimensions
- Restriction of range tends to rate everyone
similarly - Leniency, central tendency and severity errors
- Comparability similarity of ratings by different
managers (how is this avoidable?) - Frame of Reference (FOR) training essentially
training that anchors perceptions
13Challenges to Performance Management
- Liking
- Emotional and unconscious (in many cases)
- Is established very quickly
- Liking and positive reviews have a strong
positive correlation - Precautions awareness is your best ally
- Politics
14Balance of Chapter
- Good content read it
- Addressing performance concerns
- Timely
- Behaviorally specific
- Coaching until it is not effective
- Warnings
- Specific objectives
- Specific timeframes
- Specific outcomes if objectives not attained
15Chapter 8 Training the Workforce
- Training providing employees with specific
skills or helping them correct deficiencies in
their performance in the moment or for present
needs. - Development future-focused development of
16Challenges in Training
- Why train? Whats the goal?
- Start by asking if, given the goal, is training
the solution? - Are the goals clear and realistic?
- Is training a good investment?
- Will training work?
- Is training a benefit? Is it an investment?
- Why would we treat these differently?
17The three phases of managing the training process
- Phase 1 Assessment
- Organizational analysis culture, mission,
business climate and objectives and structure - Task analysis looks at the delta between
current and desired tasks or work - Person analysis which employees need training
18- Clarify the objectives
- Actionable? Measurable? Desirable? Realistic?
- Figure 8.3 (page 267)
- Great example of breaking down a fuzzy objective
into actionable skills
19The three phases of managing the training process
- Phase 2 The Training and Conduct Phase (just
do it!) - Location (on or off the job)
- OJT job rotation and apprenticeships
- Presentation
- Slides, videotapes, teletraining, CBT, e-learning
(in some cases combining classroom with web based
tutorials), simulations, VR, classroom and
instructor based.
20- Types
- Skills training focuses on learning new skills
either as part of new hire or with new products - Retraining focuses on keeping skills sharp or
reinforcing them for better/more efficient
application - Cross-functional training training in areas
other than an employees base area (job rotation)
to make folks more adaptable and increase
cross-organizational knowledge/awareness - Team training how to work and play well together
- Creativity training brainstorming and ?
21- Types
- Literacy training particularly with ESL and when
hiring large work forces - In house programs
- Company/local school
- Company/local state government
- Diversity training focus on awareness of,
support for and ability to work in a diverse
environment - Crisis training focused on industries likely to
need it - Customer service training can you guess?
22The three phases of managing the training process
- Phase 3 Evaluation
- Look at Return on Investment (emerging trends?)
page 283 - Begin with the end in mind, right?
- Consider using scientific methodology
- Control group and training group
- Pre-establish and do not communicate objectives
to group being trained - Go beyond the, Did you like this assessment