Title: The Emerging Global Research University:Characteristics and Challenges
1The Emerging Global Research UniversityCharacteri
stics and Challenges
- Wanhua Ma Dr.
- Graduate School of Education
- Peking University
- Hma_at_pku.edu.cn
2Background of the Research
- The Fulbright project
- Higher Education in the 21st Century Global
Challenge and National Response - The World Collaborates30 scholars from around
the world - 1/3 from the United States and 2/3 were
selected among 140 country, those were selected
are from multi-disciplinary background (for
detailed informationwww.cies.edu)
3Specific Themes
- Issues to be address for the whole project
- Issues of access, equity and academic quality
- Higher education and the development of civil
society - The future of the academic profession
- The role of research university
- The technological revolution
- The impact of WTO or GATTS on higher education
4Context for the research
- Higher education worldwide, whether in developing
countries or developed ones, has been under great
transition with two processes
internationalization and globalization
- Internationalization for higher education has
been defined in many ways. One of the most
commonly used views is that Internationalization
is a proactive effort on the part of universities
to embrace their universal nature by opening
their curriculum, research, classrooms, and
networks to the world. (Egron-Polak, E.2005,
p59), mostly focus on academy exchange.
6Globalization a different process
- But globalization is a different process
- Political, economical and educational.
- Political aspect interdependence,
solidarity, and development. - Economical aspect the rules of the game
in trade or commercial exchanges are influenced
or affected by WTO and GATS. - Appearance of regional economical
organizations, such as APEC, EU and etc.
7What is under GATS for Education?
- In the process of globalization higher
education is viewed as a service sector of an
economy (Egron-Polak, E. 2005, p60) - The question is Could higher education be
treated as commodity ? - Currently, only 21 of the 144 WTO members have
made commitments to higher education and 44 to
education(Jane Knight, 2003, p91)
8What is for Higher Education?
- Changing the provision
- The emergence of new for-profit education
providers - the growth of alternate electronic
delivery modes - the response to the labor market
- the increase of international academic
mobility of students, professors and programs - Limited budget capacity of the government
( Jane Knight, 2003)
9New modes of educational provision under (Gats)
- Some of higher education providers act globally
like multi-national forms - Transnational
- Cross-border
- Borderless education
10The emerging model of global research universities
- In the process of internationalization and
globalization,a new kind of global research
university has merged. - Current literature frequently used terms like
global university, world-class university and
global institutions
11Economist s oberservation
- In the Economist on Sept 10, 2005, an article
entitled the Brains Business A Survey of Higher
Education captured the term global research
universities. - It saysa most significant development in higher
education is the emergence of a super-league of
global universities of which is so
revolutionary in the sense that these
institutions regard the whole world as their
stage, but also evolutionary in that they are
still wedded to the ideal of a community of
scholars who combine teaching with research.
12Current classification and Rankings
- Carnegies classification limitations
- Traditional ranking of university US news and
world report since 1984 - Popularity of current ranking ltTimes Highgt and
Shang-hai JiaoTong University - Questions need to be addressed quantity
vs.quality, science oriented vs. humanity and
social sciences and etc.
13Characteristics of global research university
- Changes in knowledge production and in knowledge
production process- emphasize on research for
excellence, team work and international
co-operations, and more on applied side, other
than philosophical thinking. - Change of academic profession with university
becoming more comprehensive, multiple disciplines
and research focused and becoming more
entrepreneurial and competitive.
14Partnership and Networking of research
- Like-minded research universities are becoming
more globally connected, such as APRU. The
networking of global research universities and
marketing of education services on an
international scale. - Partnership relation between university, industry
and the government has been strengthened in the
process of globalization once universities are
used as a center element for nations economic and
developmental capacity building.(Weber, L, (2004)
.Changing strategies for resources and for
management Financing the research university A
European Perspective, in Reinventing the research
university, p186) -
15Institutional organization change
- The global research universities have become more
comprehensive, multiple disciplines, with a focus
on the development of professional schools and
research centers ( Eg.in biomedical science).
Inside the university, new organizations and
research centers might have nothing to do with
teaching and learning but research liaison
between government and industries)
16The Financing of Global Research Universities
- No matter it is public or private global
research universities, all of them use multiple
resources for financing federal/national grant,
industry and multi-national enterprise research
fund, private donations, income by providing
direct services domestically or globally.
research fund,
17Change approaches in university management
- Recruiting university administrators, faculties
and students worldwide. - Resetting relationships between university
administration and professional schools and
colleges more internal autonomy to schools and
colleges - Adopting new approach for university management,
such asresponsibility-centered management
(Geiger,2004, p67)
18Becoming more socially involved
- Most of the global research university become
more socially involved than before, they work as
links or bridges between the local and the global
communities in multi-cultural understanding and
between transnational enterprises and local
industries in regional economy development. -
19Challenges for GRU
- There are many challenges, but to name only a
few. The dominance of the global markets and the
shrinking of appropriations from public sources
for higher education create a hot competition
between GRU for resources worldwide. - The tendency of commercialization of the
academy would put universities and faculties to
set aside the fundamental values such as
openness, academic freedom and their
responsibility of being critical aside. (Zemsky,
Duderstadt (2004) in Reinventing the research
university) - It was also noticed there is a great tendency for
public GRU to lose their public purpose, and some
even use public good for private benefit.
(Zemsky, Duderstadt) - There is also equity issues , using public fund
to benefit only a few.
20Thank you