Title: District Assembly Opening Plenary Session
1District AssemblyOpening Plenary Session
2RI Theme
- Insert RI theme for the upcoming year.
3District Goals
- List district goals for the upcoming year.
4(No Transcript)
5Club Leadership Plan
- Recommended administrative structure for Rotary
clubs - Collection of best practices of successful Rotary
6Object of Rotary
- The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster
the ideal of service as a basis of worthy
enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and
foster - FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an
opportunity for service - SECOND. High ethical standards in business and
professions, the recognition of the worthiness of
all useful occupations, and the dignifying of
each Rotarians occupation as an opportunity to
serve society - THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in
each Rotarians personal, business, and community
life - FOURTH. The advancement of international
understanding, goodwill, and peace through a
world fellowship of business and professional
persons united in the ideal of service.
7Session 1Public Speaking
8Learning Objectives
- Understand basic public speaking skills.
- Identify ways to improve public speaking skills
through practice.
9Public Speaking Tips
- Use stories to illustrate key points.
- Stay within your allotted time.
- Use your notes only as a reference
- Establish eye contact and maintain good posture.
- Speak slowly and clearly, and vary the tone of
your voice. - Be relaxed and confident.
10Session 2Leadership
11Learning Objectives
- Identify key roles of leaders.
- Apply leadership skills to being club president.
12Session 3Case Study Exercise
13Learning Objective
- Identify challenges and solve problems that your
club may face.
14Session 1Role and Responsibilities
15Learning Objectives
- Identify the role of the club secretary.
- Identify ways to work with your club as secretary.
16Club Secretary Responsibilities
- Maintain membership records.
- Record attendance and send monthly attendance
report to the district governor. - Send out notices of meetings.
- Record and maintain minutes.
- Make required reports to RI.
- Collect membership dues and submit subscriptions.
17Member Access
- Update and review membership data.
- Pay club dues.
- Update club data.
- Report new club officer information.
- View the clubs Rotary Foundation contribution
18RI Club Administration Software
- Manage contacts.
- Manage club information.
- Assign club officers and board members.
- Track club events.
- Send e-mails to contacts in the database.
- Semiannual report
- Monthly attendance reports
- Membership Data Form
- Visiting Rotarian attendance reports
- Rotarian Relocation Form
- Changes to club data
- Official Directory Data Form
Can be reported through Member Access.
- Club constitution and bylaws
- Manual of Procedure
- RI Catalog
- The Rotarian or Rotary regional magazines
- Club Secretarys Manual
21Session 3Case Study Exercise
22Learning Objective
- Identify challenges and solve problems that your
club may face.
23Session 1Role and Responsibilities
24Learning Objectives
- Identify the role of the club treasurer.
- Identify ways to work with your club as treasurer.
- Maintain all club funds.
- Keep accurate records of all club expenditures
and income. - Carefully manage all club finances.
26Session 3Case Study Exercise
27Learning Objective
- Identify challenges and solve problems that your
club may face.
28Session 1Role and Responsibilities
- Club Administration Committee
29Learning Objectives
- Identify the role of the club administration
committee. - Select appropriate committee members.
- Conduct activities associated with the effective
operation of the club.
- Organize weekly and special programs.
- Track club attendance.
- Promote fellowship among club members.
- Produce the club bulletin.
- Conduct any other activities associated with the
effective operation of the club.
32Promoting Attendance
- Make weekly programs relevant and interesting.
- Make club meetings enjoyable.
- Stress the importance of regular attendance.
- Ensure all members are actively involved.
- Encourage members to make up missed meetings.
33Club Bulletin
- Provides news of the club, its members, and
Rotary - Announces upcoming programs
- Reports highlights of club board and committee
meetings - Promotes club activities and shares information
about members
34Committee Members
- Attention to detail
- Knowledge of Rotary policies
- Organizational skills
- Communication and writing skills
- Design or publishing experience
- Computer skills
35Session 2Developing Goals
- Club Administration Committee
36Learning Objectives
- Develop long-range and annual goals.
- Identify resources that will support these goals.
37Effective Goals
- Shared
- Measurable
- Challenging
- Achievable
- Time specific
38Long-Range and Annual Goals
- Set both for your committee.
- Long-range goals should represent what you want
in three to five years. - Annual goals will be the steps to achieving your
long-range goals. - As your Rotary club evolves, so should your goals.
39Session 3Case Study Exercise
- Club Administration Committee
40Learning Objective
- Identify challenges and solve problems that your
committee may face.
41Session 1Role and Responsibilities
42Learning Objectives
- Identify the role of the membership committee.
- Select appropriate committee members.
- Develop a comprehensive plan for identification,
recruitment, and retention of members.
- Achieve club membership goals for the coming
year. - Educate and train club members about the
importance of recruitment and retention of
qualified, diverse members. - Conduct classification surveys.
- Conduct club assessments to ensure membership
development efforts are effective.
- Help members identify potential Rotarians.
- Ensure the clubs membership reflects the
diversity of the communitys professional and
business population. - Propose new members to the club.
- Understand the classification system.
- A members classification is his or her business
or profession. - The number of members holding a particular
classification is limited according to the size
of the club. - It ensures that each clubs membership reflects
its business and professional community.
47Electing New Members
- An active member submits the name of the proposed
member to the board through the club secretary. - The board reviews the proposed member and
notifies the secretary of its decision. - The club is notified of the new members name and
classification. - The new member pays the admission fee and becomes
a Rotarian.
48Retention Strategies
- Use surveys to identify whats important to
members, and act on their suggestions. - Ask resigning members to complete a questionnaire
to identify challenges. - Review club projects to ensure that all are still
relevant to club members. - Conduct continuing education sessions.
- Hold regular club assemblies to discuss club
49Committee Members
- Professional experience in recruiting, hiring, or
sales - Strong connections to a cross-section of the
community - Thorough knowledge of Rotary
- Outgoing and sociable personality
50Session 2Developing Goals
51Learning Objectives
- Develop long-range and annual goals.
- Identify resources that will support these goals.
52Effective Goals
- Shared
- Measurable
- Challenging
- Achievable
- Time specific
53Long-Range and Annual Goals
- Set both for your committee.
- Long-range goals should represent what you want
in three to five years. - Annual goals will be the steps to achieving your
long-range goals. - As your Rotary club evolves, so should your goals.
54Session 3Case Study Exercise
55Learning Objective
- Identify challenges and solve problems that your
committee may face.
56Session 1Role and Responsibilities
- Public Relations Committee
57Learning Objectives
- Identify the role of the public relations
committee. - Select appropriate committee members.
- Develop plans to inform the public about Rotary
and promote the clubs service projects and
- Achieve club public relations goals for the
coming year. - Create awareness of club activities for club
members, media, and the general public. - Enhance projects and activities to make them more
appealing to the media. - Help create a public image conducive to
membership development. - Know the resources available from RI.
60Promoting Positive Public Relations
- Stay up-to-date on RI public relations resources
and initiatives for clubs on www.rotary.org. - Create contact lists of media in your community.
- Keep the clubs Web site up-to-date and
interesting to the general public. - Encourage members to wear their lapel pin.
- Encourage members to talk about the clubs
projects and activities.
61Working with the Media
- Know the facts of the story you wish to promote.
- Designate your spokespeople.
- Prepare fact sheets.
- Write a news release.
62Committee Members
- Prominent community members
- Professional media experience or relationships
- Thorough knowledge of Rotary International and
your club - Strong speaking, writing, or photography skills
- Web site development experience
63Session 2Developing Goals
- Public Relations Committee
64Learning Objectives
- Develop long-range and annual goals.
- Identify resources that will support these goals.
65Effective Goals
- Shared
- Measurable
- Challenging
- Achievable
- Time specific
66Long-Range and Annual Goals
- Set both for your committee.
- Long-range goals should represent what you want
in three to five years. - Annual goals will be the steps to achieving your
long-range goals. - As your Rotary club evolves, so should your goals.
67Session 3Case Study Exercise
- Public Relations Committee
68Learning Objective
- Identify challenges and solve problems that your
committee may face.
69Session 1Role and Responsibilities
- Service Projects Committee
70Learning Objectives
- Identify the role of the service projects
committee. - Select appropriate committee members.
- Develop and implement service projects that help
your community and communities in other
- Achieve club service project goals for the coming
year. - Conduct a needs assessment.
- Plan service projects that meet a need and use
resources. - Promote service projects.
- Implement service projects.
- Evaluate service projects.
73Service Project Guidelines
- Plan a project in each Avenue of Service.
- Address a genuine need.
- Keep service projects relevant.
- Involve all club members.
- Cooperate and share ideas with other clubs.
- Use RI resources.
- Practice good financial stewardship.
74RI and Rotary Foundation Programs
- Interact
- Rotaract
- Rotary Community Corps (RCC)
- Rotary Friendship Exchange
- Rotary Volunteers
- Rotary Youth Exchange
- Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)
- World Community Service (WCS)
- Global Networking Groups
- Humanitarian Grants Program
- Educational Programs
- PolioPlus and PolioPlus Partners
- Did the project meet the communitys needs as
planned? - Were all club members involved?
- Was there a balance between financial and
hands-on assistance? - Was the project promoted?
- Was your club able to meet the financial demands
of the project?
76Committee Members
- Knowledge of the local community
- Profession related to service
- International study or travel experience
- Community volunteer experience
77Session 2Developing Goals
- Service Projects Committee
78Learning Objectives
- Develop long-range and annual goals.
- Identify resources that will support these goals.
79Effective Goals
- Shared
- Measurable
- Challenging
- Achievable
- Time specific
80Long-Range and Annual Goals
- Set both for your committee.
- Long-range goals should represent what you want
in three to five years. - Annual goals will be the steps to achieving your
long-range goals. - As your Rotary club evolves, so should your goals.
81Session 3Case Study Exercise
- Service Projects Committee
82Learning Objective
- Identify challenges and solve problems that your
committee may face.
83Session 1Role and Responsibilities
- Rotary Foundation Committee
84Learning Objectives
- Identify the role of the clubs Rotary Foundation
committee. - Select appropriate committee members.
- Develop and implement plans to support The
Rotary Foundation through programs and financial
- Achieve club Foundation goals for the coming
year. - Educate and train club members about the
Foundation. - Encourage club members to participate in
Foundation programs and support the Foundation
financially. - Communicate the Foundation goals of the district
and the Trustees to club members.
87Foundation Programs
- Humanitarian Grants Program
- District Simplified Grants
- Volunteer Service Grants
- Matching Grants
- Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grants
- PolioPlus and PolioPlus Partners
- Educational Programs
- Ambassadorial Scholarships
- Rotary Centers for International Studies in peace
and conflict resolution - Rotary Grants for University Teachers
- Group Study Exchange (GSE)
- Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies
- Ensure oversight of the project.
- Conduct all financial transactions in a
business-like manner. - Report any improper use of funds immediately.
- Implement projects as they were approved.
- Submit complete reports on the projects program
and financial activities.
89Every Rotarian, Every Year
- Encourage every Rotarian to contribute to the
Foundations Annual Programs Fund every year. - Express appreciation to Rotarians who contribute
to The Rotary Foundation. - Ask contributors to share their reasons for
90Committee Members
- International experience
- Volunteer experience
- Professions related to service or fundraising
91Session 2Developing Goals
- Rotary Foundation Committee
92Learning Objectives
- Develop long-range and annual goals.
- Identify resources that will support these goals.
93Effective Goals
- Shared
- Measurable
- Challenging
- Achievable
- Time specific
94Long-Range and Annual Goals
- Set both for your committee.
- Long-range goals should represent what you want
in three to five years. - Annual goals will be the steps to achieving your
long-range goals. - As your Rotary club evolves, so should your goals.
95Session 3Case Study Exercise
- Rotary Foundation Committee
96Learning Objective
- Identify challenges and solve problems that your
committee may face.
97Session 4Team-building Exercise
98Learning Objectives
- Refine club goals for the upcoming year.
- Identify challenges your club may face when
working toward goals. - Identify strategies to address those challenges.
99District AssemblyClosing Plenary Session
100RI Theme
- Insert RI theme for the upcoming year.