Title: 3rd Year BNurs Library Quiz
13rd Year BNurs Library Quiz
2Part 1
- Finding your way around the Main (Oxford Road)
3 Where can the collection of Nursing books be
- Green 1
- Blue 1
- Blue 2
- Purple Ground
4Where can the collection of Nursing journals be
- Green 1
- - Clinical Sciences
- Purple Ground
- Green Ground
- Green 1
- Blue 2
5Nursing Theses are housed
- In Main Library
- In Joule Library
- In Store
6 Which area houses the Computer clusters?
7 What floor can I get photocopy credit from?
- Blue Ground
- Blue 1
- Blue 2
- Any
8Part 2
- Using the library catalogue
- www.manchester.ac.uk/library
9 When common book titles (e.g Dementia) are
searched for, the most recently published ones
will be automatically listed first
10 More specific Medical Topics can be searched for
using the keyword box
- False
- - very time consuming to search for very
specific topics
True False
11To reserve books you need
- Your ID number
- Your PIN
- Both
12 The Library Catalogue has direct links to
reading lists
- True
- if we have been given them!
13Journal articles are found by searching for
- Journal Title
- - N.B - make sure you check the year/vol no. you
- Author name and year of article
- Journal article title
- Journal Title
14 The library catalogue will search for journals
- Hard Copy Format
- Electronic Format
- Both
15Part 3 Using the electronic databases
- Which of the following statements are true or
16 An Athens Username and Password is only required
off campus
17 Databases not covered by Athens are only
accessible in the library
18 It is only necessary to search one database to
find journal articles
19 Databases include everything that has been
written on a subject
20 It is possible to search for articles without
the complete bibliographical reference details
- True
- - Provided you have some details e.g. Author,
year, subject matter etc
21 It is possible to search ASSIA , Medline and Web
of Science all at the same time
- True
- - From September 2007, a new federated search
engine called SearchIt will search a limited
number of databases all at the same time.
However, only very basic searching is possible
22 Cinahl and Medline cover the same time span
- False
- Cinahl 1982
- Medline - 1950
23 Medline and The Cochrane Library are both
British databases
- False
- - Medline American Cochrane - British
24 It is possible to save database searches
True False
25 It is possible to save journal references in one
central place
- True
- using reference software packages such as
26 It is possible to send database searches to your
email address
27 Some databases have the full text articles
28 Full text links found in some databases give
access to all JRUL full text journal articles
- False
- you need to click on the FindIt_at_JRUL links
29 Some Databases can tell you if the journal is
held in the library
- True
- - you need to click on FindIt_at_JRUL
30 All articles found on databases are 100 reliable
31You can do cited reference searches on any
True False
- False
- only available on Web of Science and Ovid
32 If an article is cited by a lot of other
articles, it must be good
33Part 4 Using the electronic journals
- Which of the following statements are true or
34 Journal articles are usually more current than
35 Ejournals are higher quality than journals just
held in hard copy
36 Ejournals contain the full text of all the
articles listed on the contents pages
- False
- sometimes theres just an abstract
37 Ejournals are only accessible in the library
38 Non-Athens usernames and passwords are only
available from the Main Library helpdesks
39 If a journal is not taken electronically, then
the library must not have it and we have to order
the journal article from the Document Supply Unit.
40The End!