Title: SSOAR Advanced Space Suit Design Project
1(No Transcript)
2SSOAR Advanced Space Suit Design Project
- A Collaborative Endeavor to Design an Advanced
Extravehicular Mobility Unit
- Research
- Goals
- Collaboration
- Space Suit Objectives
- Current University Projects
- University of California, Berkeley
- Stanford University
- Art Center College of Design
- Future
What We Do
- Joint University projects dedicated to the
advancement of space technology and exploration - Outreach to grade schools and local high
schools. - Multimedia endeavors to reach a more diverse
population. - Provide leadership opportunities for high school
and undergraduate students.
5Mission Statement
- SSOAR seeks to provide opportunities for
involvement in space science to high school
students, undergraduates, and the general public.
6Research Goals
- Space Suit Development with future expansion to
other space science projects - Network of Universities, Industry, and Space
Science Organizations - Increase involvement of minorities and women in
space science research - Facilitate undergraduate involvement in business
development (SSOAR)
7Why Undergraduate Research?
- By giving undergraduates the opportunity to
coordinate and develop real research projects,
students develop the leadership and collaborative
skills to shape the future of space science
research and education.
8Organizational Structure
9(No Transcript)
10- Pressurization of the lower body
- Mechanical Counter Pressure (MCP)
- Air Pressure
Interface Design Suit Ergonomics (Interface
between the astronaut, the ECLSS, tool storage
Reconfiguring the ECLSS (Environmental Control
and Life Support System i.e. the suit backpack)
- Material Testing
- Polymer Membrane
- Closed cell foam
Waste Management System
Compartmentalization of the suit (when using air
pressure for pressuring the suit)
Thermal Regulation (inner lining compatible)
Neck-Dam System (Torso Head Interface)
Project Website
Joint Mobility Studies
Radiation Studies
Heads-up / Visor Display
Advanced Space Suit
11Advanced EMU Objectives
- Improve Safety
- Maximize Resource Efficiency
- Improve Mobility and Dexterity
- Reduce Complexity
- Reduce Weight
- Reduce Cost
12Current Projects
- Current University Members
- UC Berkeley
- Stanford University
- Art Center College of Design
13Current Projects
- Potential University Collaborators
- University of Texas at Austin
14Current Projects
- Industry Collaborators
- Moonfront
- Global Effects
- Polymer Technologies
- Honeywell, Inc.
- Improve Current Design Projects
- Improve Format of Collaboration
- Expand Collaboration with University and
Industry Partners - Add New Research Projects
- Full Suit Prototype Construction
Contact Information
Camron Gorguinpour SSOAR Director camronghia_at_hotma
Raven LeClair SSOAR Director ravenl_at_uclink4.berkel