Title: Overview of the Complex Materials Systems Cluster
1Overview of the Complex Materials Systems Cluster
- Whos in this cluster? Lance Cooper, Paul
Goldbart, Duane Johnson, Richard Martin, David
Payne, Myron Salamon, Ralph Simmons, Charlie
Slichter, Dale Van Harlingen, Jim Wolfe, Ali
Yazdani - Whats in this talk
- Broad picture of the clusters research
- A (small!) handful of highlights
- See also Johnson, Yazdani Van Harlingen
talksclusters posters, too -
2Complex Materials Systems ClusterBroad picture
of clusters research
- Basic states of matter rather well developed by
now - metallic, insulating, magnetic,
superconducting,... - Due to specific dominant interactions
- Major current frontier
- complex states as subtle resolutions of competing
interactions (magnetic, electric,
superconducting,) - Emergent states with exotic properties
- colossal-X, charge orbital order, HTSC,
pseudo-gap, piezoelectrics, ferroelectrics,
mesoscale order, strong coupled responses - Strongly interacting particles, often of
several brands - creative approaches mandatory
- Broad nanoscience implications (explicitly
3Magnetic perovskites structure states
La1-xCaxMnO3 crystal structure
4Complex Materials Systems ClusterBroad picture
of clusters research
- How do we attack this broad area?
- Range of complementary experimentsCooper, Payne,
Salamon, Simmons,Slichter,Van Harlingen, Wolfe,
Yazdani - Theory, computation modelingGoldbart, Johnson,
Martin - Collaborations interactionsintra-
inter-cluster beyond, including other DOE labs
elsewhere - Extensive use of MRL central facilities
5Complex Materials Cluster a few highlights
- Probing emergent regimes responses in complex
oxides - ordering at mesoscales
- quantum phase transitions
- magnetic influences on charge-carrier motion
- ferro- piezo-electrics electro-thermal imaging
- scanning probe spectroscopies
- Cooper, Goldbart, Martin, Payne,
Salamon,Slichter, Van Harlingen, Yazdani - Predicting manipulating structure in complex
materials nanostructures - Johnson, Martin, Yazdani
- Novel dynamics of model systems
- Simmons, Wolfe
6Underdoped YBCO Nanowires Evidence for Charge
Stripe Domains Van Harlingen group, interacting
with Goldbart, Yazdani others
- Motivation
- Microscopic origin of HTSC parent normal state
remain elusive - Prominent idea normal state has mesoscale
charge-order - fleeting organization of charge into stripes
- stripe orientations fluctuate in time
- Experimental approach
- Charge order gives resistance anisotropy (locally
in space time) - Impact enhanced in nanoscale samples (fewer
domains) - Nanofab of YBCO wires (FIB etching, photo-doping)
- Seeing telegraph noise in resistance
(stripe-domain switching?) - Now measuring anticorrelations in fluctuations of
perp. resistances - would provide evidence of fluctuating stripes
- More details on poster
width 200nm 5 stripe correl. lengths
7Exploring the Properties of Complex Materials
Under Extreme Conditions Cooper Chiang groups,
interacting with Salamon, Slichter, Yazdani
- Pressure- and field-tuned optical spectroscopy
Powerful method for controlling studying
exotic phases of complex materials at extreme
temperatures, pressures magnetic fields - Provides extensive insight into
- Relationship between exotic quantum phases
(e.g., superconducting, charge-ordered,
magnetic) - Origin of colossal behavior (CMR pressure-
field-induced transitions) often observed near
complex phase boundaries
Quantum melting of a charge density wave
state Cooper Chiang groups, Phys. Rev. Lett.
(in press, 2003)
Pressure-tuned collapse of the NĂ©el state Cooper
group, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 226401 (2003)
8Charge Transport as a Probe of Complex Magnetic
Oxides Salamon group, interacting with Cooper,
Goldbart, Slichter, Yazdani others
- Topological effects in magnetic materials
- hedgehog excitations in CrO2 PRL 89, 187201
(2002) - Anomalous Hall effect critical behavior of
double perovskite Sr2FeMoO6 - find scaling with magnetization (with Goldbart
group) PRB 64, 214407 (2001)
Experimental and theoretical (line) Hall effect
in CrO2
Hall conductivity of SFMOvs reduced
9Complex Materials Predictions from Electronic
Structure Calculations Martin group, interacting
with Johnson, Robinson Yazdani (experiments by
Robinson group)
- Goal Development application of efficient
methods for computation of electronic structure - Example 1
- Atomic-scale Au wires on Si (557) surface
- Predicted structure in very goodagreement with
X-ray experi-ments (Robinson group) - Explains anomalousfeatures of metallic
bandsobserved via photoemission (Himpsel group,
U. Wisconsin) - Example 2
- Optical response of nanostructures smaller than
opticalwavelengths (Na clusters, C-60,
hydrogenated Si Geclusters) - Comparison with experiments by Nayfeh group
(UIUC)on hydrogenated Si clusters
10Complex Materials Theory and Computation Johnson
group (experiments by Nuzzo group)
- Goals
- Understand phenomena and predict properties in
complex materials - Interpret characterization data (from MRL, ANL,
BNL,) - Develop DFT methods for electronic, structural
and thermodynamic properties - Advance new multi-timescale dynamics modeling
approaches - see Fridays talk Theory and Simulation
- Example 1
- Reliable thermodynamics and partial order in
multi-component alloys - E.g., optimally truncated cluster expansions to
predict phases, structures and characterization
data ordering in Ni3V and hcp precipitation in
fcc Al-Ag - Example 2
- Self-assembly nanostructures on supports
- E.g., bi-metallic Pt-Ru catalytic nano-assemblies
on carbon supports
11Nano-Assemblies on Supports Johnson group
(experiments by Nuzzo group)
- General issues
- Functional devices often require supports
- But properties can be dictated by these, possibly
(semi-) periodic, interfaces - catalytic properties not like bulk (e.g., Au
catalytic only for lt 100 atoms) - such cases need interface of quantum chemistry
and solid-state physics - Example
- Pt-Ru nanoclusters on carbon via metallo-organic
chemistry - All structural properties of clusters are
support-mediated - structures of cluster not commensurate with
support - experimental bond distributions and structure
confirmed by theory - theory provides understanding for control of
properties - catalytic Pt segregates from electronic size
Johnson, Nuzzo, Frenkel(Yeshiva/BNL), to be
Judith Yang (Pitt) Dark Field images from
PtRu5/C (carbon black)
12Kinetics of Excitons in the Semiconductor
Cu2O Wolfe group
- Motivation
- Study relaxation processes in Cu2O
- Assess feasibility of making novel state of
matter - a Bose-Einstein condensate of excitons
- Approach
- Picosecond time- space-resolved
photoluminescence (using MRL Laser Lab) - Key issues temperature- strain-dependence of
- ortho-to-para down-conversion rates
- Auger recombination rates
- These experimental parameters are central to
assessingcondensate feasibility
60 220 K
Strain confinement
13Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 Ferroelectricity,
Piezoelectricity Electro-thermal Imaging Payne
group, collaborating with Zuo others
- Single crystal PMN-PT
- huge piezo response
- strain coefficient 2-6000 pm/V
- electro-mechanical coupling gt 0.94
- energy conversion 90
- Electro-thermal imaging of polarization reversal
- remote sensing and direct observations of poling
- Ta2O5-based ceramics
- very high dielectric constant materials
14Probing Electron Waves on the Nanoscale in
Complex Materials Yazdani grp, interacting w/
Cooper, Goldbart, Van Harlingen, Martin, Salamon,
Slichter others
- Goals
- Develop advanced tools for probing electronic
material at the nanoscale - Direct imaging of electronic states with
state-of-the-art STMs (wide temp. mag. field
ranges) - Spectroscopic characterization of electronic
states responsible for novel properties - Manipulation of materials one atom at a time
- Combine theory and experiment to build a local
perspective of complex electronic behavior
Electrons in Hybrid Nanostructures
Electron Waves in Complex Oxides
Fourier Transform Spectroscopy
See Yazdanistalk and poster
Feb.1st, 2002