Title: ACE Assessment
1ACE Assessment
2The ACE Centre
- Aiding Communication in Education
- Assessment, training, research, software
development - Centres in Oxford and Oldham
- Communication Aids Project
- 10 million for two years
- 2000 2005
- Has resulted in our assessment process being more
flexible - Emphasis on developing skills amongst local team
- Pre-assessment
- Assessment process
- Post assessment
5Pre - assessment planning
- a vitally important part of our assessment process
6Collecting Information
- Phone calls (to parents, school, therapists)
- Background information form
7Background Information
- Interests
- Motivation
- Sensory abilities (hearing, vision, perception)
- Communication
- Seating and positioning
- Mobility
- Education
- Use of technology
- Medication
8Collecting Information contd
- Pre-assessment visits / meetings
- Video conferencing
- Video
9Video Guidelines
- 10 minutes
- Interacting with other children
- Interacting with adults
- Close up of AAC system
- Child in activity / discussion
- Computer use
- Child in seating / wheelchair
- Fine and gross motor control away from computer
- Using speech / vocalising
10Pre-Assessment Video of Child using Big Mack and
One Step was shown
- School
- ACE Centre
- Home
- somewhere else
12Preparation of activities and equipment
- Fun and motivating
- based on information gathered regarding the young
persons likes and interests - ACE assessment planning form
13Assess plan for .. Date ..
What we want to learn about the young person
Equipment required .
14Summary of pre-assessment planning
- Time-consuming. BUT WORTH IT!
- Video very valuable
15The Assessment
16Our Assessment Team
- Speech language therapist
- Occupational therapist
- Teacher
17Others Involved
- Parents / carers
- Childs local therapists
- Other specialists
- Class teacher teaching assistant
- LEA advisory teachers
- Education officer / funder
18Set-up at the ACE Centre
- Assessment room
- Observation room
- Video link
- Frequent interaction between the two rooms
19Other venues
- Two linked rooms are ideal!
- When its not possible
- We try not to crowd the young person
- We try to take video to share with others
- Flexible attendance during the day
20Goals of the Assessment
- Control of technology
- accuracy and efficiency maximum output for the
minimum physical input - seating and positioning
- environment, computer, communication
- Access to learning and the curriculum
- Communication
- low and high tech
21Assessment Activities
- Fun, motivating,
interesting for the youngster - Experience success
22Dressing Up!
23Secret Drawing
24Making Choices
Assessment Video of child directing father to
read him a poem using auditory scanning on a
dynavox with two head switches
Photo of child using Touch Games software with
joystick and switch
26Story writing
27Using the Telephone
28Using the Telephone contd
29Playing with Infra-red toys
Assessment Video showing child playing with
Robosapien using DV4 in place of the remote
30Robosapien Page
32Other activities
- Musical statues
- Simon Says
- Joint story-telling
- Mr Potato Head
- Guessing games e.g. Guess Who
- Etc.
33A few principles
- Flexibility!
- Child centred
- We ask listen throughout the assessment
- Team working
- Cross boundaries
- Discussion time
- Regularly, throughout day, with everyone
34Post Assessment
35The Report
- Detailed working document
- Draft versions shared with local team and parents
if appropriate - Important as so much takes place during the
assessment - May include
- Diagrams
- Photos
- Screen shots
36Example diagram
37Loan of equipment
- ACE (or CAP) loan library
- VOCA suppliers
- Sale or return
- Decided at initial assessment
- After a follow-up phone call / video received
- further assessment
- training
39Support for local team
- Information days
- Video conferencing
- Emails
- Phone calls
- Pre assessment, assessment and post assessment
stages very flexible! - Moving towards a modular approach
- Teamwork
- Child centred