Title: Steven S Prevette
1Dr. Demings Red Bead Experiment
- Steven S Prevette
- Fluor Government Group ESHQ
- ELR Consulting
- ASQ Certified Quality Engineer
- 509-373-9371
- Steven_s_prevette_at_rl.gov
2Lessons from the Red Beads
- You now have a common experience with thousands
of individuals - Did you have an Aha moment?
- Lessons from the Beads
- What can I do?
3Aha! Moments
- It's the system, not the workers. Dr. Deming
stated 94 of the outcomes of any organization
is a result of the systems used, not the people. - Quality is made at the top. Quality is an
outcome of the system. Top management owns the
system. - Numerical goals and production standards can be
meaningless. The number of red beads produced is
determined by the process, not by the standard. - 4) Rewarding or punishing the Willing Workers
had no effect on the outcome. Extrinsic
motivation is not effective.
- 5) We can use statistics to create a visual
representation of the data and look for problem
areas and predict future performance. - 6) A faulty item is not a signal of "special"
causes. A process can be stable, in-control and
be producing 100 percent defective items.
"Defects" are defined by specification, not by
process. - 7) Rigid and precise procedures are not
sufficient to produce the desired quality.
- 8) Keeping the place open with only the "best"
workers was acting on "superstitious" knowledge. - Management was "tampering" with the system by
rewarding and punishing the Willing Workers. - People are seldom the source of variability.
- Slogans, Exhortations and Posters Are At Best
Useless To The Willing Worker.
7Questions for the Willing Workers
- How did the Worker of the Day feel?
- How did the Probationary Worker feel?
- What did they do different?
- Implications for Lessons Learned programs?
- How did the rewards and punishments affect the
workers? - Was the knowledge of the workers put to work by
the company? - How would you like to work for this company?
- Do you work for this company?
8The Recorder and Inspector(s)
- Why were the willing workers not allowed to count
and record their own beads? - Was there value to an independent count?
- Was it worth the cost?
- What would happen if the inspectors falsified
9The Foreman
- What was the effect of State your first name and
spell it? - What did the Foreman do to control outcomes?
- When should procedure compliance be mandatory?
- Were the communications one-way or two-way?
- What were the costs to the company of the
Foremans actions? - What could the Foreman have done?
10Dr. Deming
- 14 Points
- System of Profound Knowledge
- Appreciation for a system
- Knowledge about variation
- Theory of Knowledge
- Psychology of people
Photo credit MIT/CAES
11How can I apply these lessons?
- How you present your data
- How you interpret your data
- How you take actions from your data
- Set directional goals vs. arbitrary numerical
targets - How you treat and lead people
- Inspection practices
- Systems interactions
- Personal transformation of thinking, feeling,
interactions, behaviors - Affecting others transformation
12But I dont make the charts!Im not a manager!
- Is there a safety or quality committee?
- Annual improvement plans / goals?
- May you suggest alternatives to current
practices? - Who can you team with?
- Find the friendly neighborhood statistician
- Sometimes you are never so powerful as when you
are powerless (Tom Peters)
13Data Presentation
- How effective were
- The table of numbers?
- Ranking the workers?
- Bar Chart?
- Moving Average?
- Color Coding?
- The control chart showed us the process was
stable and predictable. - Its so simple, just plot a few points - Deming
14Implications of a Stable Process
- No amount of explanation of, corrective action
to, or causal analysis of an event will fix a
broken stable process - What if we did a root cause analysis of why Red
Bead 298 fell in hole 19 of the paddle? - What about Find it Fix it?
15The SPC Lens
Control Charts show whether the process is stable
(common cause variation), or whether there is a
changing condition (special cause variation)
The following charts are from a project I worked
on with the US Department of Energy
16Chart as Found
17SPC Lens Applied
18Personal Transformation
- A person, once transformed, will
- Set an example
- Be a good listener, but will not compromise
- Continually teach other people
- Help people pull away from their current
practices and beliefs and move into the new
philosophy without a feeling of guilt about the
past - From The New Economics, Deming
19Resources You are Not Alone
- Hanford Trending Primer http//www.hanford.gov/rl/
?page1144parent169 - In2InThinking
- http//www.in2in.org
- Deming Electronic Network
- http//deming-network.org
- American Society for Quality
- http//www.asq.org
- The Elsmar Cove Discussion Board
20White Bead Conclusions
- A microcosm of current practices
- A vision of improved practices
- A new philosophy
- Statistical lessons
- Human lessons
- Process lessons
- Spread the word!