Title: Coaching Dream Teams
1(No Transcript)
2Coaching Dream Teams
- Bill Easum
- www.easumbandy.com
3Easum, Bandy Associates exits to.Guide
Christian Leaders for Ancient Mission in the
Contemporary World
4My Role Is to
- facilitate your move from coaches of good or even
great teams to coaches of Dream Teams - Im going to assume you understand the basics
5Definition of a Dream Team
- A dream team is a group of individuals who
- weave their individuality into a team
- that functions autonomously within pre-determined
boundaries - and adds significant value to the overall
6It Only Takes One
7The Power Behind the Dream Team
- Every Dream Team Needs a Dream Organization
Behind It
8Two Twins of Dynamic Team Power
- Permission-Giving Attitude
- Servant Empowering Organization
Both Require an enormous amount of trust
9Permission Giving
10Permission Giving Attitude
- Dream Teams are allowed to be self-generating,
self-governing, and self-destructing as along as
they remain within the agreed upon DNA
- Dream Teams are put together by an individual who
feels called to the mission rather than by the
organization - The primary reason most denominations never spawn
Dream Teams
- Dream Teams are designed and empowered to
discern, design, implement, and evaluate mission
independently - Micro-managing must be avoided by regional or
national judicatories
- Dream Teams dont follow rules they make them
- If they cease to work, they change them as long
as it doesnt violate the DNA - This shared genetic code is the basis of
accountability - not the polity of a denomination or the rules of
an institution
- Once the team is given a mandate it is free to
function autonomously without interference from
the organization, unless - It violates the DNA
- The broader and more laser these boundaries are
the more effective the Dream Team
- Proscriptive Boundaries tell what the team cant
do - Over spend the Budget
- Go beyond the agreed upon goal
- Anything that will harm the organizational DNA
- Anything that will go against the DNA
- Anything that will embarrass the organization
- When the mission is completed the team is
disbanded rather than given another mission
17Permission Giving Characteristics
- In the essentials Unity
- Mission, Vision, Values, and Beliefs
- In the non-essentials freedom
- Productivity
- In all things Love
- Trust, collaboration, and networking
18The Shift to Permission Giving
- Is one of the most profound shifts of our time
- From people who make decisions and people who
carry out decisions - To people who both make and carry out the
19Servant EmpoweringOrganizations
20A Servant Empowering Organization
- Is focused more on raising up leaders than
productivity - Mission depends on productivity
- But productivity is a by-product
- Failure here is why Dream Teams never materialize
21Servant Empowering Organization
- Time invested in growing and equipping leaders is
always valuable - Even if a temporary slowdown in productivity
- In the long run it is better
22The Problem with Organizations
- They are too impatient to see the value of
investing in long-term leadership development - The more obsessed with productivity the less
productive the teams will be
23The Key to Every Dream Team
- Is a called and gifted leader
- Great team leaders provide a structure in which
every team member is - highly motivated
- immersed in personal growth
- clear about their missionary purpose
- competent in their ability to connect Gods grace
and the mission target
24In the Absence of a Great Leader.
- The negative aspects of the organization take over
25Dream Teams Are Growth Groups
- On-going learning avoids burnout
- Growing leaders do not burn out
- Leaders emerge out of the fire of adult spiritual
formation within the Teams - Never from a faction or administrative unit of
the larger organization
26The Dream Team Coach
- Functions like a midwife
- Assists in the birth of the leaders gift rather
than delivering a product - Creates a climate that births leaders
- Rather than recruiting them
27Lessons Learned Along the Way
28Mistakes Will Be Made
- The key is to reward people who learn from the
mistakes they make - A mistake free environment is the fastest way to
lose the cutting edge
29Quality May Suffer
- When quest for quality becomes obsession for
quality the organization declines - Dream Teams are about gaining experience,
apprenticing new leaders, and allowing newcomers
to test their abilities
30Results May Be Slower in Coming
- It may take longer to achieve success, but that
success will be longer lasting and offer more
assurance for future accomplishments - More time and money will be spent on embedding
DNA, training, and equipping before the
organization sees much results
31Gaps Will Emerge
- Better to live uncomfortably in the gaps, than
deploy volunteers who are ill equipped to
function as a team - They will burn out
- Such an environment makes it harder to find new
32Five Questions Every Dream Team Leader Must Ask
33What Do I See In The Other Person That They Have
Not Seen In Themselves?
- This is the beginning of switching from What do
I do? and What is my job? to Who will I
Discover? and Who will I mentor?
34 How Do I Help This Other Person See Their Gift
Or Skill For Themselves?
- This is the spiritual midwife in the coach
35What Resources Do I Give This Person In Order To
Put This Gift Or Skill Into Action In The Group?
- This is where the mentor needs to know the
terrain of possibilities that are already
available - The leader acts as a broker of information
36What Barriers Are In The Way Of This Person
Exercising His/Her Gifts Or Skills?
- These barriers are often organizational issues
- The role of the leader is to pave the way for
easy access to ministry
37Am I Releasing And Coaching This Person Timely
And Adequately
- The leader is here for the person when he/she
needs the leader
38The Dream Team
Dream Team
Good Team
39Is Every Member Of A Team Called To The Mission
Of The Team?
- Does the team accurately describe the
micro-culture for whom their collective heart
bursts? - Is the team clear about the desired results they
expect to happen among that micro-culture if they
do their job well?
40Is Every Member Of A Team Called To The Mission
Of The Team?
- Is the team clear about the best habits of
learning and action? - Is every member of the team sold out and
absolutely accountable for the mission results?
41Is Every Team Member Disciplined Spiritually And
In A Worshipping Community?
- Does the team rigorously align itself to the
mission of the organization? - Does the team ruthlessly adhere to the consensus
of core values and bedrock beliefs expected by
the organization?
42Is Every Team Member Disciplined Spiritually And
In A Worshipping Community?
- Does the team aggressively seek to learn new
competencies beyond their comfort zones - Does the team set aside all ego and turf
projection to act in absolute humility,
surrendering ego and recognition, for the sake of
the mission?
43How Do Great Leaders Emerge From Our
- Do team leaders emerge from the fire for faith
formation that the denomination stokes at the
heart of the organization - or from the brainstorms and special interest
groups that pervade the denomination? - Do team leaders emerge from the center of power
- or from the margins of the powerlessness?
44How Are Great Leaders Sustained By Our
- Does the organization help a great leader align
themselves to Gods mission - or are they more worried about alignment with
church agendas? - Does the organization provide the resources for
leadership development - or are they more concerned with developing
programs to be implemented?
45How Are Great Leaders Sustained By Our
- Does the organization provide opportunities for
total immersion in cross-cultural,
cross-generational, and cross-gender experiences
for its team leaders?
46What Do Great Leaders Model For Future Great
Leaders In The Organization?
- Do team leaders mentor emerging leaders in
attitude, integrity, competency, and teamwork? - Do team leaders demonstrate how to fail and learn
from mistakes until success? - Do team leaders renounce both patronage and
career in favor of radical urgency for the
Kingdom of God?
47Critical Factors in DevelopingDream Teams
48Clear Boundaries and Direction
- The DNA acts like the banks of a river
49Audacious Stretch Goals
- Extraordinary results require extraordinary goals
- Stretch goals are more about vision than goals
- Leaders consciously create a gap between the
knowledge and resources of the team at the moment
50Strategic Mission
- Act autonomously unless the direction is changed
51Accountable for the Results and Held Accountable
- Either for the success or failure
- The only reason a higher up would intervene
52Agreement on How the Team Will Function
- Disagreements
- Conflicts
- Making final decisions
- Removing a team member
- Handling money
53Adequate Resources, Information, and Training
- Upgrading skills is an ongoing responsibility
54A Low Level of Hierarchy
- The less hierarchy the more Dream Teams
- Only control is the DNA and a few controls on
results, not procedure - Leaders must reproduce themselves
55The Interaction of Independence and
56The Picture of a Denomination
National Or Regional Board
Silo Team
Silo Team
Silo Team
Silo Team
57The Interaction of Independence and
- The problem of independence and interdependence
is two-fold - individuals must be merged into the DNA of the
organization without losing their individuality - Individuals must be merged into the dynamics of
the team without losing their individuality
58Teamwork Requires Independence and
Individual ideas, goals, dreams
Team Dynamics
Organizational structure and Corporate Culture
59Teamwork Requires Independence and Interdependence
The Individual
The Dream Team
The Team
60Interdependence and Integration
- Team work requires the differentiation of each
member of the team but it also requires the
integration of all team members - Individual team members must retain their
distinctiveness while merging that
distinctiveness into the overall thinking and
success of the team
61Interdependence and Integration
- Dependency on each other must be balanced by
independence - When pushed with this paradox most people try to
solve it by leaning toward what they prefer
rather than what is best for the team
62Interdependence and Integration
- One of the huge dangers of team based ministry is
creativity is lost when the independence of the
individual is totally absorbed by the Team - Ineffective people are drawn to teams
- If we put too much emphasis on creating and
nurturing teamwork, spontaneity and innovation
can be stifled
63Key Dynamics of the Interaction of
Interdependence and Dependence
- Listen to the Words They Use
- Do all of your team members identify primarily
with your team or with some other group in the
denomination? - The best language is
- we, ours, and us
65The Need to Manage Interdependence
- How well they integrate all of the variables each
member brings to the table separates a good team
from a dream team - The best language is
- If we can pull this off,
- I need to know your opinion on my idea,
- We need to decide whether this fits our goals
66The Need to Manage Interdependence
- Do your team members act as if they are
independent of each other or interdependent?
67The Need to Manage Power Differences
- Do one or two people dominate most of the
conversations? - The best language is
- Could you please tell us more about that,
- John, you have not said much today,
- I know you are new but often new people have a
fresh perspective, - Im really sorry I am late
68The Need to Manage Power Differences
- To what extent do team members call attention to
differences in power among them or seem to
minimize those differences?
69The Need for Social Closeness
- The best teams spend large amounts of time
together - The best language is informal
- Whats up,
- Well, you know we are all in this mess together,
- I knew you could do it
- The use of nicknames
70The Need for Social Closeness
- How much time do your teams spend with each other
and how informal is their conversation?
71The Inevitability Of Conflict
- At best, conflict is inevitable because of the
high trust level that develops - At worst, conflict occurs because the integration
of independence and interdependence never happens
72You Can Tell If Your Team Is At Risk If ..
- There is regular conflict
- Blame is usually placed on someone or somethings
fault - Small subgroups meet in the parking lot after a
meeting - Some team members refuse to discuss their
problems in a team meeting but do so at other
times with non-team members
73You Can Tell If Your Team Is At Risk If ..
- They say one thing before the team meeting and
then just the opposite when in the presence of
the team - After a meeting team members complain that they
didnt say what they wanted to because they knew
their comments or suggestions would not have been
74The inevitability of conflict
- The best language is
- If you drop that requirement, I can meet your
other requirements - You are saying you do not think we need to go
this way? Then what do you suggest? - We could look at the situation from another
75During Conflict Avoid.
- Bringing in an outsider to deal with conflict
- Being triangulated by a third party like a
personnel committee - Collaboration within the team is the best way to
solve conflict
76The inevitability of conflict
- Does your team manage conflict through force,
aversion, or collaboration?
77The Requirement of Negotiation
- Great teams look for win-win situations
- That is why collaboration is so important
- This is also why a highly hierarchical
organization stifles teams
78Developing Good Team Based Discussion
79Developing Good Team-based Discussions
- Whatever is said is never held against someone
when it comes time for promotion or salaries - Everyone states their objectives
- I took this job because
- What I want to accomplish in this is
- What I need from the team is
- Ask questions instead of stating a predetermined
80Developing Good Team-based Discussions
- Each member of the team should do their homework
before coming together - The best language is
- How would it affect you if I,
- What if we justified the additional costs,
- If you will help provide education with the
Saturday night service I will help out this year
at .
81Developing Good Team-based Discussions
- Do your teams focus on win-win or lose-lose?
82Growing Your Team Members for Creativity in the
Midst of Team
- The Key To The Loss Of Creativity
- And Productivity In The Team
- Is The Growth Of The Individual
83Every Team Has Three Growth Levels
- Super Stars
- Middle Stars
- Falling Stars
- Dream Teams emerge when people move up the ladder
- Denominational teams seldom eliminate the Falling
84Coaching Super Stars
- If Super Stars dont balance individuality and
integration they are more trouble than theyre
worth - When they can they are worth their weight in gold
- Your biggest worry is they will get bored
- So how do you coach them?
85Coaching Super Stars
- The team leaders role is one of encourager,
cheerleader, and promoter - Do not allow them to pick up the slack in someone
elses work - Never micro-manage them
- Stretch them even though they are already
86Coaching Middle Stars
- The backbone of most teams
- More likely to become Falling Stars than Super
Stars - Improving the Middle Stars determines much of the
teams success
87Coaching Middle Stars
- Build their confidence by increasing their
responsibilities - Give frequent and accurate performance feedback
- Catch them doing good things
88Coaching Middle Stars
- Hook them up with a Super Star
- Give them freedom to fail
- Make sure they have all the training and
information they need to succeed
89Coaching Middle Star Questions
- Are my expectations crystal clear?
- Are my expectations reasonable and fair?
- Have they received adequate training to do the
job effectively? - Do they understand why their task is so
90Coaching Middle Star Questions
- Am I holding them accountable?
- Do I consistently acknowledge and reward positive
performance? - Have I given them the freedom to fail or succeed?
- Have I removed any barriers to their success?
91Coaching Falling Stars
- The smallest number of team members but take up
most of the time in most teams - Never allow them to take away from your time
spent with the middle and super stars
92Coaching Falling Stars
- Never allow a Falling Star to get by with poor
performance - Go through all of the steps you would take
coaching a Middle Star - If they dont improve within three months, let
them go or you will drag the entire team down
with them and lose your Super Stars
93The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick
Inattention to Results
Measure Results
Avoidance of Accountability
Obedience Courage
Lack of Commitment
Spiritual Life and Mission Focus
Control Intervention
Fear of Conflict
DNA Core Values, Beliefs, Vision, Mission
Absence of Trust
94Developing Trust
95Developing Trust
- Denominational systems are known for their lack
of trust - Trust encourages honest dialogue and creative
differences - Trust allows leaders to take bigger leaps of
faith which leads to more innovation
96Seven Levels of Trust
- Level One
- Are all leaders passionate about the vision or
the direction in which the church is going? - Remember, it only takes one person to derail
- When everyone is onboard you can move to the next
97Seven Levels of Trust
- Level Two
- Do the team leaders understand their role?
- When trained enough to understand their role you
can move to a deeper level
98Seven Levels of Trust
- Level Three
- Are all leaders committed to the issues of team
based ministry? - When everyone is comfortable with change you can
move to a deeper level
99Seven Levels of Trust
- Level Four
- Is there a structured way to foster trust?
- Now you need to build the systems
- e-mail and web pages for communication, retreats,
weekly small group Bible study, sharing and an
assortment of other community building events
100Seven Levels of Trust
- Level Five
- Has affinity emerged within the groups?
- It only takes one to derail the team
101Seven Levels of Trust
- Level Six
- Does the person do what he/she says he/she will
do - Now you are at the heart of trust
102Level Seven
- Level Seven
- Can I move from delegation too empowerment?
103Questions That Must Be Resolved BeforeDream
Teams Emerge
104Dream Team Questions
- How and who can withhold permission from new
ministries? - How will teams be structured?
- What will the boundaries be?
- How will each team handle the need for money?
105Centralized Hierarchy Board
Paid Staff
Individual Accountability For Staff
Unified Budget Static Pool
Individual Staff Job Descriptions
Add Team Participation To Job Description
No Money Or Have to get Permission
106Empowered Board Staff Lay Pastors
Release Mentality
Accountability Evaluation Salaries Shift
To Teams
Core Budget
Shift to Team Job Descriptions
Multiple Liquid Pools Of Money
Everyone Is On A Team
107Dream Team Questions
- How we will measure the outcome of the teams
efforts in relationship to the Body? - How can the facilities be arranged to support the
teams? - How will teams get the information they need to
manage their own ministries? - What training will the organization need to
transition into team ministry?
108Dream Team Questions
- How will we publicly recognize effective teams in
order to encourage more of the same quality? - How will the teams assess their own performance?
- What systems must be modified to support the
109Dream Team Questions
- What obstacles might be encountered along the way
from longtime members with vested interests? - How long are we going to give this process before
we pass judgment on its success? - How fast are we going to totally transition
decision making to the teams?
110Some Quick Evaluation of Your Readiness
111Appendix BAnswer 1 to 10
- Do you offer training for your team leaders and
do you feel it is adequate? - Do you have enough money set aside to adequately
complete the training of all of your team
leaders? - If your congregation does have money for
training, is it part of each teams budget?
112Appendix BAnswer 1 to 10
- If your congregation does not have any formal
training, is there money for your leaders to go
outside the congregation for help? - Or do you bring in someone to train them?
- Or do you encourage them to go visit a team based
ministry in another congregation?
113Appendix BAnswer 1 to 10
- Is there a process in place for each team to
determine its own budget? - Do your teams evaluate themselves?
- Once they are clear about the boundaries in which
they are to function (DNA), do your teams
function autonomously with no strings attached?
114Appendix BAnswer 1 to 10
- Does your congregation already have successfully
functioning teams? - Have you put a system in place to support your
teams from the bottom to the top of the
congregations decision making process? - Is there a system in place to evaluate the
effectiveness of each team?
115Appendix BAnswer 1 to 10
- Does your congregation have a system in place to
reward effective work accomplished by your teams?
- Does your congregation have a system in place for
honoring the work of individuals as well as your
116Appendix BAnswer 1 to 10
- Is each team aware of how its work fits into the
overall ministry of the congregation? - Do all of your teams effectively enhance the DNA
of the congregation?
117How to Score Your Responses
118How to Score Your ResponsesAppendix A
119(No Transcript)
- Consensus is not unanimous agreement and
alignment is not the absence of disagreement - Disagreement is not bad it is usually the seed
bed of new leaning - Consensus means that even though disagreements
exist about the details, the overall strategy is
acceptable and everyone is willing to try it
121Consensus options
- I can give an unqualified yes
- I find the decision acceptable
- I can live with it, but Im not enthusiastic
- I dont fully agree with the idea but I wont
block it - I feel we need to explore the idea further
122Steps in Forming a Team
123Steps to Forming a Team
- Allow most teams to bubble up out of the cauldron
of spiritual transformation that is taking place
within the laity - Make sure the leader is trained in the church
culture and be sure that the ministry fits into
the value system
124Steps to Forming a Team
- Invite the right people
- Avoid big egos
- You want people whose eyes light up when you
share your dream and who bring some gift or skill
to the team
125How Teams Are Assembled
- Leader X feels called to begin a new ministry
- This person asks leader Y if this ministry adds
value to the m,v,v - Leader Ys role is to determine if it adds value
- If it does, Leader X is free to begin
126How Teams Are Assembled
- Leader X is encouraged to find two or more people
who will participate in the ministry - If two people can be found, the ministry is off
the ground - If not, the ministry dies for lack of a second
127How Teams Are Assembled
- Once assembled the team determines how to carry
out the mission - It is now the role of Leader X to insure whatever
is done enhances the mission
128How Teams Are Assembled
- The team decides
- Team behavior
- Problem solving
- Trust development
- What skill training is needed
- How decisions will be made
- Performance goals
129How Teams Are Assembled
- Now Leader Y is asked to share any wisdom he/she
might have about the teams conclusions - After this the group proceeds autonomously with
no outside interference even if conflict arises - Unless what the team does negatively impacts some
other area of the Body
130How Teams Are Assembled
- If information or resources are needed the team
cannot provide, Leader Y is asked for assistance - Leader Y provides resources or training
- Leader Y quickly departs
131How Teams Are Assembled
- The team evaluates the progress or success of the
ministry on an ongoing basis and reports it to
Leader Y - If over time the ministry becomes a core
ministry, staff is assigned to work with the team
only as need to insure its continuation
132How Teams Are Assembled
- And the circle continues when a new lay person X
feels called to do a new ministry