Title: Medical College of Georgia
1Medical College of Georgia
Finance Division Fiscal Affairs Committee
(FAC) Town Hall Meeting
November 13, 2003
- Meeting Objectives
- The Finance Division
- Overview of the Fiscal Affairs Committee (FAC)
- Budget Checking Initiative
- Data Validation Initiative
- Other Pending FAC Initiatives
- Next Steps for Campus Users
- Questions and Answers
3Meeting Objectives
- Increase awareness of key Finance initiatives
- Educate users about pending business practice
modifications - Solicit increased Campus feedback and
participation in financial processes - Address Campus questions and concerns
4The Finance Division
Diane Wray Vice President of Finance / Chief
Financial Officer
Controllers Office
Supply Administration
Human Resources
Budget Management and Cost Management
5The True Finance Organization
School of Allied Health
Grants Contracts
Diane Wray Vice President of Finance / Chief
Financial Officer
University Advancement
School of Medicine
School of Dentistry
Internal Audit
GA War
Information Technology
Executive Management
Auxiliary Enterprises
External Affairs
Controllers Office
Supply Administration
Human Resources
Budget Management and Cost Management
Academic Affairs
Facilities Management
Student Services
Graduate Studies
School of Nursing
6The Fiscal Affairs Committee
- Objective To promote the collaborative effort
and open communication necessary to effectively
address MCGs most critical issues related to the
Finance Organization. - Rationale To be truly successful, the staff of
the Finance Division, its customers, and other
administrative units must work together
effectively. - Process Weekly meetings on Tuesday mornings
followed by review and comment on discussion and
decision summaries ad hoc sub-committee meetings
as necessary.
7The Fiscal Affairs Committee
Roster / Participants
- Diane Wray, Vice President for Finance / Chief
Financial Officer - Tim Walsh, Office of the Chief Financial Officer
(Chair) - Deb Barshafsky, Executive Assistant to the
President / Director, Institutional Research - Beth Brigdon, Vice President for Information
Technology / Chief Information Officer - Joel Covar, Director of Operations, School of
Medicine - Chanda Crisp, Manager, Fiscal Affairs GCHC
- James Harris, Director, Supply Administration
- Cathy Holley, Cost Manager, Administrative
Services - Kelly Callaway, Fiscal Affairs Analyst, School of
Medicine - Pam Newman, Auditor 4, Internal Audit
- Susan Norton, Director, Human Resources
- Marsha O Connor, Associate Director, Grants
Contracts - Robert Prescott, Information Analyst, Information
Technology Division - Gordon Prettelt, Project Coordinator,
Controllers Office - Chris Snellings, Deputy Controller, Controllers
Office - Russ Williams, Director, Administrative Services
8The Fiscal Affairs Committee
Initial Objectives
- Fiscal Year 2003 audit preparation
- Fiscal Year 2003 close and financial report
9The Fiscal Affairs Committee
Current Major Initiatives
- Zero Tolerance Elimination of Budget Checking
Overrides - PeopleSoft Data Validation
10The Fiscal Affairs Committee
Current Major Initiatives
- Zero Tolerance Elimination of Budget Checking
Overrides - PeopleSoft Data Validation
11Zero Tolerance-Budget Checking
MCG business processes that typically result in
budget checking overrides
Direct Check Requests
Purchase Orders / Requisitions
Purchasing Cards
Telephone Bills
Refer to Appendix 1 for typical budget checking
errors and appropriate resolutions
12Zero Tolerance-Budget Checking
Issue Overview
- Previous practice The Finance staff would
override budget checking errors to facilitate the
processing of transactions - Change rationale The Finance staff should not
make decisions for Campus units that impact the
budgets of those units - New practice The Finance staff will stop
transactions until an appropriate solution is
The budget checking module within PeopleSoft can
be a powerful control tool if used properly
13Zero Tolerance-Budget Checking
Anticipated impact on Campus users
- Short-term
- More calls from Accounts Payable and Purchasing
- Deeper involvement in budget checking resolution
processes - Delayed processing of certain transactions
- Long-term
- Enhanced financial management practices
- Greater awareness of budget position
14Zero Tolerance-Budget Checking
Initial exceptions to zero tolerance
- Purchase orders / requisitions
- GCHC transactions
- Suspense accounts within Finance
Transactions that force an account into deficit
will not be overriden
15Zero Tolerance-Budget Checking
Next steps for Campus users
- Resolve your budget checking errors promptly
- More importantly, avoid budget checking errors in
advance - Seek support from Finance as necessary (We are
here to help you!) - Attend budget checking training sessions
16Zero Tolerance-Budget Checking
Upcoming Training Sessions
- November 18 1000 a.m.
- November 19 200 p.m.
- Location Human Resources Training Room, Annex
17The Fiscal Affairs Committee
Current Major Initiatives
- Zero Tolerance Elimination of Budget Checking
Overrides - PeopleSoft Data Validation
Financial activity within the accounts of
academic and administrative units must be
monitored by those individuals with first-hand
knowledge of the transactional detail and
rationale underlying that activity.
18Data Validation
Historical Context
- Implementation problems
- Deficient reports
- Campus disenchantment with PeopleSoft
19Data Validation
Historical Context
Present / Future
- Implementation problems
- Deficient reports
- Campus disenchantment with PeopleSoft
- Improved financial processes
- Enhanced reports
- Reengagement of the Campus in PeopleSoft!!
20Data Validation
Facts to consider
- PeopleSoft is the official repository of MCG
financial transactions - PeopleSoft Financials and PeopleSoft HRMS provide
the source data for all MCG financial reports,
including reports for audit and compliance
purposes - Management across Campus is accountable for the
financial performance of their respective units
as reflected in PeopleSoft - USG and MCG made a substantial investment to
implement PeopleSoft it is critical that
institutional personnel maximize the impact of
that investment
21Data Validation
Overview of the Current Initiative
- Confirm the integrity of MCG data within the
PeopleSoft Financial System
- Campus-wide review of PeopleSoft data
- Written certification of completion by each
- Distribution of request to Campus November 10,
2003 - Deadline for return to Office of the Chief
Financial Officer December 5, 2003
22Data Validation
Role of End Users
- Review all activity within the PeopleSoft
accounts of your units - Seek help from Finance, as necessary
- Document any exceptions on the Certification
- Sign and return the Certification (department
chairs and administrative unit directors) - Provide feedback to Finance about potential
process improvements and incremental report needs
23Data Validation
Role of Finance Staff
- Process Campus transactions accurately and
quickly - Supply necessary information to end users within
reports - Ensure that users have necessary PeopleSoft
access - Support end users give instructions and answer
questions promptly
24Data Validation
The Certification Statement
Personnel within the ______________ Department
have reviewed all transaction detail within our
PeopleSoft accounts for the period July 1-October
31, 2003, and we have either confirmed the
validity of the transactions or submitted
inquiries to members of the Finance Division.
25Data Validation
Exception examples
- Invalid charge for supplies -- 457.50 on
September 15, 2003 to CFC __________________ (see
attached documentation). - Detailed support is not available for charge
500.10 on August 30 to CFC ________________ (see
attached documentation). - I dont have access to the necessary data
because it is included within Report
26Data Validation
The Distribution Process (e.g. School of
Department 1
Department 2
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Deans Office
Department 3
Department 4
Timing On or around November 13
27Data Validation
The Return Process (e.g. School of Dentistry)
Department 1
Department 2
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Deans Office
Department 3
Department 4
Timing To Office of the CFO by December 5
(administrative units) or December 12 (academic
28Data Validation
Key PeopleSoft Reports
o Budget Transaction Detail Report o
Appropriation Status Report o Department
Report (personal services only) o Grants
Administrator Report o Grants Administrator
Report Detail o Certain queries
29Data Validation
Sample validation steps
- After hard close of a given month, print Budget
Transaction Detail (BTD) Report and Appropriation
Status (AS) Report for Resident Instruction (RI)
accounts - Review charges per the BTD Report and the AS
Report for reasonableness compare to other
financial records as appropriate - Print Department Report or a valid PeopleSoft
query - Review personal service charges per Department
Report or query and compare to expectations - Print and review Grants Administrator Report and
Grants Administrator Report Detail as appropriate
for sponsored accounts (Department Report should
agree with detail of personal service charges on
the Grant Administrator Report) - Communicate questions to the Campus Response Team
at www.oacs.mcg.edu/peoplesoft/ promptly - Sign certification statement confirming that you
have performed the steps described above
30Data Validation
Frequently Asked Questions
- If I am regularly reviewing my units data within
PeopleSoft, do I need to do it again using the
recommended methods?
- No, the method described here represents
guidance, not mandatory procedure.
31Data Validation
Frequently Asked Questions
- What should I do if I have questions as I review
the data within the accounts of my unit?
- Contact the Campus Response Team (CRT) at
32Data Validation
Frequently Asked Questions
- What should I do if I am still uncomfortable
certifying our data after receiving help from
- Note exceptions, issues, and concerns on the
Certification, sign the Certification, and return
the Certification to Finance through appropriate
33Data Validation
Next steps for Campus users
- Respond to the data validation request in
November - Reconcile your PeopleSoft activity regularly
- Seek support from Finance as necessary (We are
here to help you!)
34Data Validation
Upcoming End User-Assistance Sessions (By
- November 12 100-400 p.m.
- November 14 1200-200 p.m.
- November 14 200-400 p.m.
- November 17 200-400 p.m.
- November 18 200-400 p.m.
- November 19 900-1100 a.m.
- November 20 200-400 p.m.
- Location Human Resources Training Room, Annex
Please sign up for sessions at http//www.mcg.edu/
35The Fiscal Affairs Committee
Pending Major Initiatives
- PeopleSoft Security / Access Control
- MCG Management 101
- PeopleSoft Reports Committee
36The Fiscal Affairs Committee
Pending Major Initiatives
- PeopleSoft Security / Access Control
- MCG Management 101
- PeopleSoft Reports Committee
37The Fiscal Affairs Committee
Pending Major Initiatives
- PeopleSoft Security / Access Control
- MCG Management 101
- PeopleSoft Reports Committee
38The Fiscal Affairs Committee
Pending Major Initiatives
- PeopleSoft Security / Access Control
- MCG Management 101
- PeopleSoft Reports Committee
39Next steps for Campus users
- Provide feedback to the Finance Division
- Engage in MCGs financial processes and
initiatives - Look for updates from the Fiscal Affairs Committee
40Questions Answers
41Medical College of Georgia
Finance Division Fiscal Affairs Committee
(FAC) Town Hall Meeting
Thank you for coming!!!
November 6, 2003
42Common Error Messages from the PeopleSoft Budget
Checking Module (BCM)What They Mean and What To
Do About Them.
Appendix 1
43What does BCM do?
Appendix 1
- Determines if budget checking applies to the
transaction - Are revenue and expenditure budgets affected?
- Checks for valid dates
- Validates the account
- Makes sure it is not a budget only account
44What does BCM do?
Appendix 1
- Determines which budget line to use
- Which budget ledger to update?
- Org, Approp, Revest, Project/Grant
- Is there a valid chartfield combination?
- Checks the spending authority
- Approp and Project/Grant budgets do not allow
overdraft - Org and Revest budgets normally allow overdraft
45BCM Status Codes
Appendix 1
- There are 53 BCM status codes in PeopleSoft
- Almost all BCM errors at MCG are one of these 20
common errors
46A Budgetary Account Only
Appendix 1
- Cause
- The transaction contains an account that has been
designated as a Budget Only account (ex.
511000) - Resolution
- Use a different account (ex 511100)
- Tip
- All Revenue and Expenditure accounts that end
with 000 are Budget Only
47(No Transcript)
48F Org Budget Data Not Found
Appendix 1
- Cause
- There is no Org budget for the chartfield
combination in the transaction - Resolution
- Check the chartfields for accuracy, or
- Post a new Org budget journal (Budget Analyst)
- Tip
- To view valid Org budgets, run the Org Budget
Status Report (GogtProcess Financial
InformationgtAnalyze Controlled BudgetsgtUsegtOrganiz
ation Budget Status)
49G Revenue Estimate Data Not Found
Appendix 1
- Cause
- There is no REVEST budget for the chartfield
combination in the transaction - Resolution
- Check the chartfields for accuracy, or
- Post a new REVEST Budget Journal (Budget Office)
- Tip
- Run the Revenue Estimate Budget Status Report
(GogtProcess Financial InformationgtAnalyze
Controlled BudgetsgtUsegtRevenue Estimate Status)
50H Project/Grant Data Not Found
Appendix 1
- Cause
- There is no Project/Grant budget for the
chartfield combination in the transaction - Resolution
- Check the chartfields for accuracy, or
- Post a new Project/Grant Budget Journal (Grants
Contracts/Budget Office) - Tip
- Run the Project/Grant Budget Status Report
(GogtProcess Financial InformationgtAnalyze
Controlled BudgetsgtUsegtProject/Grant Budget
51T Project/Grant Data Not Found
Appendix 1
- Cause
- The Project ID used does not exist in the Project
Table - Resolution
- Change the project id to a valid code, or
- Establish the Project/Grant ID in the Design
Chartfields panels (OGC/Comptroller)
52I Insufficient Appropriation
Appendix 1
- Cause
- The remaining spending authority in the Approp
budget was not sufficient to cover the
transaction - Resolution
- Change the chartfields to use a different approp
budget, or - Enter a budget journal to increase the spending
authority (Budget Analyst) - Tip
- To view valid Approp budgets, run the
Appropriation Budget Status Report (GogtProcess
Financial InformationgtAnalyze Controlled Budgetsgt
UsegtAppropriation Status)
53I2 Appropriation is Frozen
Appendix 1
- Cause
- The chartfield combination on the transaction
points to an Approp budget that has been frozen - Resolution
- Change the chartfields to use a different Approp
budget, or - Post a new budget journal to unfreeze the Approp
budget (Budget Analyst) - Tip
- Be nice to your Budget Analyst
54K2 Organization Budget is Frozen
Appendix 1
- Cause
- The chartfield combination on the transaction
points to an Org budget that has been frozen - Resolution
- Change the chartfields to use a different Org
budget, or - Post a new budget journal to unfreeze the Org
budget (Budget Analyst)
55L Insufficient Proj/Grant Budget
Appendix 1
- Cause
- The remaining spending authority in the Grant
budget was not sufficient to cover the
transaction - Resolution
- Change the chartfields to use a different Grant
budget, or - Enter a budget journal to increase the spending
authority (OGC/Budget Office) - Tip
- Run the Project/Grant Budget Status Report
(GogtProcess Financial InformationgtAnalyze
Controlled BudgetsgtUsegtProject/Grant Budget Status
56L2 Project/Grant Budget is Frozen
Appendix 1
- Cause
- The chartfield combination on the transaction
points to a Grant budget that has been frozen - Resolution
- Change the chartfields to use a different budget,
or - Post a new budget journal to unfreeze the Grant
budget (OGC/Budget Office)
57N Not Budget Checked
Appendix 1
- Cause
- The transaction either
- Has never been budget checked, or
- Is in a group of transactions where other lines
failed, but this one would have passed, or - The BCM process ran, but detected a severe error
which did not update the status - Resolution - ????
58Q Requisition Over LiquidatedR Purchase
Order Over Liquidated
Appendix 1
- Cause
- The purchase order exceeds the requisition or the
voucher (invoice) amount exceeds the purchase
order amount by more than 10 - Resolution
- Investigate and inform the department and/or
purchasing, then - Re-enter the amount within the tolerance limit,
and/or - Enter a new voucher line charging the difference
to a another budget (or budget period) - Speak with Finance representatives
59(No Transcript)
60S Project/Grant is Required
Appendix 1
- Cause
- Certain Approp/Org budgets require a project id
for all transactions (Cost Sharing, Unexpended
Plant Projects) - Resolution
- Change the chartfields to point to a different
budget, or - Enter the appropriate project id in the
61(No Transcript)
62W Transaction not Allowed for FY
Appendix 1
- Cause
- Each transaction type (Req/PO/etc) has beginning
and ending dates for which the transaction is
allowed - The transaction date or budget period is in a
prior or future fiscal year that is closed - Resolution
- Change the transaction date or budget period, or
- Change the Budget Transaction Control Dates
63X Outside Appropriation Budget DateX3
Outside Organization Budget DateX5 Outside
Proj/Grant Budget Date
Appendix 1
- Cause
- Every budget journal has a beginning and ending
date. - Each time a budget journal is posted, these dates
override all previously posted budget dates. - Transaction accounting dates must fall between
the beginning and ending dates of the
corresponding budget
64X, X3, X5 (continued)
Appendix 1
- Resolution
- Change the accounting date of the transaction, or
- Post a new budget journal with appropriate
beginning and ending dates (OGC/Budget Office) - Tip
- DO NOT use accounting/transaction dates that are
not within the current period (month).
65(No Transcript)
66Y Invalid Project/Grant Date
Appendix 1
- Cause
- The accounting date of the transaction is not
within the start and end dates on the
Project/Grant Chartfield Panel - Resolution
- Change the transaction/accounting date, or
- Change the start or end dates on the
Project/Grant chartfield panel (OGC/Comptroller)
67(No Transcript)
68V Valid Budget Check
Appendix 1
- Cause
- Somebody may have done something right!
- Resolution
- Make sure its right, then pat them on the back
- Tip
- Just because its valid, doesnt mean its correct!
- Celebrate anyway!
69Appendix 1
70One More Tip
Appendix 1
- Transactions may have more than one budget
checking problem. However, they can only have
one BCM error status. Therefore, resolving one
error may only reveal another problem.