Title: Takoma Park Trees
1Takoma Park Trees
- 2.5 square miles
- 42 miles of road
- 17,000 residents
- 4,000 street trees
- 1,240 park and parcel trees
- 250 removal permits annually
- 100 protection permits annually
3Original Inventory Davey Resource Group, 2001
- 4,697 trees, stumps and sites
- 58 genera 110 species
- Quercus comprised 25 of inventory, Acer 16 and
Prunus 7.2 - 38 lt6, 51 gt6but lt 24, 11 gt24
- 61 trees Excellent, 2,197 Good, 1,570 Fair, 462
Poor, and 37 dead. - 157 recommended removals, 461 Hazard Reduction
Pruning, 3,709 maintenance pruning
4Flat files and maps
- Street tree data in spreadsheet format
- Web based forest management software
- Work order forms
- Reports available
- Finance tracking
5Learning GIS Data Management
Transforming flat file datasets to georeferenced
GIS information can require negotiating several
corners, but it can be done.
After 6 years what was still good? What parcels
were what? When 16 trees were on one lot? How can
faulty data be used/corrected?
6Parks and municipal property
- Tree in parks and undeveloped property were
mapped using ESRI - Included all city owned parcels excepting ROWs
- The same set of web based management tools were
available for this set of trees.
- No field staff dedicated to tree care
- 110,000 budget for tree work
- 10,000 plus various fees for planting
- 15,000 for resource management
8Information requirements
- Existing trees
- Existing tree spaces and limitations
- Utilized tree spaces
- History of tree work
- History of tree spaces
- Requested tree work
- Requested tree installations
- Special tree needs
9Edited Data
- To make the data usable
- Georeference
- Refer to spaces not trees
- Relate to tree data
- Create additional data sets with history of trees
including work or requests for service
10GEO Database Design
- Site information
- Address
- Which side of road
- What block of road
- What size space
- Is there overhead conflict, underground
- Is it occupied (link to following table)
- History of trees in space (another linked table
with perhaps other linked tables) - Other issues
- Information for current tree, if present
- Type
- Date planted
- Source
- Size
- Pruning\problems history (maybe another table
with dates, amounts, contractor, costs, reason) - Public complaints requests
- Date
- Request
- Response
11In the meantime
- Use what we got
- Work to enter data
- Edit incorrect data
- Make others aware of potential
- Combine with other data sets for mapping and
12Green waste, or gold ?Takoma Park
- Uses raw wood chips from our trees for mulch in
some areas - Buys locally manufactured chips for playgrounds
and locally produced mulch for gardens
13- Takoma Park
- Recycles yard waste excepting grass clippings for
reuse by TP citizens or other people within 10
miles - Cooperates with citizens desiring stove or
fireplace wood
14Has been working with Woodmizer owners and other