Title: High School Design
1EDP, IEP Transition
- Review of recent High School legislation
- Identify the EDP / IEP and Transition connection
- Provide an overview of Transition
3High School Design
Rigor Relevance Relationships
4High School Design Rigor - Relevance -
Graduation Requirements
5High School Design Rigor - Relevance -
Graduation Requirements
Content Expectations
6High School Design Rigor - Relevance -
Graduation Requirements
Content Expectations
Michigan Merit Exam
7High School Design Rigor - Relevance -
Graduation Requirements
- Proposed by SBE in December 2005
- Passed by the Legislature in April 2006
- (Acts 123 124 of 2006 amend Act 451 of 1976,
The Revised School Code) - Signed by the Governor on April 20, 2006
- Begins with 8th grade class of 2006-2007
9Michigan Merit Standard 18 credits
- English Language Arts 4
- Math 4
- Science 3
- Social Studies 3
- Health/ Physical Education 1
- Visual/Performing/Applied Arts 1
- World Language 2
- .plus one online learning experience (credit or
10Graduation Requirements
- The new requirements set
- minimums that must be observed
- by local boards in the granting of diplomas.
11Total HS student population
12Personal Curriculum(Modification)
- A bit we know and
- what we dont
13Personal Curriculum(Modification)
- A bit we know and
- what we dont
14Total HS student population
15 PA 123 124 Personal Curriculum (Modification)
PA?? Yet to come
Total HS student population
High School Graduation Requirements
16PA 623Personal Curriculum(Modification)
the much we dont
- Available to students with IEPs
17 PA 123 124 Personal Curriculum (Modification)
PA 623
Total HS student population
High School Graduation Requirements
18But we do know
19But we do know
20But we do know
21But we do know
Personal Curriculum Team
22But we do know
Personal Curriculum Team
23Who are the students eligible forSpecial
24Source MICIS/December 2006
25Recommended EDP Elements
- Personal Data
- Career Goals
- Educational/Training Goals
- Career Assessment Highlights
- Career Awareness/Exploration and Work-Based
Activities - Course Selection
- Parent Endorsement
26Recommended Transition Elements
- Coordinated set of activities
- Results oriented
- Focuses on academic and functional achievement
- Movement from school to post-school
27Transition Services
- Where does the student want to go?
- Post-school outcomes
- Vision
- EDP alignment
28Transition Services
- Where is the student currently?
- Strengths
- Preferences
- Interests
- Needs
- Academic achievement and functional performance
29Transition Services
- How will the student get there?
- General education
- Vocational education
- Special education
- Community-based education
- Work-based learning
31Heres how you use it
- Building your students curriculum
- Transition planning
- Work based learning experiences
- Referrals to other learning opportunities
- Career Focused Education
- Dual enrollment
- Virtual HS
- Testing out
32More ways to use it
- Referrals to agencies
- Preparation toward post-high school opportunities
- Planning for the whole student
33Panic Prevention - EDP
Cathie Schulze Sue Powell Beth Garlock Cynthia Scherphorn
248.209.2513 (office) 248.209.2584 (office) 248.209.2099 (office) 248.209.2271 (office)
Email Cathie.Schulze Email Susan.F.Powell Email Beth.Garlock Email Cynthia.Scherphorn
Berkley Clawson Ferndale Hazel Park Lamphere Madison Royal Oak Southeast Campus Avondale Birmingham Bloomfield Hills Pontiac Rochester Southfield Troy Northeast Campus Brandon Clarkston Holly Huron Valley Lake Orion Oxford Waterford Northwest Campus Clarenceville Farmington Hills Novi Oak Park South Lyon Walled Lake West Bloomfield Southwest Campus
34Panic PreventionIEP Transition
Michelle Quarton Cathy Schmidt
248.209.2525 248.209.2504
35Have we met our goals?
- Reviewed recent High School legislation?
- Identified the EDP / IEP and Transition
Connection? - Provided an overview of Transition?
36We showed you oursnow show us yours.