Title: Integrating National
1Integrating National European PAa French
EPCA VIIth Annual Conference Integrating
Public Affairs National, European Global
a contribution from the French public affairs
trade body Association Française des Conseils en
Lobbying et affaires publiques
Nicolas Bouvier
2Integrating European and French PAa
schizophrenic approach
- Are we talking about the same thing?
- European PA must have
- Most French companies are convinced that Brussels
is important for them - The are active, either directly (local office or
not) or through their trade associations - French PA nice to have
- Being an active PA player at national level can
be difficult - Despite the fact that most elected officials and
civil servants welcome PA professionals - some remain reluctant within companies
3Brussels, as seen from Parisa visibility issue
more than an efficiency issue
- An ongoing debate the French influence within
the European institutions - The French commissioner title and portfolio
- The number of committees chaired within the EP
- The number of DGs within the Commission
- A more political than technical approach
- Chairs count more than attendees
- MEPs high profile politicians instead of good
technicians - Being ahead of the debate not perceived as
important - Being able to follow up closely on the decisions
and their transpositions -
4European PA by French bodiesstrongly supported
by the French authorities
- France has a responsibility in the European
construction - Promoting the common interest, a strongly rooted
vision within the French authorities - French representatives at the Commission and at
Parliament cautiously avoid being perceived as
promoters of solely the French interests - A lack of coordination in Brussels between French
representatives - We cannot do everything for you in Brussels
- French companies, trade associations and NGOs are
encouraged to directly promote their positions in
Brussels - Being French is not enough to be supported by
French representatives
5PA at the national levelquite a different story
- PA has completely changed over the past 15 / 20
years in France - Full legitimacy thanks to strong ethics rules
- As sophisticated than anywhere else same
strategies, tools, techniques, - No major issues / scandals
- Companies remain somewhat reluctant to consider
PA as a day to day and legitimate management tool - Current debate to promote the profession and its
transparency at the Parliament and within the
Government might be a contributor - But politics in France are changing
- New style / new approaches / new processes
6Integrating EU and national PAmoving forward
- Can it be improved?
- Through recognition of the differences
- EU decision are taken in Brussels 27 capitals
(maybe more) - PA in Brussels are not just a matter of knowing
the procedures - PA in Paris, Madrid or Stockholm are not just a
function of knowing the language - Through a working together approach
- PA professionals have the same basic knowledge
background - PA are always about understanding and integrating
each specific environment
7Contact information
- AFCL - Association Française des Conseils en
Lobbying et affaires publiques - Created 1991 around a code of ethics
- Pdt. Jean-Christophe Adler
- www.afcl.net
- Nicolas Bouvier nbouvier_at_afcl.net