Title: United Beyound Our Diversity
1United Beyond Our Diversity A Global
Panorama Tiles of Unity
Dr. Cheryl Morgan, iEARN-UK Eliane Metni,
University of Ulster September 10 13,
2006The Role of ICT in Bridge-Building and
Social Inclusion
2 Who Are You?
- Online Project-Based Learning
- How many have taken part in online PBL?
- How successful was your online PBL?
- a) Very successful
- b) Somewhat successful
- c) Not successful
- d) No experience
3 Welcome and Introductions
- Welcome, Bienvenue, ???? ?????
- Who are we?
- Cheryl Morgan, iEARN-UK, EC
- Eliane Metni, iEARN-Lebanon
4 What is iEARN? The International Education And
Resource Network
16 Years 115 Countries 38 Languages 150 Pr
ojects 25,000 Schools 1,000,000 Participants
5 Year One Process Based on LCLearning Circles,
Concept Overview
- Learning Circles proven educational concept
where learners shape their learning with their
online partners, facilitators set the theme and
each group of students formulates their own
question. http//learningcircles.kennisnet.nl/int
ernationaal0607/phases - Six Phases Preparation, Introduction, Questions,
Research, Summary, Closing - Four Steps The underlying information learning
line consists of a structure where learners take
4 steps with their online partners - Finding information
- Validating information
- Processing information
- Presenting information
6 Have a look at a few questions formulated by
The Netherlands, What kind of prejudice do people
in your country have about the Netherlands? What
kind of prejudice do you think other countries
have about your country? Lebanon, Does
technology bridge the gap between people who come
from different parts of the world, does it
eliminate bias, in other words, is technology
there to unite us beyond our diversity. What role
do we play in that? Canada, Within your
culture is there a distinction made between
social classes? How are each of these classes
treated? Do these social classes exist in your
school and how do they differ in society? Are any
of your social classes segregated from others in
society? Would social classes be obvious to
everyone or more discrete? Who is the minority
and who is the majority? Does media play a role
in distinguishing classes? Romania, What are the
similarities and differences in the spring
celebrations in our cultures.
7 Have a look at a few questions formulated by
Ukraine, What is the attitude to the immigrants
in your country? Are they accepted through
certain stereotypes? What nation stereotypes
exist in your country? Tunisia, To what extent
are we tolerant? What is "tolerance" for
you? Macedonia, We would like to know
How much are human rights respected in you
country? Have all people equal rights
(considering nationalities, gender, race etc)?
8 Questions For You
Ukraine, What is the attitude to the immigrants
in your country? Are they accepted through
certain stereotypes? What nation stereotypes
exist in your country? What is the attitude
toward immigrants in your country? a) Welcomed b)
Tolerated c) Discriminated against d) Treated as
9 Questions For You
Questions For You
- Macedonia, We would like to know How much are
human rights respected in your country? Have all
people equal rights (considering nationalities,
gender, race etc)? - Strongly agree
- Agree
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
10Overview of United Beyond Diversity Year One
11United Beyond Our Diversity 4 Learning Circles
2 English, 1 Arabic, 1 French
- Project sites
- http//learningcircles.kennisnet.nl/internationaal
/ubd - http//www.iearnlb.org/s_prog/ubod/06/ubod.php
18 countries 44 classes Students no less than
880 3 languages
12Overview United Beyond Our DiversityMurals
- The Lebanese components of the murals
- Planning http//www.iearnlb.org/s_prog/ubod/06/
ubod.php - Making half the murals
- The International components of the murals
- http//learningcircles.kennisnet.nl/internationaal
13Implications of being involved in a Learning
- Learners have ownership of the learning process
- LC reinforce the social aspect of learning as
there is a high interdependence amongst learners.
Each member must respond to all questions asked
by the LC partners so that learning is weaved and
processed in partnership with the other and can
not continue without the partners. - LC broadens learners global perspectives
especially if the LC groups 12 classes from
around the world - Learners see their own situation through the eyes
and perspective of their fellow learners
14Implications of being involved in a Learning
- Time and classroom management are enhanced
through collaboration amongst students to
formulate questions, research, summarize and
present. So though the LC activities schedule is
strict, teachers have ample flexibility on how
best to manage the activities in their classrooms
- Tasks, requirements and phases are clear in
advance, published online and progress is updated
on the web on a weekly basis - The technology is equally accessible across the
haves/have not as involvement does not require
cutting-edge technology tools or high speed
15United Beyond Our Diversity Outcomes and
- Students research and summaries reflect that
though diverse and very different we are all
united. -
- Students develop a strong sense of ownership and
are inquiring about ways to proceed in year two -
- The activities and events related to the
project - mural production,
- communication online,
- meeting at the iEARN international conference
- helped to create a sense of community and
consolidated the online relationship and work
16Where Are We Today?
- Current Activities
- Work with students of de Breul School in Zeist,
The Netherlands, to complete the two art murals - Invite students to reflect on the LC process and
outcomes and how they relate to the fact their
fellow students are in a conflict situation. We
ask the students to share their feelings about
this situation. - When the violence ends and, hopefully, when
things are calm in Lebanon, hold a
videoconference between the students from the
Netherlands and Lebanon.
17This Academic Year
Based on students interests, observations, and
questions, we will focus on one theme to
discuss How are we similar/different in our
attitudes towards the challenges we face?
18Year Two Overview
The aims of the project in year 2 to build a
virtual and physical United beyond our
Diversity Panorama to be presented on-line and
at the 2007 iEARN World Conference in Cairo,
Egypt. to expand the project to include
additional classes of students from countries all
over the world
19Year Two Overview
- Timeline
- September 2006 Planning create guide on-line
- October 2006 Invitations to join
- November 2006 till May 2007 Project opens for
registration and contributions - July 2007 Present the United beyond our
Diversity Panorama in Cairo
20Year Two Structure
- Program structure
- School/teacher/class study the project guide
on-line - Class registers for the project
- Tag on Google Earth
- Where are we?
- Who are we?
- Pictures and text of classes in one webpage
21Year Two Structure
- Program structure
- Lesson plan applied
- Introduction of concept
- Class reflection / activity
- Decide on your United beyond our Diversity focus
- Create a United beyond our Diversity Panorama
tile and text. Text can be free style, could be
poetry, prose, reflections etc not more than 250
words - Tile 50x50 cm. size to be mounted in a circle
Panorama which is accessible online as well as
physically assembled in Cairo, Egypt. - Submit your contribution and enjoy the global
22Year Two Outcomes
- Virtual and real panoramic exhibition of text and
tiles reflecting unity beyond diversity - A web site with all participants contributions
- Participation of students and teachers in the
2007 iEARN World conference and Youth Summit in
Cairo. - A printed publication with tiles and text
23Interactive Activity It is your turn to think
about Unity/Diversity
- In pairs, formulate a question related to Unity
/Diversity starting from the idea that we are
similar yet we are diverse. What brings us
together? (Think about the questions posed by
year 1 countries) - Your question has to apply to all the
participants in this conference workshop
- The most important thing teachers need in order
to be successful in collaborative project based
learning is (vote for one only) - To be liberated from state driven exams
- To model learning themselves
- To teach collaborative learning strategies
- To use collaborative teaching techniques
25Tell Us - Ask Questions
Tell Us/Ask
- Are you interested in joining year two?
- Do you know a teachers/class who would be
interested in joining? - What do you think may help/prevent teachers from
joining this project - You are welcome to ask questions?
26 Diversity in UK News
- According to a recent article in UK called for a
'new and honest' debate on diversity stating, 'We
need to look at building ways for people to get
to know their neighbours and to stop people
feeling a sense of "separateness"... The very
issue of 'multi-culturalism' is under study. - ("UK Must Tackle Ethnic Tensions", 24 August
2006, BBC News)
27 Diversity in UK News
- What is the most important impact that projects
such as United Beyond Our Diversity can have on
improving race, ethnic and religious tensions? - a) build friendshipsÂ
- b) reduce a feeling of separateness between
groups - c) reduce tensions by 'talking things over'
- d) achieve forgiveness for past grievancesÂ
28Join US
To Join Send us an E-mail cmorgan_at_iearnuk.com By
October 2006 http//www.iearn.org http//ict-edu.n
l http//www.iearn.org.uk http//www.iearn.org.lb