Title: The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
1The National Board for Professional Teaching
- The National Board for Professional Teaching
Standards is a nonprofit, nonpartisan and
nongovernmental agency created in 1987 and
governed by a 63-member board of directors, the
majority of whom are classroom teachers. NBPTS
has developed rigorous national teaching
standards and assessments for what teachers need
to know and be able to do, and issues national
certificates for teachers who meet those high
3The Five Core Propositions of the National Board
for Professional Teaching Standards
- Teachers are committed to students and their
learning. - Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to
teach those subjects to students. - Teachers are responsible for managing and
monitoring student learning. - Teachers think systematically about their
practice and learn from experience. - Teachers are members of learning communities.
4 Standards Overview Early Adolescence/English
Language Arts
5You Can Do This.-Mrs. Sharon Draper,
NBCTWalnut Hills High School- Cincinnati,
Ohio1998 National Teacher of the Year
- Words of encouragement offered to candidates in
February 7, 1997 at an open forum in Columbus for
candidates who were working on their portfolios
or thinking about working on National Board
6Why Did I Want to Achieve National Board
- To satisfy a desire to reach more students and
reflect upon how my teaching leads to student
success and/or failure - To determine the best methods of teaching my
subject area to early adolescents - To analyze curriculum and apply it to the
students needs - To seek professional growth beyond my M.Ed.
- To meet the highest set of standards in my field
- To quiet the critics throughout my life
7NBPTS will offer certificates in the following 12
areas for 1989-1999
- Early Childhood/Generalist (ages 3-8)
- Middle Childhood Generalist (ages 7-12)
- Early Adolescence Generalist (ages 11-15)
- Early Adolescence/English Language Arts (ages
11-15) - Early Adolescence/Science (ages 11-15)
- Early Adolescence/Mathematics (ages 11-15)
- Early Adolescence/Social Studies-History (ages
11-15) - Early Adolescence through Young Adult/Art (ages
11-18) - Adolescence through Young Adult/Mathematics (ages
14-18) - Adolescence through Young Adult/Science (ages
14-18) - Adolescence and Young Adult/English Language Arts
(ages 14-18) - Adolescence and Young Adult/Social
Studies-History (ages 14-18)
8How Do I Apply?
- The State of Ohio will pay the 2000 application
fee of the first 400 qualified teachers applying
for NBPTS certification for the 1998-1999
academic year - To qualify for first time state support teachers
must have at least three years of teaching
experience at a public or nonpublic chartered
school in Ohio and must be certificated/licensed
and teaching in one of the certification areas
for which they are applying. - Priority will be given to those teachers who have
attended a comprehensive orientation session
conducted by a NBCT - The deadline to submit applications to NBPTS is
December 1, 1998. However, those desiring state
support must submit them to the Ohio Dept. of
Education prior to November 5, 1998 until all 400
positions have been filled.
9The Portfolio ComponentThe portfolio is
completed in your classroom and is composed of
student work, videotapes and other teaching
artifacts. The videos and student work are
supported by commentaries on the goals and
purposes of instruction, the effectiveness of the
practice, reflections on what occurred, and the
rationale for your professional judgment.
10The Assessment Center ComponentThe assessment
center exercises are designed to complement the
portfolio and are organized around challenging
teaching issues. This aspect of the
certification process is designed to provide an
opportunity to demonstrate knowledge, skills and
abilities in situations across the age range and
topics of the certificate held.
11The Most Important Lessons Are the Ones We Teach
- National Board Certification is one of the most
important professional development opportunities
you will ever experience in your teaching career.
Your students will thank you. Their parents
will thank you. And, most importantly, you will
thank yourself. The self-reflectionthe
measuring of yourself against the highest
standards of accomplished practicewill leave you
with a new sense of what you teach and a
revitalized energy about how you teach it.
12For More Information.
- 1-800-22-TEACH
- National website- http//www.nbpts.org
- Ohio website- http//www.ode.gov/tc/nbcert.html
- Rae Harriott and Jeanine Ellis, NBPTS Liasons at
the Ohio Dept. of Education office at (614)
466-2761 - Applications are available from the NBPTS office
at 1-800-532-1813 or the Ohio Dept. of Education
at (614) 466-2761 - Mr. Scanlan, Southwestern Ohio Regional
Representative for the Ohio Coalition of Board
Certified Teachers