Title: Making Connections Past, Present and Future
1Making Connections Past, Present and Future
- Sharon Seslija, Mat Young, Erica Oliphant
- To meet expectations of the Ontario Curriculum
- To give students a good base in research skills,
citation and academic honesty before going on to
the senior grades - To make connections between past, present and
3The Process
- Assessment Learning Team
- Used the Design Down process to develop both
projects - Used performance assessment for assessment and
evaluation - Integrated the four stage research process into
both projects
4The Past Integrating Novels into Grade 10
- Novel Museum Performance Assessment
- Meets Provincial expectations
- Integrates research and citation skills
- Integrates literacy into the curriculum
- Meets a variety of learning styles
- Understanding by Design
- Not an FSE
5Twentieth Century Canadian History Novels
- Refer to package for novel list
- Lots of choice
- Individual activity
- Approached with a Historical point of view rather
than the traditional English discipline What
can I learn about this time period from the
6Lets Look at the Project!
7Constructing the Project using GRASPS
- GOAL Your task is to help a group of students
understand key historic events in Canadian
history. - ROLE You are to create a museum exhibit based on
a Canadian History Novel of your choice. - AUDIENCE The target audience are Grade 9
students eager to learn about next years history
topics. - SITUATION You have been asked to role play a
character in your novel and teach others about
the historical period/event in Canadian history
and convince people to read your novel. - PRODUCT PERFORMANCE AND PURPOSE You need to
create a novel museum exhibit and role play the
main character of your novel. - STANDARDS AND CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS Your exhibit
needs to include - an original poster for your novel
- 3 to 5 artifacts from your book (objects, maps,
etc. that are significant to the story) - 3 to 5 artifacts from your research (primary
sources) - labels that explain the significance of the
artifact to the historical period/event
8The Six Facets of Understanding (Wiggins, McTighe)
- A Multifaceted View of what makes up a mature
Understanding. - The Novel Museum Project addresses each of the
following types of Understanding - 1. Can Explain provide thorough, supported, and
justifiable accounts of phenomena, facts and
data. - 2. Can Interpret tell meaningful stories offer
apt translations provide a revealing historical
or personal dimension to ideas and events make
it personal or accessible through images,
anecdotes, analogies and models.
9The Six Facets of Understanding (contd)
- 3. Can Apply effectively use and adapt what we
know in diverse contexts. - 4. Have Perspective see and hear points of view
through critical eyes and ears see the big
picture. - 5. Can Empathize find value in what others might
find odd, alien, or implausible perceive
sensitively on the basis of prior direct
experience. - 6. Have Self-Knowledge perceive the personal
style, prejudices, projections, and habits of
mind that both shape and impede our own
understanding we are aware of what we do not
understand and why understanding is so hard.
10Visit the Novel Museum!
11S B Books
- Source for novels for novel museum
- Contact information
- 1-800 -997 -7099
- http//www.sbbooks.com/
12The Present A Grade 10 Environmental Science
- Meets Provincial expectations
- Integrates research and citation skills
- Allows connections to be made between science
units - Meets a variety of learning styles
- Understanding by Design
- Not an FSE
13A Science Performance Assessment G.R.A.S.P.
- Integration of chemistry, ecosystems and weather
- Uses real life situations
- Problem solving
- Variety of resources
- Field studies to Fighting Island
14Lets Look at the Project!
15View Students Projects
16Fighting Island Background
- Canadian island in the Detroit River
- Heavily polluted used as a dumping ground for
various pollutants until 1950s - In 1970 major flood which sent half the island
and its pollutants into the river - Now owned by a company (BASF) who has turned the
island into a pheasant hunting ground and a
student science study centre - Students do field studies in fall and spring
- Accessible only by boat
- Field studies are brought back to class for
further studies
17Students At Fighting Island
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24Fighting Island Resources
- History and Background
- www.basf.com/corporate/news2002/newsinfo_wildlife_
100902.html - www.tellusnews.com/ahr/se_at_fighting_is.html
- Detroit River Web Cam Site
- www.glmi.org/webcam
25The Future Making Connections
- Skills
- Understandings
- Attitudes
- Career opportunities (connects to grade 10
Careers classes)
26Questions and Comments
27Link to Presentation and Handouts
- Go to www.gecdsb.on.ca
- Click on School Directory
- Go to Secondary Schools and pull down Belle River
District High School - Enter and find the Making Connections title