Title: Bury St Edmunds
1- Bury St Edmunds
- Public Service
- Village
2- Driven by Gershon review and our own AMP
- 6 public agencies coming together
- ? Police ? SCC
- ? Magistrates ? SEBC
- ? PCT ? West Suffolk College
- One location through multiple estates
consolidation - Secure economies and improve efficiencies
3- Phase 1 SEBC and SCC Outline Business case
- Wider partners inclusion through later phases
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6- Programme management
- Working across two authorities
- Joint SEBC/SCC programme management
- Robust Programme structure and governance
- Multiple projects to deliver
- 9 work streams with over 30 different projects
- Rigorous management processes in place
- Tight timescale for delivery
- Robust programme plan
- 4ps Gateway Compliance ensuring programme is
maximising resources and opportunities
- New Build 20 million
- Asset Disposals 7 million
- Net Cost 13 million
- Revenue Savings of 700,000 per annum
8- Each authority expects almost equal revenue
savings - The building is innovative in its design to
reduce running costs and maximise sustainable
methods of energy generation eg ground source
heat pumps, solar panels and wind turbines - Creates the environment for integration of front
and back office services as well as building
operational services such as FM and maintenance
etc. - Business case doesnt include soft savings such
as reduced travelling between offices etc.
9- Both authorities are working towards more
flexible new ways of working. - They have identified a number of different
workstyles and their associated ratio for
workstation requirements. SEBC are currently
piloting some of this work. - The programme is also learning from the
implementation at SCCs HQ in Ipswich where they
currently operate a less than 70 staff to
workstation ratio.
10- Nine workstreams in our programme, of which 4
are property related - Its a people programme not just a property
project - Robust programme management and clear governance
arrangements - Honeycomb diagram
- Use of Sharepoint
- Challenges of one programme team made up from
representatives from each Council
11Councillor Group
Programme Board
Building Maintenance Robin Leeks
Public Service Village Programme
Structure Version 4.7 26/03/2007
Reprographics John Arkle
Cleaning,Catering and Grounds Nick Reynolds
Furniture John Arkle
Occupancy/ Space Planning and Move
in Martin Russell
Storage/Filing John Davy
FM Services Nadine Coleman
Oasis Implementation Liz Curtis-Woods
Security John Coleman
Mail Logistics Hannah Leys
Computer Accommodation Office
Technology Andrew Brindle
Property Disposals Betty Albon
CAT B Construction Rod Burton
Facilities Management James Carrick
Requirements and Integration Chris Woodhouse
Infrastructure James Wager
Client Fit Out TBC
Procurement Of Main Build Rod Burton
Property Strategy/ Disposals Betty Albon
ICT Chris Woodhouse
Move In James Wager
Design Main Build Rod Burton
Planning Joanna Griffin-Shaw
Programme Support Office
Transport Environment Andrea Mayley
Audit/ Assurance
Building(s) Design Joanna Griffin-Shaw
Finance Legal Chris Barber
Comms Marianne Hulland
Travel Plan / Car Park Peter Smulders
Internal and External Debbie Install
CAT A Construction Rod Burton
FinalBusiness Case Daryl Cockman
HR Workstyle Louise Hammond
Customer Access Deborah Farrow
HR Strategy Louise Hammond
Budget Management Sally Reeder
Customer Access Deborah Farrow
Legal David Holt
Decant Louise Hammond
Training TBC
Diversity Davina Howes
Workstyle Louise Hammond
12- Integrating service provision across two
authorities is challenging. - These include
- Facilities Management
- ICT Infrastructure
- Front Desk
- Non traditional link, eg SCC Adult
Services/Benefits/Homelessness - County and Borough Engineers
- SCC Children Services SEBC Youth Team
- Longer Term merger of Business Systems
13ICT Integration Strategy
- Commonality of network infrastructure, desktop
specifications and applications, telecoms etc
plus single management of their operation. - A 3 phase approach concentrating on delivering
the unified network in the project phase,
initial stabilisation of delivery in the
go-live phase and further integration of
business applications in the steady state phase.
14ICT Integration Strategy
15ICT Integration Strategy
16- Communication
- Village People/Intranet/Drop in
sessions/Newsletters - Joint committee/Joint programme team/Programme
Away Days - Utilisation of expert resources when
required/Staff involvement in new ideas/BPR etc. - Improved catering facilities/reduced/free public
transport equivalent Section 106 Contribution
17- Piloting, where practical, new ways of working
and hot-desking - Good communications timely, accurate and honest
- Travel Plan officer on board and working on
Travel Plan involving staff in this process - Setting and managing expectations
- Principles of occupation
- Open plan working
- New ways of working (home working etc.)
18Lessons learned to date
- Set up robust programme governance with decision
making powers early on, joint programme office - Opted for a Joint Committee
- Financial Advice VAT Advice/Stamp Duty
- Ensure enough and appropriate resources are
allocated, where necessary bringing in expertise
from outside the organisation - Establish a staff working party to help with
research, relaying information and general
involvement of staff - Dont under estimate the change management
aspects - And finally its hard work but fun working in a
close team environment across traditional