Title: Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church March 262728, 2006
1Welcome to Trinity Lutheran ChurchMarch
26-27-28, 2006
- 4th Weekend in Lent
- Sermon Theme
- I Am So Glad God Kissed a Frog!
Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert,
so the Son of Man must be lifted up that everyone
who believes in Him may have eternal life (John
2Bad News/Good News
- We dont always greet each other when we come to
church. - Why?
- Comfort level?
- Time?
- Dont know each other?
3Good News a Solution
- Please take this opportunity to kiss the person
beside you
4Kiss a Frog? Disgusting!!!
- Puckering up to a slimy, slippery creature not
a pretty picture - Yet, it is a similar picture to how God loved us
and kissed us with His salvation
5I Am So Glad that God Kissed a Frog!
- God kissed or greeted our world through His one
and only Son. - God transforms us through faith in that Son.
6Frogs Their Habitats Are Pictures of Humans
Living in the World
The warts we wear lying, greed, stubborn. The
lily-pads we cling to earthly jobs, pensions
plans, right living. On our own, we have no more
hope to be saved than a frog in a blender
7John 316 saysGod so LOVED the world that He
gave His one and only Son
- The Bible has 3 different meanings for the word
LOVE. - Phileo-love
- Eros-love
- Agape-love
8Remember the Background ofJohn, Chapter 3
- Jesus spoke to Nicodemus at night
- Nicodemus was a Pharisee
- He didnt get Jesus but he did get the Old
Testament. - Jesus connected the OT to Himself
9John 317 For God did not send His Son into the
world to condemn the world, but to save the world
through Him.
- No frog was left unkissed by Jesus
- God hasnt changed in His disgust over sin
- Only by Jesus perfect sacrifice on the cross,
are we welcomed home to heaven.
10John 318 Whoever believes in Him is not
condemned, but whoever does not believe stands
condemned already because he has not believed in
the name of Gods one and only Son.
- Good News/Bad News
- Faith (Belief) isnt an act WE do, but the Holy
Spirit enables us - Through Word Sacraments (Baptism Communion),
faith is created strengthened
11John 316 The Greatest
- God the greatest one
- So loved the greatest act
- The world the greatest company
- That He gave the greatest generosity
- His one and only Son the greatest sacrifice
- That whoever the greatest opportunity
- Believes the greatest simplicity
- In Him the greatest attraction
- Will not the greatest certainty
- Perish the greatest loss
- But the greatest difference
- Have the greatest possession
- Eternal the greatest time period
- Life the greatest gift
12I Am So Glad God Kissed a Frog
- Lets stick with a holy high-five or a holy
handshake - Lets remember the greatest news ever God
didnt turn away, but kissed us through the work
of Jesus
Lets Share His Love with another