Title: Photo Album
1Al Pickney speaks at the Diversity Leadership
Connections event
2Impersonating Roseanne Rosannadanna, Tami Sato
outlines steps to leadership
3The beat of traditional Taiko drums opens the
2006 National Conference
4The Taiko artistry is spellbinding
52005-06 National Chair David Gelinas opens the
6Keynote speaker Robert Reich smiles as WASFAA
welcomes the audience to the western region
7Robert Reich speaks on the importance
of promoting need-based funding
8NASFAA Members on the move to interest sessions,
registration, and other conference activities
9NASFAA retiree Robert P. Huff bestows the award
named after him
10David W. Breneman accepts the Robert P. Huff
Golden Quill Award
11Founding President Allan W. Purdy receives
accolades from his peers and a hug from NASFAA
President Dallas Martin
12Honoring his lifelong service to the profession,
NASFAA's Washington DC office conference room
is named "The Allan W. Purdy Conference Room"
13Allan Purdy addresses the NASFAA audience with
his characteristic wit and wisdom
14NASFAA State Award Winners Minnesota
15NASFAA State Award Winners Texas
16NASFAA State Award Winners Kentucky
NASFAA State Award Winners Arizona
17Carol Mowbray, Marie Mons, and Janet Dodson (l to
r) discuss HERA implementation
18Happy 40th anniversary, NASFAA!
19Bird's eye view of the exhibit hall
20Art Institute of Washington student Kelly
Sill poses with the timeline display she
created celebrating NASFAAs 40-year history
21A big "thumbs up!" from some very happy NASFAA
22Interest sessions get plenty of interest!
23Another fine NASFAA luncheon
24Dr. Bertice Berry thanks the NASFAA audience for
making her education possible
25Berry's enthusiasm energizes the Conference
262006-07 National Chair Janet Dodson receives the
gavel from outgoing 2005-06 Chair David Gelinas
David Gelinas thanks Berry for her inspiring words