Title: Maria Crowley President Alabama
1The opportunity to network with and learn from
colleagues that TRULY understand the challenges
of brain injury within state systems. I continue
to be amazed at what these innovators have
accomplished individually and together!
Maria CrowleyPresident Alabama
2Carolyn CassPresident ElectPennsylvania
Its about committed people.
3"Creative  committed people with a common vision
coming together to improve systems, partnerships,
services, and lives of individuals with brain
Erin WeaverTreasurer Chair, Policies,
Procedures, and PracticesVermont
4Secretary Vacant - TBD
5NASHIA serves me as an organization that
supports my daily work. It makes me feel
connected to my colleagues in brain injury across
the country. NASHIA provides me with tools I
need to do my best work.
William A. B. DittoPast PresidentChair, Public
PolicyNew Jersey
6Augusta CashEmeritus Board MemberAlabama
7To me, NASHIA means leadership, partnerships,
and collaboration.
Toni G. WallRegion I Representative for CT, ME,
MA, NH, RI, VTMaine
8- Vacant
- Region II Representative for NJ, NY, PR, and VI
9Patricia Goodall, EdSRegion III Representative
for DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WVChair, SOS 2009
Planning CommitteeChair, Product Development
Many years ago when I attended my first NASHIA
conference, I felt I had truly found my home as
a state government employee working to provide
quality services to people with brain injuries.Â
I treasure the support of my colleagues and have
come to depend upon the NASHIA network for
gathering and sharing information on the many
challenges we face. We also recognize and
celebrate other states successes and use their
strategies, as appropriate, to develop or enhance
services within our own states. There is a
strong sense of camaraderie as we learn how to
navigate the complex systems of care at the state
and federal level. NASHIA welcomes all who share
our goal to advocate for effective and efficient
brain injury services.
10NASHIA is a communion of like-minded advocates
and professionals who use all the skills
available to themcreativity, originality, hard
work and sheer dogged persistence to improve
services and outcomes for survivors of traumatic
brain injury and their families.
Kristine Shields, MPARegion IV Representative
for AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN Florida
11To me, NASHIA offers the invaluable BALANCE of
CHALLENGE SUPPORT to improve policy, services,
and supports for persons with brain injury and
their families through strategic state government
leadership and efforts.
Sharyl Helgeson, RN, BA, PHNRegion V
Representative for IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WIChair,
Membership CommitteeMinnesota
12- NASHIA is a means of networking, sharing best
practices and working together to create change
within our states and our nation, on behalf of
our citizens living with brain injury.
Elizabeth PetersonRegion VI Representative for
AR, LA, NM, OK, TXNew Mexico
13Benjamin WoodworthRegion VII Representative for
IA, KS, MO, NEIowa
NASHIA is about networking and collaborating
with colleagues throughout the country to develop
leadership skills to better serve individuals and
families experiencing brain injury in our states.
14" Working in the field of Traumatic Brain Injury
can be a rather lonely and isolated experience.
NASHIA provides me a opportunity to associate and
collaborate with professionals in the filed of
TBI from across the nation. This association
supports me in better serving individuals with
TBI and in making significant systems change
based upon best practices from across the nation.
NASHIA also provides our State a voice in
national policies and politics, assuring that our
opinions are heard on the Hill."
- Steve WrigleyRegion VIII Representative for CO,
MT, ND, SD, UT, WYUtah
15- Aaron ArakakiRegion IX Representative for AS,
AZ, CA, GU, HI, MP, NVHawaii
16VacantRegion X Representative for AK, ID, OR,