Title: A Learning Community for Motivated Company Owners
1A Learning Community for Motivated Company
Owners www.RemodelersAdvantage.com
2The Power of a Peer Group
- Better Leadership
- Brings you unlimited practical knowledge you can
apply immediately in your own company. - Fresh Ideas
- New ideas and perspectives are the fuel for any
companys continued growth and improvement. - Increased Focus
- Helps you spend less time putting out fires and
more time building for the future focusing on
the high impact activities.
3The Power of a Peer Group
- Enhanced Decision Making
- Your group provides the most effective sounding
board for your toughest decisions fellow
business owners who have met and overcome the
same challenges youre facing. - Improved Performance
- Through continuous, accelerated, practical
4Remodelers Advantage Roundtables
- Over 215 companies have joined to date and were
growing! - The only peer group exclusively for Remodelers
5Remodelers Advantage Roundtables
- First Roundtables Group launched in 1991
- Over 215 companies are members today
- 20 groups/12 companies per group, 93-95
Retention! - Facilitator Team of Recognized Industry Experts
My head is swimming from the experience! All of
that energy in one room, support, empathy,
conflict, commitmentI should have been there
years ago. Thank you for encouraging me to join.
6Remodelers Advantage RoundtablesLong List of
Member Benefits
- Expansive Network
- Gain access to our ever-expanding network of
business leaders who stand ready to share their
knowledge and experience with fellow members. - Web-based Resource Library
- more than 250 documents --Job descriptions,
spreadsheets, checklists and more at your
fingertips. - Private Discussion Forums
7Long List of Member Benefits
- PowerMeetings Workshops
- Production Managers PowerMeeting
- Building a Winning Sales Team Workshop
- Administrative PowerMeeting
- Design/Build Workshop
- Lead Carpenter Workshop
- Couples Workshop
8Remodelers Advantage RoundtablesLong List of
Member Benefits
- Expert Speaker Workshops
- Recognized experts in critical business topics
deliver fresh perspectives and practical
insights, and inspire breakthrough ideas. - From the Business Leaders Audio Series
- Each month, business leaders share their
thoughts, ideas and strategies for building
highly successful remodeling businesses. - Thank you for offering these seminars - I love
being able to close the door, sit at my desk and
listen, then go right back to work. It's a
wonderful service you are providing.
9Long List of Member Benefits
- Expanded Network of Experts
- GuildQuality
- Continuum Marketing
- EasyBackgrounds.com
- Toolchex.com
- AdminiStaff
- And many more!
- (special Remodelers Advantage rates)
10Long List of Member Benefits
- Annual Financial Comparison Survey
- Are you as profitable as you should be?
- How do you compare to the best in the industry?
- Where are your strengths and weaknesses?
- Do you make enough money personally?
- Human Resource Data Comparison
- Does your compensation package help your company?
- Pay scales for key employees
- Benefit package data
11Roundtables Structure
- Executive Level
- Professional Level
- Mentor Level
Thank you again for the service you provide. My
membership has had an invaluable benefit to my
company. And I compliment you for continuing to
improve and upgrade the services you provide.
Keep up the good work.
12Members Stories
- Since we joined Remodelers Advantage Roundtables
our business runs with less work and produces a
great return. I am very grateful for the world
that RAR opened up to us."Paul Winans,
CRWinans Construction - "The Remodelers Advantage Roundtables has given
us many terrific ideas how to manage a
successful remodeling company. Through the
efforts of our group, we have turned the corner
to profitability. Roundtables has particularly
provided us a sense of direction, better earnings
and an ongoing support group for future
success."Thomas C. CallenCallen Construction,
Inc. - "I am fortunate to have finally joined ... I
procrastinated too long before committing and I
cringe when I think how much better off I would
be now if I had joined when I first heard about
it... I'm happier and financially better off
after only one meeting. I can't wait for
more!"Susan C. Pierce, AIACommonwealth Home
Remodelers, Inc.
13Members Stories
- Just a quick note to tell you and your staff how
much Gary and I appreciated the marketing focus
of the Community meeting. It was one of the best
community meetings I can recall. We left with a
lot of inspiration and great ideas. You will
notice the results! - I want to thank you all again for your time,
knowledge and commitment to one another. Without
a doubt we will be top of our game in no time.
The diversity and yet to be tapped knowledge of
the group will undoubtedly propel us to another
14Youre Invited. . .
Please join us and the other members of our
learning community as we work together to reach
higher levels of success. Remodelers Advantage
Roundtables theres nothing else like it. Call
301-490-5620 today!