Title: A Preliminary Study on Reasoning About Causes
1A Preliminary Study on Reasoning About Causes
- Pedro Cabalar
- AI Lab., Dept. of Computer Science
- University of Corunna, SPAIN.
- Causality in Reasoning about Actions
- causal assertions (McCarthy 69).
- Yale Shooting Problemcausal minimizations
(Lifschitz 87) (Haugh 87). - Ramification Problem(McCainTurner 95) (Lin 95)
(Thielscher 97) (Denecker et al. 98) (Schwind 99)
(Shanahan 99) (Giunchiglia et al. 02).
- Causality technical solution to ramif. problem
butno real interest about causal information.
- Example we can use it to conclude 'dead' after
'shoot' but not to express that the shot was the
cause for 'dead'. - Facts like this not trivial indirect effects,
concurrence, etc. They should be derived from our
causal rules. - We present a mechanism to obtain the causes of
each derived formula in terms of subsets of the
performed actions.
- A motivating example
- Syntax and Semantics
- LP translation
- Related work
- Conclusions
5A motivating example
? sw(1)
? light
- How did we reach this (successor) state?
- "Who was responsible" of turning off the light?
- Let us study some possible performed actions ...
6A motivating example
? sw(1)
? light
- Trivial case we had opened sw(1) while sw(2)
closed ...
7A motivating example
? sw(1)
? light
- Trivial case we had opened sw(1) while sw(2)
closed ...
- Toggling sw(1) has caused ? light.
8A motivating example
? sw(1)
? light
- 2nd case we had closed sw(2) while sw(1) open ...
9A motivating example
? sw(1)
? light
- 2nd case we closed sw(2) while sw(1) open ...
- The light persists off (no cause for ? light).
10A motivating example
? sw(1)
? light
- Interesting case toggling both switches
11A motivating example
? sw(1)
? light
- Interesting case toggling both switches
- Toggling sw(1) has caused ? light (after all,
sw(2) has been closed). Note that light remains
off, but caused!
12Another example
- Consider now this state. If we close both
13Another example
- whereas, toggling both switches again...
- Any change of value is due to causation. However,
the opposite does not hold. - An effect may be equally due to different causes,
and each cause can be the concurrent combination
of several actions. - Our goal obtain causal facts, avoiding sw(1)
causes light if sw(2) sw(1),sw(2) causes
light sw(2) causes light if sw(1) - in favor of sw(1) ?sw(2) causes light
- A motivating example
- Syntax and Semantics
- LP translation
- Related work
- Conclusions
- Symbols S A ? F
- Actions A toggle(1), toggle(2)
- Fluents F sw(1),sw(2)
- Compound actions 2A. Examples toggle(1),
toggle(2), toggle(1), toggle(2), Ø - Notationa, b, ... actions A, B, ...
compound actions f, g, ... fluents ?, ?, ...
sets of compound actions p, q, ... symbols
- Formulas L denotes the language formed with
?, p, ??, ?, ???, A ? A ? ?
"compound action A has caused ? to hold" - Usual derived operators ?, ?, ?, ?, plusC? ?
? A ? N? ? ? ?? C? A ? 2A
Interpretation ??, ??
- ? standard truth valuation ? S ? t, f ?F
state ?A performed (compound) action - ? causal relevance relation ? ? 2A ? S
Example ( toggle(1), toggle(2), light )
means toggle(1), toggle(2) has caused truth
value ? (light). - ? can be seen as a set of functions ?A S ? t,
f so thatfor instance, ?A(light) t iff
(A, light) ? ?.
Let I??, ??
- Truth ? (?) for propositional connectives is
standard - ?(?) will be a set of comp. actions pointing
out A ? ?(?) iff ?A(?) t - The valuation w.r.t. I is defined as vI L ?
t, f ? 2A Aand follows the next rules...
?, ? ? Ø
vI (?) ? f Ø
?, ? ? Ø
vI (?) ? f Ø
Truth persistent "copy" the other conjunct
?, ? ? Ø
vI (?) ? f Ø
one conjunct false caused explains whole
conjunction, when the other conjunct is true
?, ? ? Ø
vI (?) ? f Ø
both false caused any of their causes is also
a cause for the conjunciton
?, ? ? Ø
vI (?) ? f Ø
both true caused (any) union of cause in ?
with cause in ? is a cause for the conjunciton
?, ? ? Ø
vI (?) ? f Ø
Areas for ? and ?.
- We add a pair of restrictions
2 - Axiom A ? ? a for any comp. action A, and
any a ? A.
27Some properties
- Disjunction table change t by f and vice versa.
- Relevance in tautologies p ??p cannot be just
replaced by ?. - "Unfolding" propertiesA (? ?? ) ? (A ? ? ?N ? )
? (A ? ? ?N ?) (1) A (? ?? ) ? (A ? ? N ? ) ? (A
? ? N ?) ? ? (A1 ? ? A2 ? ) (2) A1?A2
AN (? ?? ) ? N? ? N? (3) N (? ?? ) ? N? ?
N? (4)
- A motivating example
- Syntax and Semantics
- LP translation
- Related work
- Conclusions
29LP translation
- Dynamic action domains introduce new
requirements - NMR for inertia default,
- directional behavior for causal rules.
- A simple solution we follow (GelfondLifschitz93)
methodology - high level action language, plus
- translation into Logic Programming (answer sets).
30Action Language
- Causal rules ? causes ? if ? after ??
classical formula, ? fluent literal, ? and ?
fluent formulas. - Intuitive meaning once ? and ? proved true,
check whether A? holds for some A. If so, derive
A?. - Abbreviation g? if ? after ? ?
- Translation into LP use properties (1)-(4) to
"unfold" causal dependences (details in the
31LP translation
- Example switches scenario toggle(N) causes
sw(N) after ?sw(N) toggle(N) causes ? sw(N)
after sw(N) light sw(1) ? sw(2) - some generated program rulesc(t(1),light) -
c(t1,sw(1)), n(sw(2)).c(t(2),light) -
c(t2,sw(2)), n(sw(1)).c(t(1),t(2),light) -
c(t1,sw(1)), c(t2,sw(2)).c(t(1),-light) -
c(t1,-sw(1)), -n(-sw(2)).c(t(2),-light) -
c(t2,-sw(2)), -n(-sw(1)). - other axiomsc(Lit) - c(A,Lit). g - g', not
c(-g). Lit - c(Lit). -g - -g', not c(g).
n(Lit) - Lit, not c(Lit).
- A motivating example
- Syntax and Semantics
- LP translation
- Related work
- Conclusions
33Related work
- Transformation of causal expressions Event
Calculus (Shanahan 99), inductive causation
(Denecker et al.98). - Use of influence relations (which action may
affect which fluent value) - (Thielscher 97) constraintsinfluence causal
rules. - (Castilho et al.99) use influence relations as
primitive information (problem of elaboration
tolerance). - Use of a "caused" flag caused predicate (Lin
95), occlusion (Sandewall 94), ...
34Related work
- But the most related approach is Pertinence
Logic, L2, (Otero97), which has been used as a
starting point. - Two valuation functions truth t, f
pertinence p, n.Pertinence flag
caused/non-caused, regardless the actions
responsible for that. - When limiting to unique action, current approach
degenerates into L2. Exception ? and ? become
pertinent when any of their operands are so,
regardless their truth.
- A motivating example
- Syntax and Semantics
- LP translation
- Related work
- Conclusions
- Causal "introspection" derive the reasons for
each effect. - We could even go further, and use this in rule
conditions A dead causes jail(peter) if
perfomed(peter, A) - Allows characterizing causally different domains
apparently equivalent w.r.t. truth-value
transitions (see Pearl's circuit example
(Pearl00) in the paper). - A lot of topics for future work causes
minimization, nesting of causal operators,
delayed effects, ...
37Pearl's circuit
Apparently equivalent to light sw(1) ?
? sw(2)
? sw(1)
? light
... but when sw(1) is true (down), sw(2) is
irrelevantlight sw(1) ? ? sw(1) ? sw(2)