Title: Lean Production
1Chapter 12
Lean Production Just-in-Time
JIT Defined The Toyota Production System JIT
Implementation Requirements JIT in Services
2Just-in-Time (JIT)
- JIT is a philosophy of operations management that
seeks to eliminate waste in all aspects of a
firms production activities - (also called Lean Production)
- JIT relies on a pull system.
- Supplies and components are pulled through
system to arrive where they are needed when they
are needed.
3Waste in Operations
- Waste from overproduction
- Waste of waiting time
- Transportation waste
- Inventory waste
- Processing waste
- Waste of motion
- Waste from product defects
4Elements of Waste Reduction
- Minimize waste thru
- Focused Factory Networks
- Flow Lines, based on Group Technology
- Quality at the Source
- Uniform Plant Loading
- Minimized Setup Times and Small Lot Sizes
- JIT production
- Pull System, using Kanban
5Push versus Pull Systems
- Push system material is pushed into downstream
workstations by the schedule, regardless of
whether it is needed. - Pull system material is pulled to a workstation
by a signal (kanban) from the user to the
supplier, just as it is needed.
6JIT Demand-Pull Logic
The customer starts the process, pulling an
inventory item from Final Assembly
Then sub-assembly work is pulled forward by that
The process continues throughout the entire
production process and supply chain
- Japanese word for card
- Pronounced kahn-bahn (not can-ban)
- Downstream operations authorize more production
- Material is pulled through the operations by a
signal from the user to the supplier - Reduces Inventory (queue limitation)
8Inventory Waste Reduction I
Inventory level (hides problems)
Capacity Imbalances
Unreliable Vendors
9Inventory Waste Reduction II
Reducing inventory revealsproblems so they can
be solved.
Unreliable Vendors
Capacity Imbalances
10Implementing JIT
- Design a Flow Process
- Use Total Quality Control
- Stabilize the Schedule
- Install a Pull System-Kanban
- Work with Vendors
- Reduce Inventory more
- Improve Product Design
11End of Chapter 12