Title: 2005 Hampden WIA Industrial Makeup
1Employment TrendsWhat is happening in Greater
New Bedford WIA?
- Navjeet Singh
- Vice President, Research and Evaluation
- 617-727-8158
- Nsingh_at_commcorp.org
- Jonathan Latner
- Research and Evaluation Analyst
- 617-727-8158
- jlatner_at_commcorp.org
2Employment Trends What is happening in Greater
New Bedford WIA?
- Massachusetts Employment Trends
- Greater New Bedford Job and Employment Trends
- Job Vacancies
- Workforce Development Implications
3Massachusetts Employment Trends
January, 2001 January, 2007Employment is
recovering from recession, but has not equaled
its Peak Feb, 2001 MA is 1 of 6 states that has
not reached pre-recessionary employment numbers
Source Department of Labor and Workforce
Development CES Data, Seasonally Adjusted
Data Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center,
State of Working Massachusetts, 9/3/06
4Do We Have Enough Workers Now? Many people are
seeking work
- From 2001 to 2005, in Massachusetts
- 132,000 fewer employed
- Population is increasing slightly
- 27,000 more unemployed
- 32,000 more working part-time
- 11,200 more marginally attached gtgt left the labor
force shortly before
Note Based on 12 month averages from Current
Population Survey (CPS) Source BLS (CPS)
Census (Non-employer) Source Census American
Community Survey (ACS)
5Massachusetts employment growth
Growth projected, 2005-2010 (000)
Job Vacancies, Q2, 2006 (000)
Includes Replacement Jobs and New Jobs Current
Hiring Needs
Net New Jobs in Future
Source CommCorp Analysis of New England
Economic Partnership Data
6Greater New Bedford WIA, Southeastern Mass. RCC
New Bedford NECTA
7A closer look at the Employed and Unemployed New
Bedford WIA
- Compared to the employment peak in 2001, in 2005
in - New Bedford WIA
- Population is flat
- Labor force increased by 2,400
- The number unemployed increased by 1500
- Employment was higher by 3000
Note Based on 12 month averages from LAUS (DWD)
CES (BLS) data as well as Census Population
Estimates (DWD)
8Greater New Bedford WIA Employment by Industry
Employment (2005)
Source Massachusetts Department of Workforce
Development ES-202, 2005 Annualized
9Gr. New Bedford Employment changes 2001-2005
Employment (2005)
Employment Change (2001 2005)
Source Massachusetts Department of Workforce
Development ES-202, 2005 Annualized
10Employment Greater New Bedford compared to
Source Massachusetts Department of Workforce
Development ES-202, 2005 Annualized
11Recent Employment trends and Regional Vacancy
New Bedford Employment Growth (Q2, 2005 Q2,
Southeast Job Vacancies Q2, 2006
Note JVS Available only at RCC Level.
Information presented here represents Southeast
RCC, not just New Bedford WIA
Source Massachusetts Department of Workforce
Development ES-202, 2005 Annualized Job Vacancy
Survey, 2nd Quarter, 2006
12Average Industry Pay Greater New Bedford
compared to Massachusetts
Annual Pay
Source Massachusetts Department of Workforce
Development ES-202, 2005 Annualized Job Vacancy
Survey, 2nd Quarter, 2006
13Implications for Workforce Development
- Need to retrain and place displaced workers from
- Manufacturing
- Construction
- Long-term need address the need of growth
sectors for educated and highly skilled workers - Healthcare
- Education
- Long-term need improve educational attainment.
This may be done as part of an economic
development strategy in partnership with
education/research institutions and employers, to
ensure that education and skills needed locally
are developed