Title: Breast Cancer Awareness
1Breast Cancer Awareness
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2Learn the Facts(Check out each one)
- All women are at risk for breast cancer.
- Tests can find breast cancer early.
- Mammograms can find breast cancers when they are
too small to feel. - A clinical breast exam is an important way to
check for breast cancer.
Click on this button after you have viewed each
3All Women Are At Risk( Men too)
- No one knows what causes breast cancer, so there
is no sure way to prevent it. - Eat healthy, exercise regularly, dont smoke, and
limit alcohol intake to reduce all cancer risks.
4Protect Yourself
- BSE (Breast Self Exam) Monthly
- Spread information about breast cancer awareness.
- Get involved! Volunteer to help save lives!
5The Power of a Mammogram
- This is an X-ray of the breast. It is the best
way for detecting breast cancer and saving your
life! - Have one every year after you reach 40.
- Results come within 10 days.
6Clinical Breast Exams
- These are done by a doctor or nurse at a clinic.
- Doctors or Nurses are able to see changes that
might indicate problems. - Have your first exam at age 20.
- Go every 3 years for another exam until you are
40. - Once you are 40, go every year.
7Signs to see a doctor
- A lump, hard knot, or thickening.
- Swelling, warmth, redness, or darkening.
- Change in the size or shape.
- Itchy, scaly sore, or rash of the nipple.
- Dimpling or puckering of the skin.
- Pulling in of your nipple or other parts.
- Nipple discharge that starts suddenly.
- New pain in one spot that doesnt go away.
8Save your Life!!
- Earlier detection higher chance of survival by
95!!!! - This year in the US, 10,000 young women under 40
will be diagnosed with breast caner. - Over 250,000 women under 40 are living with
breast cancer. Most of these women found out
about their cancer in their 20s.
9What are the chances of survival with early
(Click correct answer to continue)
100 95 50 0
- Early detection saves lives!!
- Click arrow to go back and try again!
12More Information
- www.komen.org
- www.nationalbreastcancer.org
- www.nbcam.org
- www.cancer.org
- 1-800-462-9273
13About Me!
My name is Amy Denn and Im a junior at Western.
Im studying Special Education and I hope to
teach in an Elementary classroom once I graduate.
Breast Cancer Awareness really interests me
because I have family members who are survivors,
and my close Aunt is battling breast cancer
right now.
Citation www.komen.org