Title: IMG
- The Weimar Republic the first liberal German
2Questions to be addressed
- How liberal was this new state?
- Why did it fail?
3Key Issues this week
- Domestic situation at the end of the War
- Potential revolution
- The Weimar Constitution
- Perceptions and realities of the new state
- Economic crisis
4Worries on the home front
- Military government (General Erich Ludendorff)
- break down in food supplies
- population weary of war
5Fears of a Russian-style revolution
Source http//www.barnsdle.demon.co.uk/russ/rusre
6End of the War
- Transfer of power to civilian government
- To help negotiations with the Allies
- To avoid taking responsibility for defeat
source http//www.dhm.de/lemo/html/weimar/innenpo
8Revolution from above?
- Prince Max von Baden
- Democratic reforms
- Kaiser does not abdicate
9Real Revolution?
- October sailor mutinies in Kiel and
Wilhelmshaven - November Arbeiter- und Soldatenräte across
Germany - Kaiser forced into exile
- Moderate Social Democrat Friedrich Ebert becomes
Chancellor - Same time Spartakisten declare socialist republic
10Restoring Order
- Temporary coalition of SPD (moderate) USPD
(independent/more radical socialists) - Nationalversammlung to be democratically elected
11Restoring Order
- Government negotiations with
- Revolutionary councils
- Business and Unions
- THE ARMY (General Groener )
- Continuities with Imperial Germany?
12Real Revolution again?
- December Breakdown of coalition (USPD leave)
- January 1919 Spartakist Uprising (Karl
Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg) - "Alle Macht den Räten"
- Violently quashed by Army and Freikorp
13Spartakist Uprising
- http//www.dhm.de/lemo/html/weimar/revolution/spar
14Violently quashed by Army and Freikorps
- http//www.dhm.de/lemo/html/weimar/gewalt/freikorp
15The Weimar Constitution
- 6 February first National assembly convened in
Weimar - Federal structure
- key powers reserved for central government
- Reichsrat and Reichstag
- universal suffrage
- Proportional representation
16The Weimar Constitution
- President as Head-of-State
- Chancellor as Head-of-Government
- Concept of human rights introduced
- BUT could be suspended by the President
17Perceptions and Realities of the new state
- Government had accepted the Treaty of Versailles
18Treaty of Versailles
19Treaty of Versailles
- Demilitarization
- Germany and her allies to take all blame for the
war - Germany to pay reparations
- an albatross around the neck of the new German
20Perceptions and Realities of the new state
- Democracy was foreign
- Making Germany weak
- Use of direct action
- Kapp Putsch (1920)
- Hitlers Beer Hall Putsch (1923)
- Lack of Political Consensus
21Economic Crisis
- Loss of resources
- Cost of War
- 1.8 mil lives
- 19.9 billion at 1919 prices
- unworkable reparations
- 6,600 million presented in 1921
22Economic Crisis
- hyperinflation
- 1919 14DM 1
- November 1923 4billion DM 1.
- Click here for video clip
23Economic Crisis
Source http//www.dhm.de/lemo/html/weimar/Versail
24So how did the republic survive this crisis?