Title: History of Leica Confocal Microscope Systems
1History of Leica Confocal Microscope Systems
21988 Wild Leitz CPM
Confocal Profile Measurement System for
Semiconductor industry
- Reflection mode
- Fully automated
- Critical Dimension
- measurements
- Profile measurements
- VME workstation/OS-9
31989 Wild Leitz CLSM
Confocal Fluorescence/Reflection System for
Biomedical and Industrial Applications
- High resolution
- focusing stage
- Control panel
- Single scan mirror
- Computer- controlled
- confocal pinhole
- VME workstation/
- OS-9
- 3D reconstruction
41989 Wild Leitz CLSM
High resolution focusing stage
- live vertical sectioning
- reproduceability 40 nm
51990 Wild Leitz CLSM Fluovert
Biomedical Confocal System with Research Inverted
Microscope Wild Leitz Fluovert
- Compact scanner module
- integrated in anti- vibration table
61991 Wild Leitz CLSM Fluovert
First commercial Confocal System with fiber
delivery of visible range lasers and UV Laser
- alignment-free
- more compact
- UV Version
71992 Leica CLSM Aristoplan
Compact scanner module on upright research
microscope Leica Aristoplan
- 1992 Windows-
- based user interface
- 1994 Physiology SW
- 1995 Multi color SW
81992 Leica TCS 4D
Redesigned compact optics for Leica DM R
- High efficiency
- ultra-stable
- 4 fluorescence channels
- new transmitted light
- detector
91993 AOTF
Acousto-optical tunable filter for confocal
- Free selection of excitation lines
- Individual line attenuation
- Less crosstalk
- Less fading
101993 Leica TCS 4D
System interchangeable between upright and
inverted Leica DM R series microscopes
- Flexibility for multi-disciplinary
- use
111993 UV fiber coupling
- vibration isolation
- heat isolation
- alignment-free
121995 PMT cooling
Active photomultiplier cooling
- increased sensitivity
- reduced dark noise
131996 Leica TCS NT
New Electronics and Software
- Entirely PC-based
- Windows NT
- Guiding user interface
- Online tutorial
- Time Lapse SW
- 2.5 D reconstruction
- 3D reconstruction
- Physiology SW
141998 Leica TCS MP
Multi Photon Microscope
- Single and multi-
- photon modes
- in one system
- Non-descanned
- detectors
- Fiber-coupled
- lasers,
- alignment-free
- Easy
- wavelength
- tuning
15 1999 LCS
Leica Confocal Software
- Optimised for low light laboratory
conditions - Easy to use user interface minimizes learning
time - Built-in multidimensional imaging core
optimised for 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D
applications. - Burst mode for real-time response of
time-critical functions - Digital potentiometer support for quick
instrument set-up - Modular and configurable System Control Layer
- Open system based on MS-DCOM technology
- Supports complex scan processes
- Macro recording and playback
162000 Leica TCS SP2
Spectral Confocal and Multiphoton Microscope
- Superior Image performance
- MP, VIS, UV in one system
- K-Scanner for high resolution and
fast scanning - Adjustable pupil illumination for best
image quality - Up to 4096x4096 pixel resolution
- Advanced scan modes