Title: Two of the
1 Two of the United States Presidential Canidates
2George Bush
3A little Background about George Bush
- He was born on July 6th 1946.
- He was born in New Haven Connecticut, he grew up
in Midland and Houston Texas. - He received a bachelor's degree from Yale
4Some Things Bush accomplished
- He served as an F-102 fighter pilot in Texas
Air National Guard. - In 1994 he was elected as Governor of Texas and
served 6 years - there.
- He was sworn into US Presidency in January of
2001 as the 43rd President.
5John Kerry
6A Little Background about John Kerry
- He was born on December 11th 1946
- He was born in Denver Colorado, but grew up in
the home state of Massachusetts. - He was a graduate of Yale University, and also
received a law degree from Boston College.
7Some things Kerry accomplished
- After graduating from Yale He entered into the
Navy, where he was a Swift Boat officer, on a
gunboat in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam. - He received a Silver Star, Bronze Star with
Combat V, and three awards of the Purple Heart
for his service in combat. - He was a member of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee. - He won the election as Lieutenant Governor in
1982, and then ran and was elected to serve in
the United States Senate, and is now serving his
forth term in this position.
8Issues represented by the candidates
- Economy
- Education and College affordability
- Environment and energy
- Foreign policy
- Homeland security and National security
- Small businesses
- Social security and seniors
- Womans issues
- Compassion, Americans with disabilities, Native
9Their views on the Issue of Health care
Bush Wants to modernize and strengthen
Americas health care system. He also wants to
create a health care system that puts the needs
of patients first. His agenda is designed to
improve the accessibility, affordability and
accountability of health care for all Americans.
KerryWants to give every American access to the
health care plan that the President and Members
of Congress already have. His heath care plan
will start by expanding health care coverage to
96 percent of Americans, including nearly all
children. He also is committed to assuring high
quality health care by including a strong
enforceable patients bill of rights and reducing
medical errors.
10Their views on the issue of education
BushBush promised to make educating every child
his top domestic priority, to better enable
educational excellence for every child in
America, he is also the advocate of no child left
KerryKerry is proposing a new Education Trust
Fund that means fully funding education, no
questions asked. He feels that we need to invest
in our schools to ensure that all children can
meet high standards. He feels that so much needs
to be done to improve our public education
system, to help improve it he will commit support
to teachers, reduce class sizes, and rebuild
crumbling schools.