Title: Complex networks and random matrices'
1Complex networks and random matrices.
- Geoff Rodgers
- School of Information Systems, Computing and
- Introduction to scale free graphs
- Small world networks
- Static model of scale free graphs
- Eigenvalue spectrum of scale free graphs
- Results
- Conclusions.
3Scale Free Networks
- Many of networks in economic, physical,
- technological and social systems have
- been found to have a power-law degree
- distribution. That is, the number of
- vertices N(m) with m edges is given by
- N(m) m -?
4Examples of real networks with power law degree
- Vertices are web pages
- Edges are html links
- Measured in a massive web-crawl of 108 web pages
by researchers at altavista - Both in- and out-degree distributions are power
law with exponents around 2.1 to 2.3.
6Collaboration graph
- Edges are joint authored publications.
- Vertices are authors.
- Power law degree distribution with exponent 3.
- Redner, Eur Phys J B, 2001.
7- These graphs are generally grown, i.e. vertices
and edges added over time. - The simplest model, introduced by Albert and
Barabasi, is one in which we add a new vertex at
each time step. - Connect the new vertex to an existing vertex of
degree k with rate proportional to k.
8For exampleA network with 10 vertices. Total
degree 18.Connect new vertex number 11 to
vertex 1 with probability 5/18 vertex 2 with
probability 3/18 vertex 7 with probability
3/18 all other vertices, probability 1/18 each.
9- This network is completely solvable
- analytically the number of vertices of
- degree k at time t, nk(t), obeys the
- differential equation
- where M(t) ?knk(t) is the total degree of the
- network.
10- Simple to show that as t ? ?
- nk(t) k-3 t
- power-law.
11Small world networks Normally defined by two
- Local order If vertices A and B are neighbours
and B and C are neighbours then good chance that
A and C are neighbours. - Finite number of steps between any pair of
vertices (this is the small world effect).
12- Property 1 is generally associated with regular
graphs e.g. 2-d square network. - Property 2 is generally associated with random
graphs or mean field systems.
13- Scale free networks are small world. But not all
small world networks are scale free.
14Models of small world networks
- Most famous due to Newman and Watts
- Let n sites be connected in a circle.
- Each of several neighbours is connected by a unit
length edge. - Then each of these edges is re-wired with
probability p to a randomly chosen vertex.
15- p 0 is a regular ordered structure.
- p 1 is an ER random graph.
- Small world for 0 lt p lt 1.
- Average shortest distance behaves as
- n for p 0
- and log n for p gt 0.
16- Obviously such an approach can be generalised to
any regular graph, 2-d, 3-d etc - Models are difficult to formulate analytically.
- Only some of the most basic properties have been
obtained analytically, in contrast to both random
and scale free graphs.
17Local ordering property 1
- Can be quantified by the clustering coefficient
C, - C
- 3 (no. of triangles) / (no. of connected triples)
- This is the probability that two of ones friends
are friends themselves.
18- C 1 on a fully connected graph (everyone knows
everyone else). - Typical values of 0.1 to 0.5 in many real world
19Community Structure
- Sometimes called clustering, and confused with
the previous property. - The detection of community structure is an
important part of analysing many social and
technological networks. - Helps to understand the interplay between network
structure and function.
20- Traditional methods for detecting community
structure involve giving each edge a weight, by
some method, and arranging in a hierarchical way. - Recently a new method has been introduced by
Girvan and Newman. - This focuses on the edges which are least
central, or most between communities.
21Girvan-Newman Algorithm
- Calculate the betweenness for all edges in the
network. That is, the number of shortest paths
going down each edge. - Remove the edge with the highest betweenness.
- Recalculate the betweennesses for all edges
affected by the removal. - Repeat until no edges remain.
22- Over time, this algorithm will yield the
community structure.
23Static Model of Scale Free Networks
- An alternative theoretical formulation for a
scale free graph is through the static model. - Start with N disconnected vertices i
1,,N. - Assign each vertex a probability Pi.
24- At each time step two vertices i and j are
selected with probability Pi and Pj. - If vertices i and j are connected, or i j, then
do nothing. - Otherwise an edge is introduced between i and j.
- This is repeated pN/2 times, where p is the
average number of edges per vertex.
25- When Pi 1/N we recover the Erdos-Renyi graph.
- When Pi i-a then the resulting graph is
power-law with exponent ? 11/ a.
26- The probability that vertices i and j are joined
by an edge is fij, where - fij 1 - (1-2PiPj)pN/2 1 - exp-pNPiPj
- When NPiPj ltlt1 for all i ? j, and when 0 lt a lt
½, or ? gt 3, then fij 2NPiPj
27Adjacency Matrix
- The adjacency matrix A of this network
- has elements Aij Aji with probability
- distribution
- P(Aij) fij d(Aij-1) (1-fij)d(Aij).
28This matrix has been studied by a number of
- Farkas, Derenyi, Barabasi Vicsek Numerical
study ?(µ) 1/µ5 for large µ. - Goh, Kahng and Kim, similar numerical study ?(µ)
1/µ4. - Dorogovtsev, Goltsev, Mendes Samukin
analytical work tree like scale free graph in
the continuum approximation ?(µ) 1/µ2?-1.
29- We will follow Rodgers and Bray, Phys Rev B 37
3557 (1988), to calculate the eigenvalue spectrum
of the adjacency matrix.
30Introduce a generating function
- where the average eigenvalue density is given
- by
and ltgt denotes an average over the disorder in
the matrix A.
31- Normally evaluate the average over lnZ
- using the replica trick evaluate the
- average over Zn and then use
- the fact that as n ? 0, (Zn-1)/n ? lnZ.
32We use the replica trick and after some maths we
can obtain a set of closed equation for the
average density of eigenvalues. We first define
an average ?,i
- where the index ? 1,..,n is the replica
- index.
33The function g obeys
- and the average density of states is given
- by
34- Hence in principle we can obtain the average
density of states for any static network by
solving for g and using the result to obtain
?(?). - Even using the fact that we expect the solution
to be replica symmetric, this is impossible in
general. - Instead follow previous study, and look for
solution in the dense, p ? ? when g is both
quadratic and replica symmetric.
35In particular, when g takes the form
36In the limit n ? 0 we have the solution
37Random graphs Placing Pk 1/N gives an Erdos
Renyi graph and yields
- as p ? 8 which is in agreement with
- Rodgers and Bray, 1988.
38Scale Free Graphs
- To calculate the eigenvalue spectrum of a
- scale free graph we must choose
This gives a scale free graph and power-law
degree distribution with exponent ? 11/?.
39When ? ½ or ? 3 we can solve exactly to yield
note that
40(No Transcript)
41General ?
- Can show that in the limit ? ? ? then
- Shown how the eigenvalue spectrum of the
adjacency matrix of an arbitrary network can be
obtained analytically. - Again reinforces the position of the replica
method as a systematic approach to a range of
questions within statistical physics.
- Obtained a pair of simple exact equations which
yield the eigenvalue spectrum for an arbitrary
complex network in the high density limit. - Obtained known results for the Erdos Renyi random
graph. - Found the eigenvalue spectrum exactly for ? 3
scale free graph.
In agreement with results from the continuum
approximation to a set of equations derived for
a tree-like scale free graph.
- The same result has been obtained for both dense
and tree-like graphs. - These can be viewed as at opposite ends of the
ensemble of scale free graphs. - This suggests that this form of the tail may be
46Further details
- Eigenvalue spectrum
- Rodgers, Austin, Kahng and Kim
- J Phys A 38 9431 (2005).
- Spin glass
- Kim, Rodgers, Kahng and Kim
- Phys Rev E 71 056115 (2005).