Title: Climate Change Adaptation A Municipal Perspective
1Climate Change Adaptation A Municipal
Municipality of Delta, British Columbia
June 2, 2008
2Overview Local Climate Change Impacts
- Sea Level Rise -Coastal Issues - Roberts Bank
- Storm Impacts - Flood Protection Systems
- Dyke/Seawalls
- Drainage
- River Hydrology - Agricultural Irrigation System
- River Sediment Transport
5 m
Coastal Squeeze
0 m (chart datum)
42) Storm Impacts - Flood Protection
5Visualisation of sea level rise scenarios for
Delta, BC (courtesy of UBC CALP)
6Canoe Pass Dyke Breach(Winter Storm Condition)
Storm Surge Event Max Tide/Surge 2.9m (based on
1.9m high tide, 0.75m storm surge, 0.25m other
setup effects)
Est. Water Depth River Rd. W 1.5 to 2m Ladner
1 to 1.5m
7Westham Island Dyke Breach(Winter Storm
Storm Surge Event Max Tide/Surge 2.9m (based on
1.9m high tide, 0.75m storm surge, 0.25m other
setup effects)
Est. Water Depth River Rd. W 1.5 to 2m Ladner
1 to 1.5m
8Agricultural Irrigation Salt Wedge
9 4) River Sediment Transport Sediment
- Potentially Higher Sediment Loads
- Harbour Infilling
- Channel Infill
- Impact on local drainage systems outfalls
10 Local Issues Sediment Management (Secondary
Channel Dredging)