Title: Auditing for Accountability in Healthcare
1Auditing for Accountability in Healthcare
- Robert Horn, Agfa, Glen Marshall, Siemens
2Security Methods
- Access Control
- Get permission before allowing action
- Suitable for situations, e.g. restricting access
to authorized medical staff - Audit Control
- Allow action without interference, trusting the
judgement of the staff. - Monitor behavior to detect and correct errors.
- Both have a place in security systems
- Local security policies determine what is handled
by access control, and what is handled by audit
3Audit System
Audit Control Local Policy determines
what events to report, and when. Security Audit
Message Standard Defines how to describe
events Repository Local Policy determines
what reports to keep, analyze, etc.
Access Control
Encode a Description
Send to Repository
4Standards Efforts
- IETF - Security Audit Message structure
(similar to HL7 version 3 XML structures) - HL7 Define descriptions of potentially
auditable events in the HL7 domain, utilizing the
IETF structure - DICOM Define descriptions of potentially
auditable events in the DICOM domain, utilizing
the IETF structure
5Existing Audit Message
- Interim effort by IHE
- Radiology-centric view of events
- Demonstrated functional capabilities
- Part of the IHE Technical Framework
- Provides a basis for evaluating the more general
solution being developed by IETF, HL7, DICOM, and
ASTM - Will coexist with the more general solution, and
gradually be replaced by the more general
6Emerging Audit Message
- New Effort for IHE IT Infrastructure 2004
- Informed by DICOM, HL7, ASTM, and IHE
- Posted as IETF Internet Draft, leading to RFC
- Anticipates an enterprise audit repository
- Supports uniform policy administration
- Enables integration of security surveillance
- Provides extensibility to accommodates various
government regulations plus enterprise and local
7Emerging Audit Message Schema(1)
8Emerging Audit Message Schema(2)
9Emerging Audit Message Schema(3)
10Emerging Audit Message Schema(4)
11Emerging Audit Message Schema(5)
12Emerging Audit Message
- Extensibility
- Is a fully conformant XML Schema
- Direct extension add elements
- Restriction constrain values
- Vocabulary reference to externally defined
nomenclature from any source
14Thank You!