Title: Orphan Drug Development
1Orphan Drug Development Industry Perspective
Food Drug Administration in the
U.S. Copenhagen, Denmark November 5, 2008 John
Wilson, Jr., PhD, MPH Senior Vice President,
Clinical Development
2Orphan Drug Development First Principle
- A rationally motivated pharmaceutical company
focuses its resources on those endeavors that
will yield the greatest returns. - David D. Rohde
3Another Important Principle
- When all else is equal, the largest number of
patients for a given drug or indication get the
greatest attention by the pharmaceutical company.
4Historical Notes
- Prior to the Orphan Drug Act, there was little
incentive to develop orphan drugs - All about recouping RD costs plus profit
- Many potential orphan compounds could not be
5 Efficient Markets
- Prior to the Orphan Drug Act, the market was
working normally and fairly - Unless you happened to have a rare disease
- 5 million Americans suffer from a rare disease
- 5 million 1.6 of the U.S. population
6 Orphan Drug Development Hard to Study
- Orphan Drug Challenges in study
- Nature of disease
- RD efficiencies
- Lack of profit potential
- Tort Liability
- Uncertainty and unpredictability stacked onto an
uncertain and unpredictable business model
7 Orphan Drug Act
- Incentives!!
- Most significant
- 7-year marketing exclusivity
- What does this mean?
- Not the same as traditional patent
- Only for the rare disease for which it was
approved - Another sponsor could receive approval for
another use, even another rare disease
8Industry Expectations
- Protocol design assistance
- Marketing exclusivity
- Limited monopoly
- Faster FDA review time
- Well, not exactly..
9 Some Realities
- Usually related to Development rather than
Discovery - Potential orphans discovered during drug
development for larger populations - Many halt at this stage, due to no data
10Some Recent Successes
- Tuberculosis
- Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
- Hairy cell leukemia
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Refractory childhood ALL
- (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia)
11Joint EMEA/FDA Application Process
- Simultaneous Orphan Designation
- Application
- One Form
- One Process
12Beaufort Advisors LLC 500 East Main Street Suite
1301 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 (757)
383-6000 www.beaufortadvisors.com