Inclusive Curriculum 20th September, 2007 David
Turrell Headteacher and Chair of the Kingswood
Partnership Â
Education at Downend School The Grange
School Hanham High School Kingsfield
School Mangotsfield School The Sir Bernard
Lovell School and City of Bristol College
- Soundwell Centre Â
Six 11 19 schools containing approx. 7,000
pupils (including 820 Post 16
students) City of Bristol FE College providing
for 18,000 students (including one site in
Kingswood area) Kingswood - low unemployment
- high of self-employed / small
employers - very low HE experience of
parents - 2005 5 x A - C GCSE 52
4(No Transcript)
5Kingswood Partnership
- A Partnership core team
- 14 - 19 Co-ordinator
- Assistant 14 - 19 Co-ordinator
- Business Links Development Manager
- Offsite Student Support Manager
- Extranet Development Manager
- Music Development Co-ordinator
- Administration/Finance/Data/Network support
6 Level 3 Provision
Year 12 Level 3 Matrix
7Kingswood Partnership
- The Kingswood Partnership
- Management structure Executive/Curriculum/Implem
entation - An agreed three year development plan
- Annual subscriptions/Fees structure
- Quality Assurance framework
- Common Post 16 timetable/single specifications
- Common Post 16 applications/assessment/guidance
systems - Shared database/website/prospectus
- Common calendar where necessary eg
INSET/parents evenings - Shared professional development/extra-curricular
8The Kingswood Partnership Development Pathfinder
- learning from the first Pathfinder
- collaboration, coherence, challenges of change
- distributed leadership
- an advocate model
- a model for professional learning
9Building Capacity
- Key Dimensions
- culture
- organisational structure
- strategy
- systems/infrastructure
- human resources
- Kingswood Partnership
- individual level
- institutional level
- partnership level
- Features of the Kingswood Partnership
infrastructure - a collaborative model
10The Kingswood Partnership Organisational Structure
5. Financial Arrangements Chair of Kingswood
Partnership and Task Group
6. Communication of Purpose Philosophy ILRC
There is also an additional DfES Pilot Engagement
Programme 7. Specialised Diplomas, all led by
CBC with a minimum of 3 school involvement
Land-based Environment
Hair Beauty
Business Admin Finance
Hospitality Catering
Public Services
Sport Leisure
Travel Tourism
Other FE Providers
Higher Education
11Issues of Manageability Finance and Logistics
- Building Capacity
- Restructuring Finance
- Transportation
- Long term planning
- Timetable and curriculum
- Adapting accommodation
13Specialised Diplomas
14Specialised Diploma Structure
15Specialised Diplomas
17The Sir Bernard Lovell SchoolSpecialised
Diplomas September 2007
Yr10 Curriculum Framework Draft v2 (inc.
General Dip. Pathway) _____________________
18Specialised Diplomas
- Cross Partnership Principal Learning Day for
2006 - Monday for Year 10 (up to six hours)
- Courses from options which will form basis of
first 5 Diplomas - Includes college link and H/SBL/G shared courses
- No movement between centres this year
(insufficient lead - time for guidance)
- Greater opportunities for WBL eg engagement
programme - Subject staff developing teaching programmes
19Specialised Diplomas September 2007
- 1½ day, 1 Principal Learning, ½ Additional
Specialised - Rules of combination may need to be developed
between Additional Specialised and Principal
Learning - Conflict between requirements from Specialist
School Status and SD - Level I and Level II may need to be the same
generic programme in Year 10 - Consequences of SD may need to travel for GCSE
options/General Diploma
20Collaborative Issues
- Quality Assurance data, protocols, reporting
recording - Access to programmes
- Suitability of accommodation
- Professional Learning
- Developing common culture
- Expanding capacity
- Financial
- Common e-learning platform
21 22 23Purpose
- Continuity Progression KS2-3 (7-19)
- Motivated Learners - occurs when students feel
in control of their learning feel confident
feel connected with others (Walker Kelly 2002) - learners engaged more deeply in their learning -
able to interconnect and interrelate knowledge,
skills and dispositions (Learning to Learn) - Outcomes - learning is relevant and provides for
individual needs and learning styles
24Principles Shifting the model of learning
- Personalising Learning nine gateways
- SATs/DFES pilots - by condensing and increasing
emphasising motivation and engagement - Shared teaching intentions based on outcomes and
pursued through whole-school actions - Social Emotional competence/literacy
- Learning to Learn (metacognition/enquiry)
- Teaching learning style requires critical
25January 2004..
- cognitive gender social emotional learning
styles maturation
Thinking Being an enquiring reflective learner
Emotional Intelligence Being socially
emotionally competent
COMMUNICATION SKILLS Able to create, communicate
and convey ideas clearly and with confidence. To
critically interpret and evaluate linguistic,
numerical and graphical information
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Self-Motivated, Responsible
and Ethical Citizens with a positive vision for
their individual and collective futures
INTERNATIONALISM Different cultural perspectives
illustrate the richness of the subject and the
cultural influence on knowledge and learning
26Building on Key Stage 2 international practice
the curriculum design process
- Personalising multidisciplinary Study Blocks to
- Reflect school character and innovation - who
should have an input? - Areas of learning - ownership and responsibility
- Pupil Voice
- Learner interactions within study blocks
- Enquiry Skills
- Views of stakeholders
27Implications 3a Timetable yr 7 8
20 curriculum time ½ yr blocks 4 classes
timetabled simultaneously
28Year 9 Pre-Diploma
29Further implications
- Professional Learning (valuing teachers as
lifelong learners) - Curriculum entitlement statutory requirements
- Specialist Teams new professional roles emerging
- leadership - ICT provision e-Learning - Digital Competence
- School design access to facilities etc.
- Assessment related to outcomes
- Guidance, Mentoring - Enterprise and Futures
planning - Parent and community support
31 Quality Assurance
- Clear purposes shared by all Partnership members
- the framework will be an instrument for enhancing
quality it will - provide a normative framework for working with
quality - inform decision making
- generate evidence which will enable internal and
external stakeholders to validate the quality of
provision - celebrate best practice
- In order to guarantee a common student
entitlement across the Partnership centres
32Quality Assurance
- Quality Principles
- The Kingswood Partnership has adopted the
following quality principles - there is public, explicit commitment to quality
- there is continuous improvement of outcomes and
methods - outcomes are student focussed
- the Partnership leadership will enable
contributions from all within the
organisation/organisations - common, continued professional learning for all
staff is promoted - The quality standards set for the
Communication of Philosophy and Purpose will be
incorporated into the Quality Assurance Framework
33Quality Assurance
- The Kingswood Partnership Quality Assurance
Framework will have Quality Systems which are - relevant and manageable
- student focussed
- transparent
- evidence-based
- and which invest in staff
34Quality Assurance
- The initial strands for the framework are
- Teaching and Learning
- Assessment
- Achievement
- Retention
- Leadership and Management
- Common Staff Development
35Quality Assurance
- Each strand will be developed with the same four
components - Common Criteria, with grading. Exemplar
templates will be developed for each grade, in
each strand - Standards Common standards will pertain to each
strand - Processes and procedures a core set of
processes will be used across and within centres - Quality Cycle It is considered critical to
effective implementation that a common cycle for
Quality Assurance is used across the Partnership
which will link with each Centres own
self-evaluation systems. In the case of the
Partnership schools this will take account of the
need to inform the continued updating of the SEF.
For the City of Bristol College, links will be
made between the Partnerships Quality Assurance
cycle and the Colleges own well established
Quality Assurance system.
- Key Questions
- How can employers and training providers be more
centrally involved in the curriculum offer 14
-19? - Do we need a common model of approach for
employer engagement? - What are the opportunities for E-Partnerships?
- What protocols do we need to put in place?
- How can employer links be sustained?
- How would the role of a Business Links Manager
support this?
Kingswood Partnership examples Off-site
Education Work2Learn Programme Health and Safety
Student Support Manager
Business Links Manager
- Employer focus groups
- Industrial Trust
- KP employer database
- Western Training Providers Network
- Health and Safety visits
- Liaison with key staff in other centres
- Events and activities on and off-site
- UKCAF Finance Academy (level 3 work based)
- National EBP Network
- Numeracy and literarcy pilot projects
- FSSC Focus Group (BA and F Diploma)
- Diploma Development Groups
- UBHT podcast
- Virtual academies
- International work experience and projects
40Equitable Financial Arrangements
- Post-16
- The Kingswood Partnership has an agreed Fees
Structure for all Post-16 courses based upon LSC
funding - - Funding follows the Learner
41An example of existing Financial Arrangements
42Equitable Financial Arrangements
- The administration of the Kingswood Partnership
Financial Arrangements is carried out centrally
based upon information provided by each centre.
43Equitable Financial Arrangements
- Pre-16
- Following the announcement on 25 June 2007 re
specific formula funding for Diploma provision we
would want to apply our Post-16 principles to
Post-14 - We are awaiting further details
45Professional Learning
- Centres have identified Lead Subject
Specialists for each Line of Learning - Lead Subject Specialists have been given
remitted time in next years timetable to prepare
for delivery - One focus for this remitted time will be PL
- This will include - KP network meetings /
input from KP vocational deliverers incl. CoBC
/ input from other KP staff incl. PDC/FS/EP /
input from SSAT / input from DABs / input from
local HEIs / input from employers
47Foundation Tier
- Anyone over the age of 14 learning below level 2
- Schools (mainstream and special) pupil referral
units, alternative settings - FE colleges (general and specialist) in discrete
provision for learning difficulties/disabilities,
or on more general programmes - Adult, community or family learning, or
voluntary, charitable or other settings (eg
offender learning)
48Foundation Tier
- Produce a more coherent system at entry level
and - level one, underpinned by a credit system and
planning/funding infrastructure, with progression
pathways to level 2
Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
Level 1
- The Partnership is developing a co-ordinated
approach to - Earlier effective identification of target
groups - Re-start programme delivery
- Roles of KP Offsite Student Support Manager and
- Business Links Manager
- Common protocols to support programmes
- Linkages with existing programmes provision
- Progression routes and transitional support
- Student progress review
- Evaluation of Re-Start programmes
- Employer twilight information sessions
Off-Site at February 2007