Title: Independent Component Analysis and Source Localization in
1- Independent Component Analysis and Source
Localization in - Electrocorticography
- Kai Miller1, Rajesh Rao2, Donald Farrell3, and
Jeff Ojemann4 - University of Washington,
- Dept. of Physics 2) Dept. of Computer Science 3)
Dept of Neurology 4) Dept.of Neurosurgery - Contact Kai Miller kjmiller_at_u.washington.edu
- Introduction and Background
- There are many ways to assess neurological
function in the brain, using methods ranging from
behavior, to cell and tissue pathology, to MRI
and other forms of imaging, and to direct
measurement of the neural signal propagation in
the form of varying potentials. - On the macroscale and without compromising the
integrity of the brain, a bulk potential can be
measured at various points outside of the brain,
and is the result of the combination of many,
many single neurons exhibiting coherent behavior.
These phenomena have been studied extensively
from the surface of the head with
electroencephalography (EEG), but the underlying
fields and currents giving rise to these
potentials are smeared heavily, both spatially
and temporally, as they pass through the
meninges, calvaria, and scalp because of the
capacitative, resistive, and inductive properties
of these tissues. - For this reason, the ability to study these
signals subdurally, from the surface of the
brain, is of particular appeal. With
electrocorticocraphy, we have the rare privilege
of being able to study a patient population with
arrays of electrodes placed directly on the brain
surface (Electrocorticographic ECoG implants)
in the week prior to a cortical resection for
removal of epileptic foci. - Independent component analysis is a way of
isolating events on the surface of the brain
which are statistically independent of each
other. We plan to use these components to
examine bulk electrical properties from the
surface of the brain for the purpose of
understanding the brain, and for the purpose of
creating a brain computer interface (BCI) which
subjects can consciously and quantitatively
modify. - For paralyzed patients, this has the potential
for surrogate control of muscle via a
brain-computer-muscle connection. This has been
done, using EEG, but because of noise from
cranial muscle and inherent noise in the EEG,
success has been limited. BCI for the purpose of
communication, using EEG, has been tried by
several groups, with visual and auditory
feedback, and is promising, but the higher
fidelity signal from ECoG may permit more degrees
of freedom and a signal less susceptible to
References  Eric C Leuthardt, Gerwin Schalk,
Jonathan R Wolpaw, Jeffrey G Ojemann and Daniel W
Moran, A braincomputer interface using
electrocorticographic signals in humans, Journal
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2004. Â Pierre Comon, Independent component
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vol.36, no.3, pp.287-314, April 1994. Â A. Bell
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Seizure spread in the array is shown. ICA picks
out events like the seizure focus.