Title: Multilevel Mediation Overview
1Multilevel Mediation Overview
-Mediation -Multilevel data as a nuisance and an
opportunity -Mediation in Multilevel
Models -http//www.public.asu.edu/davidpm/ -Rese
arch Funded by National Institute on Drug Abuse
and Prevention Science Methodology Group
2Mediation Statements
- If norms become less tolerant about smoking then
smoking will decrease. - If at-risk children are taught in classrooms with
appropriate management, they will have more
educational success. - If parents learn effective discipline, the
negative effects of divorce will be reduced. - If parental monitoring is increased then
adolescents will be less likely to use drugs.
- A variable that is intermediate in the causal
process relating an independent to a dependent
- Antecedent to Mediating to Consequent (James
Brett, 1984) - Initial to Mediator to Outcome (Kenny, Kashy
Bolger, 1998) - Program to surrogate endpoint to ultimate
endpoint (Prentice, 1989) - Independent to Mediating to Dependent used in
this presentation.
4Single Mediator Model
5Relation of X to Y
- The independent variable is related to the
dependent variable - Y i1 cX e1
6Relation of X to M
2. The independent variable is related to the
potential mediator M i2 aX e2
7Relation of X and M to Y
3. The mediator is related to the dependent
variable controlling for exposure to the
independent variable Y i3 cX bM e3
8Mediated Effect Measures
Mediated effectab Standard error Mediated
effectabc-c (MacKinnon et al., 1995) Direct
effect c Total effect abcc Test
for significant mediation z Compare to
empirical distribution of the mediated effect
9Mediation Assumptions I
- For each method of estimating the mediated effect
based on Equations 2 and 3 (ab) or Equations 1
and 3 (c c) - Predictor variables are uncorrelated with the
error in each equation. - Errors are uncorrelated across equations.
- Predictor variables in one equation are
uncorrelated with the error in other equations. - Correctly specified model.
- Independent Observations Violations are the
subject of this presentation
10Importance of Mediation in Prevention and
Treatment Research
- Mediation is important because it provides
information about how a program works or fails to
work. Practical implications include reduced cost
and more effective interventions. - Mediation analysis is an ideal way to test
theory. A theory based approach focuses on the
processes underlying programs. Action theory
corresponds to how the program will affect
mediators. Conceptual Theory focuses on how the
mediators are related to the dependent variables
(Chen, 1990, Lipsey, 1993).
11Grouping/Clustering Variables in Prevention
- Schools, Clinics, Classrooms, Therapy Groups
- Families, Siblings, Dyads
- Cities, Counties, Courts, Zipcodes, Countries
- Also observations from Individuals observations
from different times.
12Clustering and Independent Observations
- Observations in groups may lead to dependency
among respondents in the same group. - The dependency could be due to communication
among persons in the same group, similar
backgrounds, or similar response biases. - Violation of independent observations an
assumption of many statistical analyses.
13Intraclass Correlation (ICC)
- ICC provides a measure of extent to which
observations in a group tend to respond in the
same way compared to other groups. - ICC ranges from 1 to 1/(k-1) where k is the
number of subjects in each group. - ICC too / (too s2)
- where too is variance among groups and s2 is the
variance among individuals. - Many different ICCs depending on additional
predictors in the model.
14Example ICC values
- .01 number of cigarettes smoked (Murray et al.,
1994) and clustering by schools. - .02 for physical activity among girls (Murray et
al., 2004). - .001 to .12 for mediators of social norms,
attitudes, knowledge for football players in high
schools (Krull MacKinnon, 1999).
15Why is a nonzero ICC a problem?
- Increases Type I error rates if it is ignored
(Barcikowski, 1981). - Actual sample size is smaller than observed
sample size because of violation of independence
(Hox, 2002). - Effective sample size is
Neffective ntotal/(1ncluster-1)ICC, - where ntotal is the total sample size and
ncluster is the number of persons in each
16Multilevel Mediation Examples
- Residential instability reduced collective
efficacy which increased violence (neighborhoods,
Sampson et al., 1997) - Anabolic prevention program affects norms
regarding healthy behavior which reduced
intentions to use steroids (high school football
teams, Krull MacKinnon, 1999 2001). - Alcohol prevention program affected norms which
reduced alcohol use, (schools, Komro et al., 2001)
17Symposium Multilevel Mediation Examples
- Stressors to coping to distress. Cluster is
observations within individuals ( Dan Feaster et
al., ) - Stress to communication to marital quality.
Cluster is dyads of husband/wife (Getachew Dagne
et al.,). - Longitudinal relations between stress and
depression. Cluster is observations within
individuals (George Howe et al.).
18Model for the X to Y relation
- Individual, Level 1 Yij ß0j eij
- Group, Level 2 ß0j ?00 cjXj u0j
- ith individual in the jth group. The group level
intercept, ß0j, is the dependent variable in the
Level 2 equation. Note that cj is at the group
level because assignment is at the group level
for this example. It is possible to have
individual ci, and/or group level cj coefficients.
19Model for Y Predicted by X and M
- Individual, Level 1 Yij ß0j bi Mij eij
- Group, Level 2 ß0j ?00 cjXj u0j
- The bi parameter is at the individual level
because the mediator is assumed to work through
individuals and the cj parameter is at the group
level because of assignment by group. Other
analyses may have b and c coefficients at
different or all levels. Note the slopes, bj,
may be the dependent variable in another equation
so slopes are a random coefficient that differs
across groups.
20Model for the X to M relation
- Individual, Level 1 Mij ß0j eij
- Group, Level 2 ß0j ?00 ajXj u0j
- X predicts the dependent variable M. The aj
parameter is estimated at the group level because
assignment to conditions is at the group level
for this example. Again it is possible to have
individual, ai, and/or group level, aj
21Multilevel Mediation Opportunities
- Example with X at the group level and M and Y at
the individual level is common. - There are many other opportunities. Slopes may be
random coefficients that differ across groups.
The slope relating M to Y may differ across
groups. If X codes assignment then the X to M
relation is not random. But if X differs across
individuals, then the X to M and M to Y slopes
may both be random.
22Multilevel mediation effects at for two-level
- Level of X, M, and Y can be used to describe
different types of multilevel models. Assume X,
M, and Y are all measured at the individual
level. - 1 ? 1 ? 1 X, M, and Y measured at the individual
level. - 2 ? 1 ? 1 X at level 2, M and Y at the
individual level. - 2 ? 2 ? 1 X and M at level 2, Y at the
individual level. - 2 ? 2 ? 2 X, M, and Y level 2.
- Models with more than two levels.
23The ab and c-c estimators
- The ab and c-c estimators of the mediated
effect, algebraically equivalent in single-level
models, are not exactly equivalent in the
multilevel models (Krull MacKinnon, 1999).
This is because the weighting matrix used to
estimate the model properly in the multilevel
equations is typically not identical for each of
the three equations. The non-equivalence between
ab and c-c, however, is typically small and
tends to vanish at larger sample sizes (Krull
MacKinnon, 1999).
24The ab standard error estimators
- The standard error of the mediated effect is
calculated using the same formulas described
above, except that the estimates and standard
errors of a and b may come from equations at
different levels of analysis and if both
coefficients are random they may require the
covariance between a and b.
25What if a and b coefficients represent random
- The random coefficients a and b may be correlated
so the covariance between a and b must be
included in the standard error (Kenny, Bolger,
Korchmaros, 2003). - abrandom ab covariance(ab)
- Var(abrandom) a2sb2 b2sa2 sa2sb2
2absbsarab sa2sb2 rab2 - rab is the correlation between the a and b
random coefficients.
26When will a and b coefficients represent random
- Three variable longitudinal growth model where
the relation of X to Y varies across individuals
and the relation of M to Y varies across
individuals. - Kenny et al. (2003) describe an example with
daily measures of stressors, coping, and mood.
The stressor to coping and coping to mood
relations were random, i.e., varied across
27But how do you get the correlation between a and
b when they are random?
- Kenny et al. (2003) used a data driven approach
where the values for a and b in each cluster were
correlated. - Bauer et al. (2006) use a method so that all
coefficients are estimated simultaneously so that
the covariance between a and b is given. - New version of Mplus will estimate the
correlation/covariance between random
coefficients such as a and b.
28Summary and Future Directions
- Two views of multilevel data (1) a nuisance in
the statistical analysis and (2) an opportunity
to investigate effects at different levels. - New Mplus version allows for estimation of models
for random a and b effects. Bauer et al., (2006)
describe a SAS approach to finding this
covariance. - Can have very complicated models with many levels
and potential mediation across and between