Title: ZoomIn
2What kind of ecosystem is this? How can you tell?
3What do you see?
4How is the land used in this picture?
5How do humans impact the land?
6Erosion in Wisconsin at Grabers Slide American
Environmental Photographs Collection, AEP Image
Number, e.g., AEP-MIN73, Department of Special
Collections, University of Chicago Library
American Memory, Library of Congress
7What might this be? What makes you think that?
8What dont you see in this picture that you think
you should see?
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11An eroding shore with fallen Oak, Thorn Creek,
Illinois American Environmental Photographs
Collection, AEP Image Number, e.g., AEP-MIN73,
Department of Special Collections, University of
Chicago Library. American Memory, Library of
12Is this a good example of erosion? Why or why
13An eroding stream bank with overhanging Oak,
Thorn Creek, Illinois American Environmental
Photographs Collection, AEP Image Number, e.g.,
AEP-MIN73, Department of Special Collections,
University of Chicago Library American Memory,
Library Of Congress
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