Title: Three Alternatives to Abstract Expressionism:
1- Three Alternatives to Abstract Expressionism
- Return to the Figure
- Happenings
- Assemblage
2George Segal. The Diner. 1964-66. Plaster, wood,
chrome, formica, masonite, Fluorescent tubes,
glass, and paper. 2.6 x 2.7 x 2.2m.
3- Happening
- A form of artistic entertainment
- Often carefully planned but had some degree of
spontaneity. - Artists performs or directs and event combining
elements of theatre and the visual arts. - Rejection of traditional principles of
craftmanship and permanence in the arts. - Nouveau Realistes
4Yves Klein. Anthropométries of the Blue Period.
1960. Performance at the Galerie Internationale
dArt Contemporain, Paris.
5Yves Klein. Anthropometries
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vgnCUYACM8F0feature
6- Assemblage Works of art made from fragments of
natural or performed materials, such as household
debris. - 1961 The Art of Assemblage (MOMA).
7Robert Rauschenberg. Canyon. 1959. Combine
painting, oil, pencil, paper, metal, photograph,
fabric, wood on canvas, plus buttons, mirror,
stuffed eagle, pillow tied with cord, and paint
8Jasper Johns. Target with Four Faces. 1955.
Assemblage encaustic on newspaper and cloth
over canvas, surmounted by four tinted plaster
faces in wood box with hinged front. 85.3 x 66 x
9Jasper Johns. Three Flags. 1958. Encaustic on
canvas. 78.4 x 115.6 x 12.7cm.
10Frank Lloyd Wright. The Solomon R. Guggenheim
Museum. 1956-59.
11Frank Lloyd Wright. Robie House. 1908-1910.
12(No Transcript)