2Wondering if he will have a chance in life
3Wondering if he will ever get well
4Wondering if he will ever get to eat today
5Wondering if he will ever leave his sick bed
6Wondering if this is her last day of life
7Wondering if her baby will make it to be an adult
8Wondering if they will survive another day
9Wondering if anyone cares
10Wondering if they will have anything to eat today
11Wondering if they can make it another day
12Wondering if there is any place left to go
13Wondering if he will wake up tomorrow
14Wondering if there will ever be rain again
15Wondering if their people will survive.
16 Please help stop the wondering and help
the people of the Horn of Africa and Somalia feel
they are an important part of this world and not
forgotten. Please help stop the faces of
hunger and bring faces of joy instead.
17Most Affected Areas
18For more information, go to our website at
AMOUD FOUNDATION For Education and
Development P.O. Box 165614 Irving, TX
75016 972.871.8297 or 1.866.926.6831/Toll
Free E-mail amoud_at_amoudfoundation.com helping
people help themselves All donations are tax
deductible, tax ID 75-2882187
19More Information www.thegcg.org