Title: The IBM UK Industrial Trainee Scheme
1The IBM UK Industrial Trainee Scheme
Stephanie Bishop University School Liaison
Manager Vanessa Gough Foundation Professional
Development Manager
- The IBM Industrial Trainee scheme
- What we seek in students
- Selection process
- Online applications
- Mock assessment centre group exersise
3The IBM Industrial Trainee Scheme
About the scheme
- Recruit approx 300 Industrial Trainees each year
- 12 Month Placement (Summer Start)
- Applications open 1st September 31st January
- Salary 14,088 plus 500 sign on bonus
- London Weighting
- 25 Days Paid Holiday
4The IBM Industrial Trainee Scheme
Business Support
IBM Have Job Roles Available in
Human Resources
Information Technology
5What we look for
We look for people who can demonstrate that they
have the following characteristics, which we call
our core competencies
All degree disciplines accepted Predicted 21
honours degree Personal flexibility essential
6Assessment process
Industrial Trainee Scheme
Assessment Centre
Online IPATO Test
We use the following process to determine if
students have the required core competencies
Online Application Form
7Application Forms
- Purpose of application forms
- Why application forms and not CVs?
- Sections in an application form
- Advice
8Purpose of Application Forms
- To provide a common framework for all
applicants - To elicit evidence of transferable skills
- To evaluate written communication level
- To provide information upon which to base an
9Why Application Forms and not CVs?
- Common framework gives more equal chance
- Makes applicant think about responses
- Can be tailored for different graduate schemes
- Theres no spellcheck function
10Sections in Application Forms
- vary dependent upon scheme
- But typically
- Why IBM?
- What skills do YOU think are needed?
- Give an example of a time when.
- What evidence can you provide of?
- Spell check
- Sense check
- Answer the questions
- Find out what the recruiting company DOES what
they SELL what they MAKE what they DO!!! - Correct company name used?
- If invited to use no more than 400 words take
12Advice (contd)
- I, when a personal pronoun, is ALWAYS a capital
- How many is does liaising have?
- Is alot correct?
- Is apart the same as a part?
13Transferable Skills
- Adaptability
- Client Focus
- Technical Orientation/Passion for the Business
- Team Work
- Communication Skills
- Analytical Reasoning/Problem Solving
- Drive/Leadership
14but grammar and punctuation dont matter,
Dear John I want a man who knows what love is all
about. You are generous, kind, thoughtful.
People who are not like you admit to being
useless and inferior. You have ruined me for
other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings
whatsoever when were apart. I can be forever
happy will you let me be yours? Gloria
Dear John I want a man who knows what love is.
All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful
people who are not like you. Admit to being
useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For
other men, I yearn. For you, I have no feelings
whatsoever. When were apart, I can be forever
happy. Will you let me be? Yours Gloria
15Extracts from application forms
I have a solid global awareness of business and
technology, with strong analytical
problem-solving skills, I occupy a drive to
solving problems from conception through to
completion, with the verve and energy required to
be a success with IBM.
- Please tell us about any other achievements or
positions of responsibility that support your
applicationI have lived in several foreign
countries, including ltcountry namegt for eighteen
months and ltanother country namegt several times.
16Extracts from application forms
I have an aptitude for leaning
I have always wanted to work for a large,
mutti-national and well respected company like
To succeed in sales it is imperitive you can
communicate effectively.
During my time at ltname of companygt, I was
suprised how much I enjoyed calculating fugures
and developing buisness acumen.
This gave me a competitive edge in versatility of
all positions and was able to cover up for any
staff in any of these positions
17Extracts from application forms
- When I turned seventeen passing my driving test
became my target. After some initial experience
with my father, I appointed a driving instructor.
- I was known for my dessert presentation ability
18More Extracts
- 1. IBM is a large, global organisation offering
a wealth of opportunities and excellent training.
Beyond this, what motivates you to apply for a
job with IBM? - After my research I found out that JP Morgan
play a vital part in the financial sector and
when I realised they operate in more than 50
countries and have assets of 1.3 trillion, I
knew that it would be a great opportunity to gain
some experience from a leading company.
19- 1. What attracted you to apply for a position
with IBM? - Please do not use more than 150 words to answer
this question. - Well, I have always enjoyed working for
Telecommunication Companys. (9 words) -
- 2. What is the one key thing that IBM has done
or developed in the last 5 years that you think
has made a difference and why? Please do not use
more than 150 words to answer this question. - I am not sure. (4 words)
- 3. Why are you particularly drawn towards a
career in your chosen area? - Please do not use more than 150 words to answer
this question. - Getting back to work mainly. (5 words)
- 4. We look for graduates with client focus,
communication skills, personal drive and
leadership. Please provide evidence to
demonstrate that you have these attributes. - Please do not use more than 400 words to answer
this question. - I have all the above mentioned attributes. (7
words) - 5. Picture your perfect job What are the three
most important characteristics of that job and
why are these important? - Please do not use more than 200 words to answer
this question. - I think I could demonstrate that I am able to do
the job. (13 words)
6. What other skills, achievements or positions
of responsibility do you believe support your
application to IBM Sales? Please give details of
any previous sales experience. Please do not use
more than 300 words to answer this
question. Well, it is just something I want to
do. (9 words)