Title: Harassment and Bullying A Growing Challenge
1Harassment and BullyingA Growing Challenge
2Gail Carroll is a graduate of Memorial University
and is currently a student in the MBA program,
California Coast University. Gail is a part-time
private practitioner in the area of Alternate
Dispute Resolution, Conflict Coaching, Leadership
Coaching and Mediation. Gail is a certified and
experienced facilitator and mediator with
Certification from the University of Windsor Law
School and a certificate in conflict coaching
from Cinergy. Gail is currently coaching the
Mediation and Advanced Mediation Programs with
the University of Windsor Alternate Dispute
Resolution Program.
Gail Carroll
3 Alfred graduated from Memorial University of
Newfoundland with a Bachelor of Science and
studied Labour Relations at University of New
Brunswick and has attended Human Resources
workshops at Queens University in Ontario. Alfred
has more than thirty-five years of experience in
the Human Resources Field. He has managed Human
Resources in a Unionized and Non-Unionized
environment. He has spent three and one half
years as a Human Resources Consultant in New
Brunswick. He is currently Director of Human
Resources with North Atlantic Refining.
Alfred Efford North Atlantic Refinery
4Mr. Baker obtained his Honours BA in Sociology
from York University in 1994, his MA in Sociology
from York University and his LLB from the Osgoode
Hall Law School in 1996. He joined the
Executive of College of the North Atlantic, as
General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, in March
2001. Mr. Baker served as the Colleges principal
legal advisor throughout the contract development
and start-up phases of the comprehensive
agreement with the State of Qatar.
Kevin Baker College of the North Atlantic
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Harassment is any unwanted physical or verbal
conduct that offends or humiliates you. Such
conduct can interfere with your ability to do a
job or obtain a service.
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13Panel will present in order Gail Carroll Alfred
Efford Kevin Baker
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