Title: Introducing
1infiniit Entertainment
2Our Mission
the next
generation of art.
3How will we do it?
The Three Step Process
- Printed Publishing and Producing
- Experimentation and Interaction
4Step 1 Web Publishing
5The Circle of Contacts
6The Plight of the Art Student
Many grueling hours and loads of money spent on
producing high quality homework assignments that
get read and thrown under the newer assignments,
lost for eternity... Great works of professional
quality are disregarded in lieu of the latest
7The infiniit Intervention
infiniit offers fresh, talented artists a chance
to earn money from their hard work and
ideas. For studio leaders, infiniit gives them
an outlet to be discovered, an opportunity to buy
the supplies they need and the prospect to be a
part of a community of high caliber artists.
8The Acceptance Process
- Prospective studio leader submits an application,
including samples of original artwork. - Artwork and application must be approved by two
staff members one media specialist and one
other. In case of conflicting opinion, second
media specialist or CEO will be brought in as a
tie breaker - Newly accepted studio leader now has the ability
to submit whatever submissions desired (though
all must be original and professional) without
processing through the infiniit staff. (However,
infniit holds the right to delete submissions if
they deem them in violation to submission policy.)
9The Draw of the Populace
- A guaranteed wide variety of fresh new art all
original. - By visiting and responding, the audience
influence their favorites advancements in
infiniit, which could mean higher pay and
possible publication for their favorite artists. - An online art store prints to decorate the
walls of their houses and comics to laugh and cry
to available for purchase.
10An Online Art Scouting Super-Center
- A great place to find tried and proven artists.
Upon request, a scout for a known publishing
company can request the follow, via email, from
infiniit about an artist (with the artists
approval) - Popularity
- Frequency of posts
- Behavior and adherence to site rules
11Step 2 Printed Publishing
- Books
- CDs
- DVDs
- Framed and Unframed prints
- Art Shows
- Conventions
12Step 3 Experimentation Interaction
Video games, movies, TV shows, the sky is the
limit. Additionally, the most popular hosted
projects by infiniit will be asked if they would
allow for their work to be featured in a higher
level production. (Royalties appropriately
awarded for use of their work and ideas.)
13Technical Specifications
Languages PHP 5, JavaScript with AJAX,
CSS Database 5 MySQL, 100 Megabyte max
storage Storage 100 GB Bandwidth 1000
GB Server Linux based, Apache Client
14the Staff
Jeremy Linder
Leo Ponamarev
Nati Bodinger
Amiel Cohen
Michael Bodinger
Barry Bornstein
Chari Pere
15Thank youfrominfiniit Entertainment