Title: Madrid2007
1Milky Way
X-ray observations of Galaxies
NGC 4038/9
M 83
G. Fabbiano CfA
NGC 4365
2- Red- Fe
- Green Mg
- Blue - Si
- Antennae
- Baldi et al 2006
M 83 Soria Wu 2002
- Plasmas
- Accretion processes
- Extreme matter
- BH
- Metal enrichment
- Outflows
- XRB models
- ULXs
- AGN models
- XRB SNR populations
- Active nuclei
- Hot ISM
NGC 4038/9 Fabbiano et al 2004
- Galaxy evolution
- AGN evolution
- AGN-galaxy feedback
- SN-ISM feedback
- Chemical evolution
NGC4636 Jones et al 2002
M81 Tennant et al 2001
NGC6240 Komossa et al 2003
3- Example 1
- Poor spatial resolution resulting
- in low metallicity hot ISM
- Antennae ASCA vs Chandra
- Fornax A, ASCA vs Chandra
Example 4 Sub-arcsecond resolution and long
exposures needed to study the entire spectrum
of SMBH emission galaxy-AGN interaction
Galaxies are complex and relatively faint in
X-rays High resolution Long exposures
needed to Understand nearby galaxies and then
unravel the deep sky
- Example 2
- Poor spatial resolution resulting
- in spurious extended hot ISM,
- and wrong mass measurements
- E and S0 galaxies, pre-Chandra
Example 5 Sub-arcsecond resolution and long
exposures needed to study XRB populations
Example 3 Poor spatial resolution resulting in
the debate on the contribution of LMXBs to the
emission of E and S0 galaxies
4NGC 821 high resolution long exposures
- Isolated E galaxy with old stellar population
- D24 Mpc
- Nuclear SMBH - inactive
- MSMBH 8.7 ? 107 M?
- LEdd 1 ?1046 erg/s
- First observed with Chandra in 2002 (39ks,
Fabbiano et al 2004) - 11 sources (LX gt 1.2?1038 erg/s)
- Fuzzy, S-shaped central emission
- Nuclear emission?
- Hot ISM to fuel the SMBH?
5- 230 ks - Pellegrini et al 2007a, b
- 41 sources within D25
- LX gt 3?1037 erg/s
See poster!
- X-ray colors consistent with LMXB spectra
- LMXBs, stellar light, diffuse X-ray emission
follow each other closely - Cleaned diffuse emission spectrum consistent with
LMXBs - Diffuse X-ray emission dominated by (or totally
due to) LMXBs
6How do LMXBs form? - Debated since 1975
High-resolution imaging, sensitive,
- Formation in GCs (efficient two-body encounters
Clark 1975, Fabian et al 1975)? - Ultra-compact NS-WD binaries (Bildsten Deloye
2004) - White dwarf orbiting NS
- 5-10 min orbit
- Short lifetime 107
- Transient at the LX ? 1037 erg s-1
- LX lt 2 ?1038 erg s-1
- High luminosity BH binaries(Kalogera, King
Rasio 2004) - Should be rare
- Possibly persistent (if from capture)
- Evolution of native field binaries (see Verbunt
van den Heuvel 1995)?(Piro Bildsten 2002, King
2002, Ivanova Kalogera 2006) - E.g. semi-detached binaries with large unstable
disks and giant donors - Recurrent transients (recurrence time gt100yr,
outburst 1-100 yr) - Transients 1 4 candidates detected in
NGC5128 ( Kraft et al 2001)
Question Do all form in GC then disperse in the
Field (J. Grindlay)?
Light-curves, XLFs
7Marat Gilfanov has told us that LX(LMXBs)Mbut
- It also depends on the GC content of a
galaxy(Kim Fabbiano 2004)
8NGC 3379 - Deep Chandra ACIS Monitoring
Texp337 ks D 10.6 Mpc LB 1.3 ?1010 L?
- N. Brassington, D.-W. Kim, A. Zezas - CfA
- L. Angelini - GSFC
- R. Davies - Oxford
- J. Gallagher - Wisconsin
- V. Kalogera, T. Fragos - Northwestern
- King - Leicester
- S. Pellegrini - Bologna
- G. Trinchieri - Milano, Brera
- S. Zepf, A. Kundu - Michigan
- Little hot gaseous emission, to optimize faint
LMXB detection
9NGC 3379 - Field LMXB variability
- Comparing the 5 observations, 65 of (132
detected) sources are variable - Different types of long-term variability
observed, both in flux and spectrum
10NGC 3379 - Transients
- Luminous field LMXB are expected to be transients
- 15/98 sources (D25) are field candidate
transients ( 3 in GCs) - 4 on 6 months flares (detected in 1 or two
consecutive times) - 2 on for gt 5 years
- 7 on for gt 2 days
- 2 on for gt 4 months
- Persistent sources could be transients with
on-time gt5yr
gt 15 of LMXBs are transient
11Low luminosity Field and GC LMXB XLFs
- The high luminosity XLFs of GC and Field LMXBs
are the same (Kim E. et al 2006) - Consistent with (but not proving) similar origin
- Does this similarity extends to lower
---GC-LMXBs ---field-LMXBs
12Low luminosity Field and GC LMXB XLFs
NGC 3379 KS test P 0.2
LMXB in WFPC2 field
KMZ 2007
- XLFs of GC-LMXB and field-LMXB appear to differ
below 1037 erg s-1 - There is a relative lack of GC-LMXBs
- Similar to M31 (Voss Gilfanov 2007)
30 ks, LX 2?1037
337 ks, LX 2?1036
13Why do Field and GC XLFs differ at low LX?
- Do we detect multiple LMXBs in a given GC at the
high LX end? - This may artificially deplete the low luminosity
XLF - NO - variability demonstrates these are single
luminous sources - Are GC BH LMXBs persistent capture
binaries?(Kalogera, King Rasio 2004) - Sources with LXgt1038 erg s-1 vary, but are
Different evolution for GC and Field LMXBs and
possibly for high and low luminosity GC LMXBs
- Are low luminosity (lt1037 erg s-1) LMXB-GC
transient ultracompact binaries ?(Bildsten and
Deloye 2004) - Two transients just above 1037 erg s-1
14LMXB formation by capture in the inner bulge?
- Voss and Gilfanov (2007) find an excess of LMXBs
in the central arcminute of M31 over the number
expected given the stellar light distribution - Radial distribution follows ?2 consistent with
2-body capture - We find central LMXB excess also in NGC3379
A third formation path for LMXBs
16From Chandra to Generation-XHigh angular
resolution Complementary to the Con-X / XEUS
Chandra 0.5 arcsec
Gen-X 0.1 arcsec
Active X-ray Optics
17230 ks - Pellegrini et al 2007a, bAstrometry,
Chandra Hubble, using GC sources
- S1, S2, S4 are not point-like
- S2 is at the nucleus
- LX6?1038 erg/s
- Point-like AGN
- LXlt2.8?1038 erg/s (0.3-8 keV)
- LX/LEddlt2.5?10-8
- Hard emission?1.5, NHNHGal.
18Is there hot ISM to feed the SMBH?
- LMXBs, stellar light, diffuse X-ray emission
follow each other closely - Cleaned diffuse emission spectrum consistent with
LMXBs - Diffuse X-ray emission dominated by (or totally
due to) LMXBs
Stellar light
Nucleus fed by cold ISM Stellar outgassing