Title: ECE496Y Design Project Course
1Improvement of Accuracy in Pipelined ADC by
methods of Calibration TechniquesÂ
- Presented by Daniel Chung
- Course ECE1352F
- Professor Khoman Phang
2Presentation Outline
- Introduction to Pipelined A/D converters
- Why is Calibration Technique of interest
- Performance Limitations
- Evolution of Digital Calibration
- Future challenges
- Conclusion
3Pipeline ADCs
- High resolution and high speed at the same time.
- Processing rate 1 sample per cycle.
- Sample-hold amplifier at the input.
- Latency N. N clock cycles to process each
input signal. - Compact area and efficient power dissipation
- Switch capacitor implementation in CMOS
technologies. Capability for high-precision
sampling and charge transfer.
4Pipeline ADCs
Figure 1 N-bit pipeline ADC with 1-bit/stage
resolution. 5
5Performance Limitations
- Resolution
- Quantization error
- ENOB Effective number of bits. Commonly used
metric for characterizing the performance of
non-ideal quantizers. - INL Integral Nonlinearity Error
- DNL Differential Nonlinearity Error.
- Monotonicity.
6Why Digital Calibration?
- Improve resolution
- Without any calibration, the pipelined ADC is
generally limited to approx. 10-12 bits of
resolution. 1-2 - With Digital Calibration, resolution higher than
14 bits can be achieved. 3-4 - Improve capacitor mismatch, comparator offset,
charge injection, finite op-amp gain, and
capacitor nonlinearity contributing to DNL
7Digital Calibration
- Missing decision levels result when the input of
any of the stages exceeds the full scale due to
mismatches. - The missing decision levels can be eliminated, by
using gain less than 2 and 2 to 3 more stages of
pipeline, which gives enough redundancy in the
analog decision levels.
8Digital Calibration
Figure 2 Digital Calibration applied to Stage
11. 4
9Digital Calibration
Figure 3 Single-ended 2x residue amplifier a)
circuit diagram b) during phase1 c) during
phase2. 5
10Digital Calibration
Figure 4 Digital Calibration. 4
11Current Techniques
- Correction algorithms taking place continuously.
Corrects time-varying inaccuracies caused by
supply and temperature variations. 7 - Measure the offset during normal converter
12Current Techniques
Figure 5 A Radix-2 1.5-bit Switch Capacitor
stage for background Calibration. 5
- Improve accuracy and resolution compared to not
having any calibration circuits. - With calibration techniques, resolution can be
improved significantly. - CON
- Additional Area.
- Complexity of the circuit increases.
14Future Challenges
- With newer processes, better capacitor matching
is required. - Minimize the usage of additional circuitry.
Further optimization in techniques should improve
area utilization and reduce power consumption.
- Digital self-calibration technique based on radix
lt 2 applied to a pipeline ADC was discussed. - This technique accounts for capacitor mismatch,
comparator offset, finite op-amp gain, and for
DNL error contributed by circuit nonlinearities.
- Original Digital Calibration techniques executed
calibration procedures at the initial turn-on
stages. However, more recent methods use
continuous calibration techniques, to compensate
for the constant variations in supply and
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