Title: Building%20Stereo%20Tiled%20Display%20Walls%20using%20Linux
1Building Stereo Tiled Display Walls using Linux
- Ray Gasser, rayg_at_bu.edu
- Graphics Programmer/Analyst
- Scientific Computing and Visualization Group
- Boston University
- Agenda
- Why Linux/Display Wall?
- BU Deep Vision Display Wall
- Stereo (Active vs. Passive)
- Hardware
- Software
- Implementation Issues
- Maintenance Issues
- Resources
- Current Projects
- Conclusions
3Why Linux/Display Wall?
- Fakespace ImmersaDesk R2
- Screen rigid 6'w x 4'h
- Projection System 1 8" CRT w stereoscopic
enhancement - Resolution (fixed) 1280 x 1024 _at_ 120 Hz (1600 x
1200 opt) - Lumens 250
- Footprint 6.4'w x 7'd x 7.5'h
- Stereo Active
- Cost 139,000 (includes Ascension space pad
with wandhead - and 5 pair shutter glasses)
- http//www.fakespacesystems.com/workdesk1.shtml
4Why Linux/Display Wall?
- Boston University Deep Vision Display Wall v1.0
- Screen flexible 10'w x 7'h
- Projection System 8 LCD commodity XGA
projectors - Resolution (scalable) 2048 x 1536 aggregate
stereo _at_ 75 Hz - Lumens 2000 (2 overlapping projectors 2000
lumens each per tile) - Footprint 10.5'w x 12'd x 7.5'h
- Stereo Passive
- Cost 50,000 (of which 40k is for the 8
projectors) - (80k for everything including Linux
cluster) - http//scv.bu.edu/Wall
5Why Linux/Display Wall?
Screen rigid 6w x 4h flexible 10w x 7
Projection 1 8 CRT 8 LCD
Resolution 1280 x 1024 2048 x 1536
Lumens 250 2000
Footprint 6.4w 7d 7.5h 10.5w 12d 7.5h
Stereo Active 120Hz/2 Passive 75Hz
Cost 139,000 50,000
6Why Linux/Display Wall?
- Large Format Display
- High Resolution / Scalable Resolution
- Scalable graphics performance (rendering cluster)
- Multiple displays within wall
- Bright
- Low cost / Scalable cost
7BU Deep Vision Display Wall
- v1.0 (first public showing SC2001 Nov 10-16,
2001) - 10'w x 7.5'h rear projected display screen
- 2x2 stereo array (8 LCD XGA projectors)
- 2048x1536 aggregate stereo screen resolution
- 4 Linux render nodes one control/application
node - each render node drives 2 projectors
- Passive stereo using linear polarizing
glasses/filters - Fast Ethernet interconnect
- http//scv.bu.edu/Wall
8BU Deep Vision Display Wall
9BU Deep Vision Display Wall
- v2.0 (under construction)
- 15'w x 8'h rear projected display screen
- 4x3 stereo array (24 LCD XGA projectors)
- 4096x2304 aggregate stereo screen resolution
- 24 Linux render nodes 1 control node
- each render node drives 1 projector
- 52 Linux compute nodes
- Passive stereo using linear polarizing
glasses/filters - Myrinet interconnect
10Stereo (active vs. passive)
- Active Stereo
- Pros
- only one projector per tile (easier alignment)
- no special screen material needed
- Cons
- expensive
- shutter glasses
- high refresh CRT projectors
- requires quad buffer support on video
card/drivers - requires framelock/genlock (hardware or software)
- possible eye strain (splitting refresh rate
between eyes)
11Stereo (active vs. passive)
- Passive Stereo
- Pros
- inexpensive
- polarizing filters
- polarizing glasses
- LCD/DLP projectors
- glasses robust
- don't need Quad buffers
- don't need framelock/genlock
- less eye strain (full refresh rate for each eye)
- Cons
- two projectors per tile
- alignment issues
- space issues
- need special non-depolarizing screen
12Passive Stereo
- Linear Polarizing Filters
- Pros
- inexpensive
- more light
- Cons
- limited head movement (cross talk)
- ok for walls, bad for CAVEs
- Circular Polarizing Filters (linear wave
retarder) - Pros
- unlimited head movement (still need head
tracking) - Cons
- more expensive
- less light
13Hardware Screen
- front vs. rear projection
- non depolarizing for passive stereo
- rigid vs. flexible
- Fresnel/Lenticular
- transmission properties
- http//www.evl.uic.edu/pape/papers/lowcost.spie02/
node5.html - viewing angle
- Gain
- mounting hardware
- portability
14Hardware Projectors
- LCD vs. DLP vs. CRT
- Image Quality
- Color
- calibration
- convergence
- uniformity
- gamut
- Resolution
- Inputs
- svideo
- Polarization Issues
15Hardware Projectors
- Brightness
- Controls
- interface
- tethered remote
- serial
- tcp/ip
- documentation of control codes
- calibration and configuration
- accuracy
- Stability (zoom, focus)
- Refresh Rate
- Weight
- Size
16Hardware Projectors
- Bulbs
- life-time
- greatest maintenance expense
- warranty
- color
- Advanced Features
- lens shifting
- image warping
- frame buffer access
- microprocessor access
- stacking
17Hardware Video Cards
- Display Channels
- number
- DVI vs. VGA
- Framelock/Genlock
- Quad buffers (active stereo)
- Fully accelerated OpenGL
- Linux driver support
18Hardware PC Clusters
- Render
- Compute
- Control
- Processors
- 32 bit (Intel XEON, Intel Pentium4, AMD Athlon)
- 64 bit coming (Intel Itanium2, AMD Opteron)
- Cache L1, L2
- number (realtime needs 2)
19Hardware PC Clusters
- I/O
- AGP 3.0 bus (2x/4x/8x) 2.1 GB/s bandwidth
- ATA/100, Ultra 160 SCSI, Ultra 320 SCSI
- System Bus 133MHz, 400MHz
- Memory
- RDRAM (dual-channel)
- Kernel supports up to 64GB of physical memory
20Hardware Network/Interconnect
- Ethernet Switch
- 100BaseT (Fast Ethernet)
- 10 MB/sec (100Mb/sec)
- Gigabit Ethernet
- Typically delivers 30-60 MB/sec
- 100-1000 microsecond latency
- 10 Gigabit
- latest
- possible replacement for Myrinet
- Myrinet 2000
- 200 MB/sec
- 10-15 microsecond latency
- scales to 1000s of nodes
- 30 of total cost
21Hardware User Interface
- Head/user tracking
- radio/accelerometers
- video tracking
- Ascension spacepad
- 1600.00
- needs isa slot
- 6 DOF mice
- Ascension Flock of Birds
- handheld computer
- VRCO trackd (software)
- http//www.ascension-tech.com
22Hardware Mounting/Alignment
ANL Positioner
- 6 DOF adjusters
- independent control
- stepper motor/ remote control
- auto alignment
- camera feedback loop
- image warp
- http//www.merl.com/projects/ProjectorCalib
23Hardware Audio
24Software Cluster Administration
- Kickstart
- RedHat network installer
- xCAT
- utilities for cluster monitoring, remote
execution, installation, etc - IBM commercial product
- http//x-cat.org
- Performance Co-Pilot
- System level performance monitoring
- http//oss.sgi.com/projects/pcp/
- Batch
- OpenPBS
- http//www.openpbs.org
- http//www.platform.com/products/clusterware
25Software System (multi-display)
- WireGL/Chromium
- VRJuggler, NetJuggler
- CaveLib, trackd
- Syzygy
- softGenlock
- http//graphics.stanford.edu/software/wiregl
- http//sourceforge.net/projects/chromium
- http//graphics.stanford.edu/humper
- http//www.vrjuggler.org
- http//www.vrco.com/products/cavelib/cavelib.html
- http//www.isl.uiuc.edu/ClusteredVR/ClusteredVR.ht
m - http//netjuggler.sourceforge.net
- http//netjuggler.sourceforge.net/SoftGenLock.php
26Software Graphic APIs and Libraries
- OpenGL
- Open Inventor
- OpenGL Performer v2.5
- Kitware VTK
- http//www.sgi.com/software/opengl
- http//oss.sgi.com/projects/inventor
- http//www.tgs.com
- http//www.sgi.com/software/performer
- http//www.kitware.com
27Software Development
28Software Tools
- Tiled Window Managers
- MoviePlayers
- NCSA Pixel Blaster
- Argonne Movie Player
- Synchronization Libraries
- Communication Libraries (DAFFIE)
- http//www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/TechFocus/Deployment/DBox
- http//scv.bu.edu/SCV/DAFFIE
29Software Application design
- Multi-channel
- local compute/local render
- IR multi-channel
- Clent/Server
- local compute/distributed render
- WireGL/Chromium
- Master/Slave
- distributed compute/distributed render (mixed
compute/render) - Syzygy, VRJuggler, Performer synchronization
30Software Application design
31Implementation Issues
- Type of Stereo (active vs. passive)
- Type of Projection (front vs. rear)
- Projector Control
- Projector Mounts
- Projector Alignment
- Projector Color and Luminosity Matching
- Luminosity Falloff within a tile
- software computation of inverse filter applied
during rendering - Edge Blending
32Implementation Issues
- Physical Space
- projector -gt projector
- projector -gt screen Airflow
- Cooling
- Light
- leaks
- ambient
- Power
- Head tracking
33Maintenance Issues
- Alignment
- Color and Luminosity Matching
- Power Down
- Bulb usage
- Stereo
- http//www.stereoscopy.com/links/index.html
- http//www.stereographics.com/homepage/frame-wp.ht
ml - http//astronomy.swin.edu.au/pbourke/stereographi
cs - Walls
- http//scv.bu.edu/Wall
- http//www-fp.mcs.anl.gov/fl/activemural
- http//www-fp.mcs.anl.gov/fl/publication
- http//www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/TechFocus/Deployment/D
Box - http//www.cs.princeton.edu/omnimedia
- VR/Multigraphics
- http//graphics.stanford.edu/projects/multigrap
hics - http//www.evl.uic.edu/pape/CAVE/linux
36Current Projects
- Projector Mount Design
- Projector Control Software
- Auto Projector Alignment
- Auto Projector Color and Luminosity Matching
- Edge Blending
- User Interface Devices
- AG integration
- Linux is a cost effective and rich environment
for building large scale tiled display walls.