Title: Interesting transition into next slide (slide up)
1Will look like a newspaper with HCRHS as title
and Test of Time as a headline
Music from 50s throughout show to help establish
the fact that HCRHS got its start during that time
Interesting transition into next slide (slide up)
2Short intro, perhaps a voiceover while some minor
data is displayed
V/O Over the years, Hunterdon central has won
and lost its share of battles in the fight
against time. Casualties include the loss of
various clubsSome things havent changed.
Perhaps swap out pic of old building with pic of
new building during this slide
Standard cut into next slide
3Print will be brief descriptions of the pics. For
example, Peter Fick in Football Uniform
Integrate direct quotes from Fick into v/o
Standard cut to next slide
4Keep swapping pics. There are going to be lots of
cool ones for the crawl space.
Switch to creepy music for the crawl space and
then back to 50s
Dissolve into conclusion
Brief description of picture in print
Not sure what this is yet