Title: Nick Geiger ED' 43901 Dr' Helms
1Nick GeigerED. 439-01Dr. Helms
2Social Studies Strands
- Secondary Education
- Websites and activities
3American Heritage
- Website
- Http//lcweb2.loc.gov/amhome.html
- Activity
- Go to the website and search for information
about Civil War leaders. Once the information is
received, print a copy of the information and
write a 1-2 page paper summary of the information
4American Heritage contd
- Website
- http//www.ohiohistory.org/resource/oaham/
index.html - Activity
- Search the website above. In your search, type
the word mounds. Be able to identify three
major mounds in the Ohio region. Be prepared to
discuss in class the purpose of the mounds.
5American Heritage contd
- Website
- http//www.ibiblio.org/pub/academic/history/
marshall/military/civil_war_usa/ - Activity
- In groups of two, prepare a PowerPoint
presentation discussing the Civil War. Within
the presentation, make sure that you include
photos and graphics from the website above.
6American Heritage contd
- Website
- http//www.geocites.com/djmabry/index.html
- Activity
- Pick from the topics that were covered during the
year. Present your topic of interest in a 10-20
min. presentation. Your topic must be approved
by the teacher.
7American Heritage contd
- Website
- http//www.umn.edu/ihrc/
- Activity
- Make a family tree by researching your familys
history. Information may come from parents,
extended family, the internet, etc. The website
listed above, is a good source to use in this
8People in Societies
- Website
- http//coombs.anu.edu.au/WWWVL AsianStudies .html
- Activity
- Choose a country in Asia. After selecting a
country, describe the social structure of the
people in a type written paper (2-3 pages).
9People in Societies contd
- Website
- http//www.cs.cmu.edu/Unofficial/Canadian/
README.html - Activity
- Go to the website above. Once you reach the
website, explore any 4 out of the 9 topic areas.
Summarize what you find in a type-written paper.
10People in Societies contd
- Website
- http//www.csuohio.edu/history/japan/ index.html
- Activity
- In groups of four, research the country of Japan.
Make sure to include culture, religion, society,
and maps in your research project. The research
project should be no longer than 5-6 pages.
11People in Societies contd
- Website
- http//www.mcn.edu/sitesonline.htm
- Activity
- After taking a real life tour of the United
States Air Force Museum (at Wright Patterson
AFB), take a museum tour online. Compare and
contrast the two types of tours in a class
12People in Societies contd
- Website
- http//link.lanic.utexas.edu/menic/
- Activity
- You will be assigned a country from the Middle
East. You will need to find information
pertaining to your countrys economy. Be
prepared to discuss your findings in class.
13World Interactions
- Website
- http//www.frw.ruu.nl/nicegeo.html
- Activity
- Use the website listed above to explore three
different geography sites. After exploring the
three different websites, write a one page
summary of the site you enjoyed the most and why.
14World Interactions contd
- Website
- http//www.usgs.gov/education/
- Activity
- You will be divided into groups of five. Each
group will need to research the geography of a
country. Once the information is gathered, each
group will prepare a presentation discussing
their countrys geography.
15World Interactions contd
- Website
- http//www.mapquest.com
- Activity
- Pick a specific place you would like to visit.
Map the location and write out directions on how
to get to the location. Locations must be
approved by the teacher and directions may be
found using the website above.
16World Interactions contd
- Website
- http//www.aquarius.geomar.de/omc/omc_info.html
- Activity
- You will be assigned a location. Use the website
listed above to draw a map of the specific area.
Turn in a hard copy of the map they create.
17World Interactions contd
- Website
- http//web.lib.utexas.edu/Libs/PCL/Map_
collection/Map_collection.html - Activity
- You will be provided with a blank map of the
world. You will need to form groups of two. The
team who identifies the most countries, wins
extra credit points.
18Decision Making and Resources
- Website
- http//ecedweb.unomuha.edu/teach.htm
- Activity
- You will be assigned a country. You will be
responsible for locating information about your
countrys economy. Be prepared to discuss your
findings in class.
19 Decision Making and Resources contd
- Website
- http//www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/edu/RSE/RSEyellow/gnb.htm
l - Activity
- You will select a certain company in the stock
market. Follow the companys activity for two
weeks. At the end of the two weeks discuss how
well your company did in a 1 page paper.
20Decision Making and Resources contd
- Website
- http//www.landmark-project.com/ecomarket/
- Activity
- Locate the website above using the internet.
Follow the directions given in the website.
Develop a product and prepare a presentation that
will be presented to the class. The presentation
should be no longer that 7 minutes.
21Decision Making and Resources contd
- Website
- http//www.federalreserve.gov/
- Activity
- Go to the website listed above. Define the
Federal Reserves duties. They will fall into
four general areas.
22Decision Making and Resources contd
- Website
- http//www.cochran.com/cochran/default4.html
- Activity
- Evaluate the websites activities Theodore
Tugboat, Life on the Internet, Theodore Too and
PitPony. Prepare a one page summary of your
23Democratic Processes
- Website
- http//www.piperinfo.com/headlines.cfm
- Activity
- Go to the website listed above. Once you have
located the website, choose one of the selected
headline articles. Read the article and write a
one page summary.
24Democratic Processes contd
- Website
- http//www.ohio.gov/
- Activity
- Using the website above, discuss the current
issues facing Governor Taft in the state of Ohio.
25Democratic Processes contd
- Website
- http//supct.law.cornell.edu/supct/index.html
- Activity
- Using the website above, be prepared to discuss
two famous Supreme Court cases and the importance
of each. The two S.C. cases that will be
discussed are Brown Vs. Board of Education and
Roe Vs. Wade.
26Democratic Processes contd
- Website
- http//www.fbi.gov/
- Activity
- Write a 1-2 page summary of the website listed
above. Discuss in class, the importance of the
website and the websites educational purposes.
27Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities
- Website
- http//www.npac.syr.edu/textbook/kidsweb/
government.html - Activity
- Discuss in class, the three branches of the U.S.
government. Take notes on the functions of three
branches of government.
28Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Contd
- Website
- http//www.youthlink.org/
- Activity
- Search the website for issues that effect our
nation. Be prepared to discuss your opinions on
these issues during a classroom debate.
29Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities contd
- Website
- http//kidsvotingusa.org/
- Activity
- Take notes about the importance of voting. The
class will then hold an election to decide who
will become the class leader.
30Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities contd
- Website
- http//crayon.net
- Activity
- You will need to form groups of five. Each group
will visit the website and create their own
newspaper article.
31Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities contd
- Website
- http//www.epn.org/ideacentral/
- Activity
- Visit the website listed above. At the website,
pick one of the latest policy news releases and
write a one page summary on what you learn.
- This presentation contains many sites that are
both informative and fun to explore. - The activities chosen relate to the specific
strands and will help in developing the
knowledge of the students.