Title: Program Evaluation 2
1Program Evaluation (2)
Feng ,Jin Fudan University
2Method of Instrumental Variables
3The Problem
- Whether an individual participates in a program
is usually determined at least in part by
unobserved variables that also affect outcomes of
interest. - These unobserved variables affect the outcome and
also are correlated with whether an individual
participates in the program.
4 Selection Bias
- Participants and non-participants outcomes
differ even if the program is ineffective. - If we can describe the selection process, we can
control for pre-existing differences in
outcomes between the two groups. - Selection on observables
5Selection Bias
- Unobserved attributes likely lead to differences
between the two groups. - Selection on unobservables
- Consider the participation equation
- Di ?0 ? 1Zi ui
- The variable (vector) Zi is an instrumental
7Instrumental Variable
- Find some variable(s) Zi that is
- (1) Correlated with whether an individual
participates in the program. - (2) Uncorrelated with the unobserved variables in
the outcome equation. - More formally, we express these ideas as follows
- E(Di, Zi ) is not equal to zero.
- E(Zi, ?i) 0
8Example Workforce Development Policy
- Some individuals receive training and others do
not. - Consider the variable indicating whether a person
is randomly offered the opportunity to
participate in a government training program. - The random offer of training is an instrument
- Offer is highly correlated with receipt of
training. - Offer is uncorrelated with the determinants of
earnings and other outcomes of interest.
9Example The Effects of Military Service
- For different U.S. generations military service
is associate with either higher or lower lifetime
earnings. - Problem A persons veteran status is correlated
with other determinants of earnings. - Instrument Randomly drawn draft lottery
number. - Why is this variable a good instrumental variable?
10Wald estimates
- Regress Di ?0 ? 1Zi ui
- Compute Di or the predicted value of Di
- Regress Yi b0 ?1Di ?i
Wald estimator is an important and
easily-analyzed IV estimator
11Why wald estimator works
- Consider the results of the first stage
regression - Predicted participation, Di, is given by
- Di ?0 ?1Zi.
- The residual is given by
- ui Di - ? 0 - ? 1Zi Di - Di.
- We now can express the participation variable in
terms of the correlated and uncorrelated
12Wald estimates
- We want to use only movements in the
participation variable that are uncorrelated with
the unobserved determinants of the outcomes of
interest. - Express the participation variable as
- Di Di ui.
- Regress the outcome on the predicted
participation - Yi b0 ?1 Di (? 1ui ei ).
13- The spirit of OLS is to compare outcomes of Y for
high D vs low D - The spirit of IV is to compare outcomes of Y for
high Z vs low Z - The regression of outcome on the instruments Z is
called the reduced form - The reason for a causal interpretation is
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16Angrist (1990)
- The Wald estimator is based solely on earnings
differences by draft-eligibility status - A more efficient estimator exploits all the
information using observations on mean earnings
for each group of five consecutive numbers
17More efficient estimator
- First stage
- To run regression, to obtain the fitted value of
D, which is D - Second stage
- OLS regression on D and X
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20IV example
- Levitt (1997) what is the effect of increasing
the police force - on the crime rate?
- This is a classic case of simultaneous causality
(high crime areas - tend to need large police forces) resulting in an
incorrectly- - signed (positive) coefficient
- To address this problem, Levitt uses the timing
of mayoral and - gubernatorial elections as an instrumental
variable - Is this instrument valid?
- Relevance police force increases in election
years - Exogeneity election cycles are pre-determined
21IV example
- Two-stage least squares
- Stage 1 Decompose police hires into the
component that can - be predicted by the electoral cycle and the
problematic - component
- policei ?0 ?1 electioni ?i
- Stage 2 Use the predicted value of policei from
the first-stage - regression to estimate its effect on crimei
- crimei ?0 ?1 police-hati ?i
- Finding an increased police force reduces
violent crime - (but has little effect on property crime)
22IV number of instruments
- There must be at least as many instruments as
endogenous - regressors
- Let k number of endogenous regressors
- m number of instruments
- The regression coefficients are
- exactly identified if mk (OK)
- overidentified if mgtk (OK)
- underidentified if mltk (not OK)
23Angrist Krueger, 1991Does compulsory schooling
attendance affect schooling and earnings
24Angrist Krueger, 1991
25Angrist Krueger, 1991
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27IV testing instrument relevance
- How do we know if our instruments are valid?
- Recall our first condition for a valid
instrument - 1. Relevance corr (Zi , Di) ? 0
- Stock and Watsons rule of thumb the first-stage
F-statistic - testing the hypothesis that the coefficients on
the instruments - are jointly zero should be at least 10 (for a
single endogenous - regressor)
- A small F-statistic means the instruments are
weak (they - explain little of the variation in D) and the
estimator is biased
28IV testing instrument exogeneity
- Recall our second condition for a valid
instrument - 2. Exogeneity corr (Zi , ?i) 0
- If you have the same number of instruments and
endogenous - regressors, it is impossible to test for
instrument exogeneity - But if you have more instruments than regressors
- Overidentifying restrictions test regress the
residuals from - the 2SLS regression on the instruments (and any
exogenous - control variables) and test whether the
coefficients on the - instruments are all zero
29Over-identification test
- When there are more instruments more than the
number of endogenous variables, there are two
30IV pitfalls
- the validity of instruments
- The possibility that ?i and Zi are correlated
- Weak IV
- a. IVs are said to be weak when the endogenous
regressor that depends on the IVs is small - b. Measured by the first stage R2 and F
statistics - c. IVs can be weak and F-statistic small either
because coefficients of IV are close to zero or
variability of IVs is low
31Example of weak IVs
- Angust and Krueger (1991)
32The effect of weak IVs
- The bias is more than OLS
- The effect of weak IV depends considerably on the
degree of endogeneity and the concentration
parameter - Other things equal, more instruments, smaller
samples, and weaker instruments each mean more
33Average Treatment EffectLocal average treatment
- Average Treatment Effect (ATE)
- E(Y1-Y0 X)
- Treatment on Treated (TT)
- E(Y1-Y0 X, D1)
- Treatment on un-Treated (TUT)
- E(Y1-Y0 X, D0)
- Local Average Treatment Effect (LATE)
- E(Y1-Y0 X, D (z) 1, D (z)0)
Y1 is value of Y (outcome--say earnings) for
treated (e.g. job training) Y0 is value of Y
(outcome) for those who do not receive
treatment D1 if person receives treatment D0 if
person does not receive treatment