Title: Sub Title
1Queens Sport Occupational Health
Wednesdays at 1pm
Presentation Title
Sub Title
Starting Wednesday 1st November, 2006
For information please contact Jess Tyrrell T
028 9038 687 E j.tyrrell_at_qub.ac.uk
2Walking at Work
Starting Wednesday 1st November 2006 at 1pm
Meeting at the Administration Building To book
your place contact us on 028 9068 1126 A great
chance to relax, clear your head and get some
You will need to allow 45 minutes to attend the
class which will include various routes around
Stranmillis, Botanic Gardens the Embankment.
The walk will last approximately 30 minutes. For
those of you who are interested there will be the
opportunity to do some stretching and toning work
within the class. All participants will be asked
to sign a copy of the Disclaimer Form found on
the following page.
Sub Title
Healthy Living Initiative
3Healthy Living Initiative Group
Exercise Disclaimer I understand
that in taking part in a Healthy Living
Initiative Group Exercise Session I do so
entirely at my own risk. It is my responsibility
to inform the Exercise Instructor of any Health
and Fitness related issues that might be
Participant _____
________________________ Signature ____________
_________________ Date __________________________
___ Exercise Instructor ______________________
_______ Signature ___________________________
__ Date _____________________________
Healthy Living Initiative